Maple Hill Cemetery

Village of Rouses Point
Champlain, Clinton County, New York


??   (Lot #214)
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
(NOTE: Corner posts marked "G"; possibly "Gokey"?)

??   (Lot #216)
Grandma /

??   (Lot #247)
GIA   (NOTE: Not stone -- onoly an iron insignia with GIA on it.)

??   (Lot #256)
Hazel /

Alfred H. / 1880 - 1942 /
Francis G. / 1901 - 1988 /

Alfred F. AGNEW / 1931 - 1978 /
(NOTE: Alfred F. was son of Alfred H. and Frances G. AGNEW.)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Frederick / ALBEE / 1819. - 1905. /

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Sarah A. ALBEE / 1825. - 1910. / (NOTE: Sarah AUBREY)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Polly / (NOTE: Polly JOHNSON, wife of Ahaz ALBEE)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Ahaz / War of 1812 (NOTE: Ahaz and Polly ALBEE came from Orange & Athol, Mass. in 1809.)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Baby / 1909 /

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Emely / (NOTE: daughter of Frederick ALBEE)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Alice / (NOTE: daughter of Frederick ALBEE)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Augusta / (NOTE: daughter of Frederick ALBEE)

ALBEE   (Lot #22)
Edward A. ALBEE / Dec. 8, 1853. / Feb. 26, 1930. /
Irene HARMON / ALBEE / Oct. 4, 1855. / Dec. 4, 1929. /

ALDRICH   (Single Graves)
Julia H. ALDRICH, / of Whitefield N.H. / Died / at Rouse/s Point, N.Y. / Nov. 4, 1852, / AE. 20 Y'rs, 8 M's, / & 19 Days. /

AMLAW   (Lot #6)
Joseph / AMLAW / Born / July 12, 1817, / Died / Jan. 23, 1892. /
Sophia / AMLAW / Born / Feb. 22, 1819, / Died / Mar. 20, 1905. /
Wesley / AMLAW / Born / July 6, 1852, / Died / May 27, 1889. /
Phoebe / AMLAW / Born / Apr. 9, 1862, / Died / Aug. 27, 1880, /
Winfield / AMLAW / Born / Sept. 4, 1860, / Died / Feb. 22, 1870. /
Whitney J. / AMLAW / Born / Oct. 30, 1857, / (blank)

AMLAW   (Lot #6)
Jos. Winfield / Son of / Joseph & Sophia / AMLAW, / died Feb. 22, 1870. / AE. 9 ys. 5 ms. & 18 ds. /
We laid him low with many a sigh /
And felt when all was o'er, /
That earth possessed one treasure less, /
And Heaven one angel more. /

ANDRUS   (Lot #74)
Nellie ANDRUS / 1850 - 1924 /
Benjamin ANDRUS / 1874 - 1930 /
Headstone: Nellie / ANDRUS / 1850 - 1924 /
Headstone: B. W. ANDRUS / 1875 (sic) - 1930 /
Headstone: His Wife / Elsie DUMAS / 1874 - 1955

ANGELL   (Lot #41)
In memory of / Esek ANGELL / who died Nov. 14th / AD. 1833, / Aged 80 Y. 2 M. 2 D. /
------separate stone, same lot:
John ANGELL / Died / June 17, 1865. / AE. 79 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Nancy / Wife of / John ANGELL / Died / Sept. 22, 1831, / AE. 50 y'rs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
(Masonic Square & Compasses) / George W. ANGELL / Died / Jan. 29, 1866, / AE. 50 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Vermelia / Wife of / George W. ANGELL / Died / Feb. 16, 1861. / AE. 30 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Marietta, / Wife of / George ANGELL, / Died / May 17, 1867, / In her 29 Year. / (NOTE: Mother of Mrs. Amasa B. SPELMAN of Champlain.)
------separate stone, same lot:
John & Fanny / Infant / Children of / George & Vermelia / ANGELL / (NOTE: rest buried)
------separate stone, same lot:
William T. ANGELL / Died / Oct. 25, 1884 / AE. 23 Yrs. 11 Mos. /

