Adgate Cemetery

Au Sable, Clinton County, New York
DIRECTIONS: This cemetery is located on the west side of Route 9, just south of the bridge at Au Sable Chasm.


Sacred / to the Memory of / Judge Matthew ADGATE, / who died March 1st 1818 / in the 81st year of his age. /
And I heard a voice from /
Heaven saying unto me Write /
Blessed are the dead which die /
in the Lord from henceforth /
Yea, saith the spirit, that they /
may rest from their labours. /

To the Memory of / Miss Eunice / daughter of Matthew / ADGATE, who died / April the 19th 1813 / in the 39th year / of her age. /

Sarah CLARK / HUTCHINS, / Wife of Daniel H. ADGATE, / Died Aug. 12, / 1834; / In the 34 year of / her age. /
As for me, I will behold thy face in /
righteousness; I shall be satisfied when /
I awake, with thy likeness. /

Our Father / Daniel H. ADGATE / Died Sept. 7, 1884, / AE. 82 Yrs. 2 Mo. / Heaven is my Home. /

Our Mother / Minerva C. ADGATE / Died April 10, / 1887, / Ae. 83 Yrs. 2 Mo. / At Rest. /

Sacred / to the Memory of / Hon. Asa ADGATE / who died Feb. 15, / 1832 in the 65 / year of his / age. /

Sacred / to the Memory of / Mrs. Annar (sic) ADGATE, / wife of Asa ADGATE, who died April 25th / 1813 / aged 39 years /

Sacred to the / Memory of / Anna / wife of / Asa ADGATE, / who died Feb. 16, / 1837, / aged 47 years. /
My flesh shall slumber in the gound /
Till the last trumpet's joyful sound /
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise /
& in my Saviour's image rise. /

Harry ADGATE / Born / Apr. 18, 1799, / Died / Nov. 23, 1878, / AE. 79 Y'rs. /

Lydia OLCOTT / Wife of / Harry ADGATE, / Born Dec. 31, 1803, / Died Oct. 5, 1883, / AE. 79 Y'rs. /

Caroline / daughter of / Harry & Lydia / ADGATE / died June 20, 1839 / in her 11, yr. /

Born 1780 / Luther ADGATE / Died 1852 /
Headstone: L.A.

Sally / wife of / Luther / ADGATE / died Feb. 20th 1810; / in the 25th year of her age. /
Headstone: S.A.

Charles, / son of Luther / & Sally ADGATE, / died Feb. 18th 1810, / aged 11 months, / & 13 days. /
Headstone: C.A.

Hannah HAWLEY, / wife of / Martin ADGATE, / Died Sept. 24, / 1821; / In the 41 year of / her age. /
Hope wipes the tear from sorrows eye /
but faith points upward to the sky. /
Footstone: HA

Matthew / Son of / Martin & Hannah / ADGATE, / Died July 23, / 1819; / Aged 21 months. /
So fades the lovely blooming flower /
Frail Smiling Solace of an hour. /
So soon our transient comforts fly /
And pleasure only blooms to die. /
Footstone: MA

Martin ADGATE / Nov. 5, 1805, / Sept. 18, 1886. /
Mary HUBBELL / wife of / Martin ADGATE / Feb. 11, 1816, / June 7, 1860. /
Adelia H. / July 22, 1840, / Jan'y 20, 1894. /
Caroline, / Dec. 21, 1847, / Sept. 18, 1859. /
Mary Jane, / Oct. 18, 1843, / Aug. 28, 1862. /
Headstone: Father
Headstone: Mother
Headstone: A.H.A.
Headstone: C.A.
Headstone: M.A.
Headstone: M.H.A.

Separate stone in the same lot:
Our dear Charlie / Died / Oct. 31, 1876, / In the / 10th year of his age, /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Hanah BACON /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Charlotte Elizabeth /

Asahel A. ADGATE / July 11, 1848 / Apr. 20, 1914 /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Eva M. PAGE / Wife of A . A. ADGATE / Feb. 8, 1852 / Jan. 31, 1932 /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Effie M. HASELTON / Wife of D. W. ADGATE / July 10, 1882 / Nov. 19, 1918 /

In Memory of / Peter ALLEN, / who died Dec. 27th 1808, / in the 29th year of his age. /

