Honey Moore Graveyard

Champlain, Clinton County, New York


Patience GURNEY / Died May 5, 1852, / Aged 72 Years. /
Such is the Christians parting / hour. /
So peacefully to sink to rest, /
When faith endued from heavens por, /
Strengthens and cheers the lang- / uid breast. /

John MOORE, / Died / Aug. 2, 1847, / In the 69 Ye'r / of his age. /
Soft was the moment and serene, /
That all his sufferings clossed, (sic) /
No agony or strugle (sic) seen, /
No fatures discomposed. /

Milla, / Wife of / John MOORE / Died March 6th / 1846, / Aged 64 Years. /
In memory of our departed friend, /
To God we do her soul commend, /
And hope to meet her at that day /
When death and sorrow pass away. /

In memory of / Levi, / son of / John & Milla MOORE, / who Died Oct. 3, 1831, / in the 21st year / of his age. /
Blessed are the dead who die in the / Lord. /

Fanny / Wife of / Asa MOORE, / Died / Sept. 18, 1848, / Aged 33 Y'rs. /
Fix your heart on things above, /
And then from earth release, /
I ask not life but let me love, /
And lay me down in peace. /

(NOTE: In the Sermon Book of Rev. Abram D. BRINCKERHOFF is mentioned the funeral of JOHN MOORE, as having been held on August 29, 1847, while the stone gives the date of his death as Aug. 2.)

Wm H. WILSON / Died / Mar. 8, 1851. / Aged 31 Years. /

Amelia / wife of / Wm. H. WILSON / Died / Sept. 18, 1848, / AE. 28 Y's 11 M's 2 D's /
Yet again we hope to meet thee, /
When the day of life is fled, /
Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee, /
Where no farewell tear is shed. /

(NOTE: In the Sermon Book of Rev. Abram D. BRINCKERHOFF, under date of Sept. 20, 1848: "At Charles Moores Ps 39:9. Funeral of Mrs. Asa Moore & Mrs. Wilson." This was a double funeral of Fanny Moore and Amelia Wilson, both having died on Sept. 18, 1848, and both buried in this graveyard.)

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