Joseph ARCHAMBEAULT / Born Aug. 6, 1828, / Died Sept. 20, 1889. /
His Wife / Jane BENOIT / 1837 - 1918. /
Joseph MYERS / 1846 - 1926. /
His Wife / Emma ARCHAMBEAULT / 1853 -      /
------separate stone, same lot:
Frederick /

ASHLINE   (Lot #28)
Joseph ASHLINE, / Died / Aug. 8, 1868, / AE. 40 Y'rs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Joseph / PRAIRIE / Died / Apr. 28, 1921, / AE. 64 Ys. / (on base) PRAIRIE /

ASHLINE   (Lot #254)
Ella M. ASHLINE / 1880 - 1944 /
Father / Joseph ASHLINE / 1840 - 1919. /
Mother / Mary A. ASHLINE / 1844 - 1933 /
William H. FLINT / 1867 - 1936 /
Jennie ASHLINE / FLINT / 1870 - 1938
Alice ASHLINE / HAYES / 1864 - 1942
Thomas S. HAYES / 1865 - 1925. /

ASHLINE   (Lot #226)
(Flag) / Peter ASHLINE / 1845 - 1922 / Pri. 26 Cav. N.Y. Vol. /
Emma F. McQUILLAN / His Wife / 1857 -      /
(on base) ASHLINE /
Headstone: Peter/
Headstone: Emma /
Headstone: Fred MACGREGOR / 1871 - 1947
Headstone: Alevia / 1881 - 1938 /
Headstone: Son / Noble Peter / 1876 - 1938 /

ASHLINE   (Lot #188)
Headstone: Albert ASHLINE / 1851 - 1941 /
Headstone: Larncya / His Wife / Died / June 3, 1911, / AE. 55 Ys. / 1856 - 1911
Headstone: Mother /
Footstone: Dora M. ASHLINE / 1882 - 1970 /
Headstone: Nettie G. ASHLINE 1878 - 1953 /
Headstone: Albert ASHLINE / 1852 - 1941 /
Headstone: Willard T. ASHINE / 1885 - 1961 /

------separate stone, same lot:
(east side)
Delbert H. / 1880 - 1963 /
Etta M. / 1883 - 1973 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Raymond D. / 1907 - 1977 /
Tina / 1910 - 1997 /
(NOTE: Mrs Joseph ASHLINE (nee Mary Anne LEFFERTS) died March 11, 1933, agge 89 years. She is buried next to her husband who died July 1919.)

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
Ruth / relict of / Daniel COIT / died / 19. Aug. 1832, / Aged 63 years. /

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
Doct. Daniel COIT, / died / 4. July 1832, / Aged 72 years. / (NOTE: Rev. War flag)

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
C. K. AVERILL / 1800 - 1881 / (NOTE: 1812 marker & flag) This stone was not found in June 2015.

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
Emily A. / Wife of / Calvin K. AVERILL / Died / Feb. 10, 1866. / AE. 64 Yrs. /
She sleeps in Jesus soon to rise, /
When the last trump shall rend the sky! /
Then burst the fetters of the tomb, /
To wake in full immortal bloom. /
(NOTE: Emily COIT. She and Calvin's son, George Pierce AVERILL, had a daughter, Hattie AVERILL THOMAS, author of a book of poetry "At Break of Day", published in Colorado.)
stone broken

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
Caroline E. / Daughter of / C. K. & E. A. AVERILL / Departed this / life Sept. 18, 1841 / Aged 1 year & 1 mo. /

AVERILL   (Lot #48)
C. K. AVERILL / Died / (NOTE: badly weathered -- cannot decipher)

COOK   (Lot #48)
M. L. RICHARD / Wife of / J. F. COOK / Died / Sept. 8, 1899, / AE. 40 Ys. /

Ella F. / 1932 /
Joseph K. / 1932 - 2003 /

BARKER   (Lot #109)
Walter BARKER / 1868 - 1927 /
His Wife / Nellie CAMPBELL / 1874 - 1963 /
Elizabeth J. CAMPBELL / 1876 - 1963 /
(NOTE: Brother of John Edward BARKER, son of David BARKER; his wife was Nellie CAMPBELL, dau. of Hugh CAMPBELL and sister of Donald A. CAMPBELL and of Mrs. Lemuel ROBINSON.)