In Memory of / Jabez ALLEN, / who died Sept. 1st 1815 / In the 75th year / of his age. /

Jane Ann, / Wife of / William H. AMES, / Died / Feb. 3, 1861, / In the 31 year / of her age. /

Aunt Sally / ASHWORTH / Died Jan'y 24, 1867, / AE. 54. /

Milford A. BABCOCK / 1874 - 1933 /

Hannah ADGATE / Wife of Benjamin BACON, / Died / June 18, 1870, / AE. 88. / Meet me in Heaven. /

Loisa. H, / Daughter of / Rollin & Lovisa / BARNES / Died / Aug. 2, 1846, / AE. 19 Years. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Eveline /

In Memory of / Joseph BEACH, / who died / August 8th, A.D. 1800; / in the 48th year / of his age. /

In Memory of / Elah, / Son of Elah & / Sally BEACH / who died / Sept. 21st, AD, / 1822; / aged 2 years 1 / month & 6 days. /

Marinda / Wife of / Herbert A. BOOBEY / 1884 - 1911 /

My / Husband / William / BROOKS, / Died / Mar. 17th 1867, / AE. 50 / Safe at home. / (in same group are 3 plain field stone markers - also 2 new graves)

Nellie / Dau. of / Mr & Mrs / Horace CARPENTER / Born / Aug. 22, 1896 / Died / Sep. 12, 1896. /

Marion CARPENTER / Died Feb. 4 1862 /
Footstone: M.W.C.

Horace W. / AE. 4 Yrs. /
Edward C. / AE. 2 Yrs. /
Died / Sept. 5, 1864, /
Children of / C. Z. & M. A. CARPENTER /

Grant / 1867 - 1938 /
His Wife / Edith / 1872 - 19 /

W. H. H. CARPENTER / 1840 - 1913 /
His Wife / Sarah BAGGS / 1841 - 1916 /
Sarah J. CARPENTER / 1865 - 1921 /
Headstone: Father
Headstone: Mother
Headstone: Sarah
(NOTES: William H. H. Carpenter. His wife Sarah was the daughter of William and Sarah (Dickson) Baggs, who are buried in the Beggs Cemetery, Peru, N.Y.)

W. D. CLARK / 1837 - 1906 /
His Wife / Sarah BATEMAN / 1848 - 19 /

William P. / CLARK / 1871 - 1925 / At Rest /

In memory of / Jonathan COLVIN, / who died Jan. 27th, / 1816; in the 37th year / of his age. /
Go holme (sic) my friends /
Dry up your tears; /
For I must lie here /
Till Christ appear. /
Footstone: J.C.

Frelove, (sic) / Wife of / Jonathan COLVIN / Died / Nov. 19, 1853, / in the 75 Year, / of her Age. /

Father / John J. DANN / 1866 - 1909 /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Mother / Angelina FARTHING / 1867 - 1907

Betsey H. / Wife of / Wm DEMING / Died / June 6, 1872, / AE. 75 Yrs. & 7 Mos. /
Wililam DEMING / Died / Dec. 13, 1882, / Ae. 91 Yrs. & 8 Mos. /
James H. / Oct. 24, 1833, / April 14, 1908. /
Mariette / Sept. 5, 1831, / Feb. 8, 1907. /

In Memory of / Isaac L. son of / David S. and / Sally EGLESTON, / who died Feb. 28th / AD. 1823, / aged 11 months. /

E. Darwin FILLMORE / Born / Aug. 20, 1835, / Died / Oct. 21, 1899. / First Lieut. in / First Tenn. Cavalry. /
Harriet A. / HARGRAVES / His Wife / Nov. 22, 1848, / Feb. 14, 1919. /
Lucy H. / FILLMORE / 1871 - 1934 /
Headstone: E.D.F.
Headstone: H.H.F.
Headstone: L.H.F.

1834 Thomas 1876 / Co. H. 118 N.Y. Vol. /
His Wife / 1835 Phebe 1927 /
1875 Mary J. 1928 /

Thomas FORDHAM / Born Feb. 24, 1872 / Died July 24, 1907 / At Rest /

In memory of / Elizabeth, wife of / James FULLER, / who died Oct. 18, 1835, / aged 26 years 8 months / & 22 days. /
Companion dear though I am gone: /
And left you here on earth to mourn, /
Trust in the Lord and he will be, /
A kind companion unto thee. /
Friends nor physicians could not save, /
My mortal body from the grave; /
Nor can the grave confine me here, /
When Christ shall call me to appear. /

Edwin GIDDINGS / Died / Dec. 30, 1910, / AE 87 Y'rs. / Rest in Peace. /

GIDDINGS / (on base)
Charles E. / 1844 - 1920 /
Mary J. PRAY / His Wife / 1845 - 1902 /
Ida B. THOMPSON / His Wife / 1869 - 1921 /

Mary J. PRAY / Wife of / Charles GIDDINGS / 1845 - 1902. / At Rest /

Walter B. GIDDINGS / Apr. 2, 1870 - Nov. 27, 1937 /
His Wife / Jennie HARPER / Oct. 2, 1872 - /

Annie E. / Wife of / Frank GIDDINGS / Feb. 5, 1882, / May 10, 1923. / Daughter of Wm & Mary / THOMPSON

Mildred H. GRANNELL, / Died. 1903. / Aged 7 Mos. / (in KNAPTON lot)

Lawrence HARGRAVES / Dec. 15, 1815, / Jan. 11, 1894. /

John HARGRAVES / Feb. 22, 1814, / Jan. 26, 1885. / At rest. /
Jane M. ADGATE / Wife of / John HARGRAVES / Sept. 5, 1816. / Dec. 4, 1887. / Gone Home. /
Alice M. HARGRAVES / Mar. 16, 1852, / Feb. 12, 1910. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Alice, / Wife of John HARGRAVES, / Died / Apr. 18, 1847, / AE. 42 years. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Edwin / died Aug. 1844, / aged 2 years 9 Mo /
Edward, / died Aug. 1844, / aged 2 years 9 Mo /
Twin Brothers of / John & Allice (sic) / HARGRAVES. /
Two beauteous buds of lovely hue, /
Close side by side together grew, /
I nurtered them with fondest care /
& joyed to see them look so fair. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Separate stone in the same lot:

Elvira H. / 1843 - 1917 /

George L. / July 18, 1860 / June 1, 1937 /
Josephine HOWARD / His Wife / Sept. 5, 1856 / May 24, 1918 /

Lillie HASELTON / Born / Apr. 25, 1888 / Age 4 Mo. 9 Da. /

Lulu HASELTON / Born / Apr. 25, 1888 / Age 4 Mo. /

Ralph E. HASELTON / Born / Dec. 13, 1890 / Age 8 Mo. /

Charles / Edgar / 1891 - 1938 /
Lillian / THOMPSON / 1884 - 1934 /

Emma S. PRAY / Wife of / F. C. HOWARD / 1869 - 1901 /

William H. / son of Henry T. / & Sarah HUNT / died June 9, 1841, / in his 7, year. /

Joseph JACKSON / of Chateauguay (sic) / Died / Sept. 11, 1828 / in his 61 Yr. /

Sarah E. / Daughter of / Cassius & Emma J. / JOHNSON, / Died / Oct. 13, 1883, / AE. 14 Mo's. & 11 D's. /
Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest /
God called the (sic) home he thought it best. /

William KNAPTON / Died / Dec. 9, 1904. / Aged 85 Yrs. /
Ann KNAPTON / Died / July 26, 1893, / Aged 73 Yrs. /
Walter / 1848 - 1852 /
Eliza / 1843 - 1870 /
Mary Jane / 1850 - 1871 /
A. Elizabeth / 1845 - 1916 /

KNAPTON / (on base)
JOSEPH H. / Nov. 2, 1849 / Apr. 17, 1937 /
Priscilla E. / Mar. 22, 1855 / Apr. 30, 1931 /
Harry E. / July 8, 1883 / Apr. 13, 1931 /
Headstone: J.H.K.
Headstone: Priscilla
Headstone: Harry

William / 1861 - 1923 /
Ella V. / 1861 - 1926 /

(Square and Compasses) /
John / LICKFOLD / Born / Mar. 2, 1830 / Died / Oct. 3, 1931 /
Addie / COLBURN / His Wife / Born / Oct. 7, 1851 / Died / May 18, 1931 /