BARRY   (Lot #112)
B. P. BARRY / Died April 12, 1866, / Aged 33 Yrs. & 10 Ms. /
(on base) BARRY. /
S. S. BERRY / Died July 26, 1885, / Aged 73 Yrs. /
At Rest /

BARRY   (Lot #112)
Mother /

BARRY   (Lot #112)
Fanny Gertrude / Daughter of / B. P. & A. N. BARRY / Died Feb. 3, 1860. / AE. 4 Ys. 5 Ms. & 9 Ds. /
Of such is the kingdom of Heaven. /
Little / Fanny /

BARRY   (Lot #112)
Dear / Little Nellie / Died 1868, / Aged 4 y'rs 10 m's / & 2 d'ys. /
Darling Frankie / Died 1863, / Aged 4 y'rs 7 mo's / & 26 d's. /
Children of / W. H. & F. F. BARRY. /

Sameul L. BARTRON / 1903 - 1980 / Rest in Peace /

BATCHELDER   (Lot #164)
Reuben H. BATCHELDER / Born Dec. 21, 1845, / Died Dec. 28, 1913. /
His Wife / Matilda DRAKE / Born Oct. 29, 1842, / Died Mar. 18, 1925. /
(on base) BATCHELDER /
W. E. BATCHELDER / 1902 - 1928 /
W. D. BATCHELDER / 1871 - 1930 /
Sarah BATECHELER / 1809 - 1953 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: WIllis /
Headstone: Thomas McGUIIRE / 1868 - 1940 / Mae / His Wife / 1874 - 1952
Patricia CANNING / 1945 - 1999 / A lvoing and caring mother /

BAXTER   (Lot #245)
Masonic Symbol
Daughter /
Jessie M. / BAXTER / 1897 - 1921. /
He giveth his beloved sleep. /
On the east side:
Alden M. BAXTER / 1890 - 1955 /
Ruby DODDS / His Wife / 1899 - 1980 /

Claude F. / Mar. 4, 1938
Beverly J. / Dec. 27, 1943 /
Married Sept. 29, 1962 /
Our Children / Thomas F. / Robin J. / Bryan J. /
Our Grandchildren / Nathan / Jessica / Stephen / Karl / Laura / Matthew / Jacob / Morgan /

(on base)
Joan V. / 1935 - 1953 /
Violet R. / His Wife / 1908 - 1985 /
Sterling O. / 1906 / 1975 /
Kenneth BENNETT / WW II Vet /

Joseph A. / 1909 - 1967 /
Evelyn E ./ 1917 - 1984 /
NOTE: Evelyn's maiden name was Cassan.

BISSELL   (Lot #227)
------separate stone, same lot:
Henry BISSELL / Mar. 14, 1837, / Apr. 28. 1915. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hannah A. A. HYDE / Wife of / Henry BISSELL / Feb. 2, 1838, / Mar. 14, 1916. /

BLAIS   (LOT #73A)
Joseph BLAIS / 1883 - 1940 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Honor TINGMAN / 1872 - 1943 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Geraldine C. TINGMAN / May 16, 1928 - Apr. 15, 1996 /
------separate stone, same lot:

BLOW   (Lot #258)
Antoine BLOW, / Died / Mar. 29, 1872, / AE. 62 ys. 6 ms. / He being dead yet speaketh. /
Margaret SERRAT / His Wife / Died Sept. 8, 1903. / AE. 87 Ys. /
(on base) BLOW /
Mary M. BLOW, / Died / Aug. 17, 1897. / AE. 54 Ys. & 6 Ms. /
William A. BLOW / Died Oct. 5, 1900, / AE. 63 Ys. /
Fanny BLOW, / Died / June 27, 1864, / AE. 58 yrs. /
James BLOW, / Died / Dec. 26, 1882, / AE. 42 Ys. & 7 Ms. /
Edward S. BLOW / Died Apr. 16, 1911. / AE. 64 Ys. & 7 Ms. /
John J. BLOW, / Died / May 6, 1872, / AE. 31 ys. 1 mo. /
Massana V. / Son of / J. J. & M. M. BLOW, / died July 27, 1872, / AE. 1 yr. 10 ms. /
Headstone: A. BLOW. /
Headstone: M. BLOW /
Headstone: J.J. BLOW. /
Headstone: Massana V. /
Headstone: F. BLOW. /
Headstone: W.A.B. /
Headstone: James BLOW /
Headstone: E.S.B. /
Headstone: M.M.B. /

BORIGHT   (Lot #202)
Headstone: BORIGHT /
Headstone: S.A.B. /
Headstone: Father / 1854 - 1930 /
Headstone: R. COOKMAN / 1853 - 1915 /
Headstone: Helen E. BORIGHT / Aug. 20, 1892 - May 7, 1965 /
Headstone: Melvin C. BORIGHT / Nov. 28, 1884 - Feb. 1, 1961 /

Nellie E. BOMBARD / 1879 - 1962 /
------separate stone, same lot:
George D. BOMBARD / 1871 - 1942 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Evelyn M. MARION / 1900 - 1919 /

BOND   (LOT #238)
Richard G. BOND / 1881 - 1938 /

BOURDEAU / Mary CHRISTOL / 1886 - 1968 /
Arthur / 1888 - 1967 /

Thomas W. BRADLEY / 1909 - 1990 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Emma H. BRADLEY / 1871 - 1960 /

Charles E. / 1888 - 1969 /
His Wife / Nora L. LaBOMBARD / 1888 - 1988 /

BRISTOL   (LOT #255)
Cyrus R .BRISTOL / 1866 - 1955 /
Ella C. / 1876 -

Arthur G. / 1893 - 1969 /
Ethel M. / 1894 - 1982 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Note: David and Kenneth are the sons of Ethel and Arthur "Buddy" Brothers, and Barbra (BROTHERS) EMERY was their daughter.

George A. / 1905 - 1974
Cora E. / 1909 - 1981 /
------separate stone, same lot:
CHARLES G. BROTHERS / SP 4   US ARMY / SEP 8, 1934 - FEB 14, 1998 /

BROWN (LOT #235)
------separate stone, same lot:
Clara BROWN / 1894 - 1975 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Jeremiah BROWN / 1875 - 1942 /

BROWN   (Lot #121)
Headstone: Onslow T. BROWN / 1854 - 1934 /
Headstone: Jennie C. / Wife of / Onslow T. BROWN / 1859 - 1949  /
Headstone: Harold C. BROWN / 1886 - 1934 /
Headstone: Lucetta LOUCKS / Wife of / Harold C. BROWN / 1884 - 1938 /

BRUSO   (Lot #243)
On the west side:
Jennie E. / 1866 - 1937 /
Harry F. / 1864 - 1955 /
(NOTE: She was a PATNODE of West Chazy)
On the east side:
Willard C. / 1905 - 1987 /
Pauline B. / 1902 - 1982 /

BUGOR   (LOT #120B)
John / 1864 - 1948 /
Cornelia M. DAVIS / His Wife / 1877 - 1939 /
Frank C. /
Alenia M. /

BULLIS   (Lot #84)
Chester BULLIS / Died Apr. 7, 1866, / AE. 63 Ys. /
Margaret / His Wife / Died Aug. 7, 1867, / AE. 63 Ys. / (on base) BULLIS /
Solomon BULLIS / Died May 28, 1904, / AE. / 61 Ys. /
Lydia BULLIS / Died Nov. 1, 1899, / AE. 62 Ys. /
Chester A. / Died May 17, 1909, / AE. 2 Ms. /
Arthur Chester BULLIS / 1880 - 1959 /
His Wife / May Edna SHERMAN / 1880 - 1960 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Lydia /
Headstone: Margaret /
Headstone: Chester / (NOTE: Chester A. was the son of Athur BULLIS.)
Headstone: Baby /
Headstone: Arthur /
Headstone: May