Infant Daughter of / E. J. & M. H. McKENNA / Oct. 16, 1920 /

Chancellor OLCOTT / Born / Jan. 21, 1798, / Died / Oct. 27, 1882. / At Rest. / Erected by their daughter Melissa /
Fidelia F. OLCOTT / Born / May 12, 1812, / Died / Mar. 3, 1872. / Only gone before. /

In memory / of / Fanny, / wife of / Chancellor OLCOTT / who died Jan. 21, / 1828, / aged 22 years. /
Friends nor physicians could not save /
My mortal body from the grave, /
Nor can the grave confine me here /
When Christ shall call me to appear. /

James PILLING / Died / July 2, 1863, / Aged 84 Yrs. / My Father is gone but not forgotten. /

Sarah / Wife of / James PILLING, / Died / May 15, 1868, / Aged 73 Yrs. / My Mother. /

Jesse W. PRAY / Died / Nov. 5, 1874. / AE. 71 Yrs. /
Separate stone on the same base:
Acenith / Wife of / Jesse W. PRAY / Died / May 9. 1877, / AE. 66 Yrs. /
(both on one base)

Erected / to the memory of / Catherine Louise / CHRISTIE, / Wife of / J. S. PYPER, / Died / Feb. 10, 1892, / Aged 30 Yeaas. / At Rest /
Headstone: Mother

Dear Little / Nellie /
Daughter of / J. S. & K. L. PIPER / Died / July 11, 1883, / AE. 7 Mos. /

Dear Little / Johny (sic) /
Son of / J. S. & K. L. PIPER / Died / Sep. 4, 1881, / AE. 1 Mo. /

Father / Charles / E. ROCK / 1842 - 1920 /
Mother / Charlotte / T. ROCK / 1843 - 1916 /
Separate stone in the same lot:

In Memory of / John Stratton, / son of Joel R. & / Adeline D. SHELDON / who died Oct. 7th / AD. 1824 / aged 2 years. /

Margaretta ADGATE / Wife of / Charles SHUTE / Died / Feb. 6, 1852, / AE. 33 Years. /

George Henry, / Son of / Charles & Margaretta / SHUTE, / Died / Feb. 6, 1853, / AE. 11 Yr's. /
The death of the righteous triumphant. /
Footstone: GHS

In Memory of / Wesson, son of / Samuel & Roba / SOUTHARD, who / died October 28th / AD. 1817, / aged 7 months. /

In Memory of / __nnah STAFFORD, / wife of / ______phen STAFFORD / who died Aug. 14, 1835, / Aged 27 years & / 11 Months / (Transcriber's note: McLellan drew this stone with the left side missing.)

Sister Mary, / Died / June. 16, 1874, / Ae. 30 Y'rs. / Erected by her / Brother E. C. THOMAS/ At Rest. /
Separate stone next to the above:
Little Carrie, /

William / 1854 - 1936 /
His Wife / Mary Ann / 1856 - 1936 /

T. F. THOMPSON / Born Feb. 6, 1856. / Died Mar. 21, 1904. /

Junius A. THOMPSON / July 9, 1892 / August 2, 1914 /

Little / Leslie / Aug. 28, 1920 / Mar. 11, 1921 /

William Henry / Born / March 6. 1885, / Died March 23. 1885. /
Our Willie / Asleep /
This little bud so young & fair /
Thus called from earth so soon, /
Just came to show how bright a /
flower /
In paradise could bloom. /
(apparently a THOMPSON)

Hiram H. VANARANAM / 1838 - 1910 / (on ADGATE lot)

William WELLS, / Born / Dec. 25, 1800. / Died / April 7, 1869. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Mary Fletcher / BECKWITH WELLS / Born / Nov. 28, 1898. / Died / Oct. 17, 1862. /
Separate stone in the same lot:
Little / Josephine /

Clark P. WELLS / Sept. 28, 1857, / May 27, 1906. /
His Wife / Izora D. BRIDGES / June 7, 1857, / June 29, 1905. /

In memory of / Harriet ADGATE, / wife of Alonzo WRIGHT, / who died Dec. 29th 1819, / in the 21 year of her age. /
Footstone: H.W.

Arvilla, / Daughter of / Orando & Nancy E. / WINCH / died March 28, / 1846. / aged 4 years. /
Go sweet child thy Saviour calls the (sic) /
From these scenes of pain & woe /
All thy sufferings here are ended /
All thy work is done below. /

Source: McLellan Cemetery Records

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