BULLIS   (Lot #5)
Albert BULLIS / Born July 6, 1835, / Died Oct. 28, 1898. /
Eva M. /
Eldia G. /
Ellsworth J. C. /
(NOTE: Albert was father of Elbert Elmer BULLIS, born at Rouses Point on Nov. 15, 1863, died at Rouses Point Dec. 17, 1947, buried at Swanton, Vt.)

BULLIS   (Lot #20)
Mary E. / daughter of / Roland & Margaret / BULLIS, / died 23 April, / 1845, / aged 9 years, 9 Ds. /

BULLIS   (LOT #153A)
William / 1874 - 1961 /
Lucinda / 1889 - 1971 /
NOTE: Lucinda was the daughter of JOseph Dewey O'DELL and Susannah GRIMSHAW.

CAMERON   (Lot #89)
C / Phillip / CAMERON /
Anesie / LADRIE / His Wife / 1866 - 1920 /
(on base) CAMERON /
Headstone: Mother /
Mother / Marie CAMERON / ROBERTS / 1900 - 1969 /
Father / Joseph Henry / ROBERTS / 1894 - 1941 /

CARNEY   (LOT #42)
John F. CARNEY / 1926 - 1994 /
Rita L. / 1934 - /

CARON   (LOT 60)

CASEY   (LOT #22)
William Rossiter / 1893 - 1976 /
His Wife / Clare GORDON / 1895 - 1976 /

CASEY   (LOT #88)
Gladys WILSON / His Wife / 1896 - 1941 /
Robert E. CASEY, Jr. / 1895 - 1965 /
Lillian T MONROE CASEY / 1905 - 1977 /
NOTE: Lillian was Robert's second Wife
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert Emmett CASEY III / 1922 - 1999 /
------separate stone, same lot:
ROBERT E. CASEY / 1st LT. US ARMY AIR FORCE / WORLD WAR II / APR 21, 1922 - OCT 10, 1999 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert E CASEY Jr. / 1895 - 1965 /
Gladys WILSON / His Wife / 1896 - 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot: (American Legion Marker)
Gladys WILSON CASEY / NOVEMBER 16, 1896 - SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot:
John ROSSITER MYERS / 1864 - 1944 /
Anna HUMPHREY MYERS / 1858 - 1950 /

CHAPMAN   (Lot #168)
Nancy / Miranda NASH / Wife of / Albert CHAPMAN / Died Mar. 22, 1906. / AE. 91 Ys. /
I shall be satisfied when /
I shall awake with Thy Likeness. /
Psalms 17   15. /
(on base) CHAPMAN /
(south side)
Albert B. CHAPMAN / Died Oct. 10, 1914. / AE. 66 Ys. / (Masonic Square and Compasses) / (NOTE: Albert CHAPMAN died in 1872 and is buried in Clarenceville, Quebec.)
Nellie H. RIFORD / Wife of / Albert B. CHAPMAN / Died Apr. 9, 1916, / AE. 64 Ys. /
(north side)
Harry B. CHAPMAN / Died Jan. 17, 1931 / AE 78 Yrs
: Mother /
Headstone: Albert /
Headstone: Nellie /
Headstone: Harry

Our Daughter / Regis Ann BUSHWAY / Aug. 11, 1950 - Sept. 26, 1952 /
Headstone: Mother
Headstone: Jennie / June 8, 1890 - Oct. 7, 1973 /

Thomas J. / 1892 - 1974 /
Jane E. / 1905 - 1963 /

CHILTON   (Lot #63)
(NOTE: No stone. Buried here are Nathan CHILTON, his stepfather Doran NILES, and his sister Mariette CHILTON.)

Ralph / 1890 - 1967 /
Isabelle / His Wife / 1901 - /

CHOINIERE   (Lot #57)
George A. / 1893 - 1977 /
Alida GRENON / His Wife / 1899 - 1988 /
------separate stone, same lot:
George A. CHOINIERE / CPL US ARMY / WW I / 1893 - 1977 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Beatrice Claire / Dau. of / E. & D. CHOINIERE / Died / Jan. 31, 1919, / AE. 1 Yr. 4 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Floyd CHOINIERE / Died / Nov. 5, 1918, / AE. 23 Ys. / Erected by his wife / D.F.C. / (NOTE: She was a ROCK.)

CHOINIERE   (Unnumbered lot near receiving vault)
Rosa CHOINIERE / 1870 - 1950 / (Metal Marker)

Paul G. / 1923 - 2008 /
E. Shirley / McDOUGAL / His Wife / 1930 /

CHRISTIE   (Lot #113)
Mary I. PENFIELD / Wife of / Duncan A. CHRISTIE / 1888 - 1925. /
Mary E. / Daughter of / G. & E. HUBBARD / died Dec. 17, 1859. / AE. 10 Mos. & 17 ds. /
We know that God hath taken her to dwell mid /
realms of light, /
Another star another gem to make his crown /
more bright. /
Richard Earl / Mar. 16, 1932 /
Elizabeth Jean HLL / His Wife / Dec. 3, 1932 / Feb. 9, 2009 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Duncan A. CHRISTIE / 1884 - 1951 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Salome C. BARKER / 1911 - 1996 / (NOTE: daughter of Duncan)
------separate stone, same lot:
Earl R. / 1907 - 1997 /
Vera COUTURE / His Wife / 1909 - 1981 /

Freemont M. CHURCHILL / 1911 - 1971 /
Alma M. CHURCHILL / 1912 - 1984 /

CLARK   (Separate Graves)
(twin stone, with Mary J. MARTIN, which see.)
George W. CLARK, / Died / Feb. 26, 1881, / AE. 7 Mos. /
Dear little Lambs, /
Gone to the Upper Fold. /

CLARKE   (Lot #115)
Maj. Wm CLARKE. / Died / June 13, 1860. / AE. 71 Ys. /
Elizabeth. / Wife / Died / June 26, 1866. / AE. 55 Ys. /
(on base) CLARKE. /
Victoria. E. / dau. / Died / Mch. 7, 1858, / AE. 19 Ys. /
Albert. W. / Son / Died / May 13, 1860. / AE. 16 Ys. /
Maj. W. CLARKE / Died / June 13, 1864 (sic) / AE. 71 Yrs. /
Victoria E. / Daughter of / Maj. W. & E. CLARKE / Died / Mar. 7, 1858, / AE. 19 Yrs. /
Albert W. / Son of / Maj. W. & E. CLARKE / Died / May 13, 1860. / AE. 16 Yrs. & 6 Mo. /

Father / Ernest H. CLELAND / 1884 - 1977 /
Mother / Mabel P. PENFIELD / 1894 - 1977 /
Father / Daniel A. LARSON / 1923 /
Mother / Betsey Ann CLELAND / 1921 - 1990 /

COATES   (Lot #31)
(on base) COATES /
Sarah E. / Wife of / William COATES / Died / Feb. 2, 1878, / AE. 49 Y'rs. /
William COATES / 1818 - 1903. /
William H. COATES / 1850 - 1917. / (NOTE: see under WEEKS for his wife)
Father /
Mother /
James A. / Son of / Wm & S. E. COATES. / Died Mar. 26, 1861 / AE. 2 days /
The Lord gave and the /
Lord hath taken away. /
Little Abe. / Son of / W. & S. E. COATES / Died July 13, 1864, / AE. 1 yr. 10 mos. / & 9 Ds. /
W.H.C. /

COOKMAN   (Lot #250)
Dolly L. FITCH / Wife of / George A. COOKMAN / Died Mar. 27, 1912, AE. 48 Ys. /
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as /
crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb. /
Revelation, 22, C.IV. /
(on base) COOKMAN /
Charles A. COOKMAN / Born July 13, 1887, / Died Nov. 1, 1918. /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Charles /

COOKMAN   (Lot #250)
Ralph LeRoy COOKMAN / Feb. 9, 1938 - Jan. 10, 2004
His Wife / Lillian McKENZIE / Dec. 29, 1937 /
(back bottom)
Kathryn MARTIN / 1887 - 1964 /
George Hill COOKMAN Sr. / Nov. 5, 1934 - Dec. 5, 2003 /
Military Bronze Plaque: RALPH LEROY COOKMAN / EN3 US NAVY / VIETNAM / FEB 9, 1938 - JAN 10, 2004 /
Headstone: Doorthy E. COOKMAN / 1916 - 1985
Headstone: Ann L. COOKMAN / 1908 - 1966
Headstone: George H. COOKMAN Sr. / 1913 - 1970 /
Headstone: Kathryn MARTIN / 1887 - 1964 /
Military Bronze Plaque: GEORGE HILL COOKMAN SR / CS1 US NAVY / KOREA VIETNAM / NOV 5, 1934 - DEC 5, 2003 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Samuel H. / 1864 - 1953 /
Anna ASHLINE / His Wife / 1875 - 1966 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Ella COBB HUTCHINGS / 1860 - 1953 /

COOKMAN   (Lot #71)
COOKMAN / Frederick COOKMAN / 1863 - 1926 /
Oliver JOHNSON / 1863 - 1941 /
Martha E. / 1870 - 1947 /

COOPER   (LOT #271)
Walter W. COOPER / 1890 - 1944 /

COOPER   (LOT #30)
Headstone: Kenenth / 1910 - 1973 /
Headstone: Reginald / 1939 - 1978 /
Headstone: Dorothea /1914 - 1981 /

COOPER   (LOT #230)
WESLEY R. COOPER / COOK CO. K 101st INF. / WW I / SEPT. 16, 1886 - NOV. 18, 1958 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Paul G. COOPER / July 30, 1921 / July 17, 1993 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Edith A. / 1890 - 1969 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / Albert V. / 1890 - 1950 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Baby Albert / age 18 mos. / 1919 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Evelyn GUILBO COOPER / April 12, 1917 - Mar. 11, 2000 /

CRONIN   (LOT #255)
Lawrence J. / 1883 - 1966 /
Florence M. / 1885 - 1969 /

GRANT L. CRONKITE / PVT U.S. ARMY / WW II / Feb 6, 1926 - Oct 31, 1990
------separate stone, same lot:
Grant L. / 1926 - 1990 /
Norma P / 1927 - 1991 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Earl A. CRONKITE / 1898 - 1975 /
Harriet CRONKITE / His Wife / 1855 - 1946 /
George A. CRONKITE / 1856 - 1943 /

CRoNKITE   (LOT #152B)
James A. CRONKITE / 1882 - 1960 /
Gertruce L. / 1889 - 1963 /

COURTNEY   (Lot #134)
Robert J. COURTNEY, / Died / Aug. 17, 1864 / AE. 20 Yrs. 8 Ms. / & 12 Ds. / Blessed are the dead which / die in the Lord. /

CROOK   (Lot #49)
T. C. / Thomas CROOK / 1798 - 1879. / (NOTE: Sheriff of Clinton Co.)
H.E.C. / Hannah E. CROOK / 1805 - 1874. / (NOTE: Hannah Elizabeth DELONG)
W.T.C. / William T. CROOK / 1824 - 1897. /
S.R.C. / Sarah R. CROOK / 1825 - 1902. / (NOTE: Sarah Rebecca KELLOGG)
H.E.C. / Helen E. CROOK / 1866. - 1870. /
Charley / (NOTE: No dates. Born Mar. 6, 1859, died May 18, 1863.)
E.M.C. / Ella M. CROOK / 1853 - 1871. /
S.C. / Sarah CROOK / 1862 - 1879. /

CROOK   (Lot #87)
Richard H / July 20, 1891 - Jan 1, 1974 /
Catherine C. / April 1, 1891 - Dec. 24, 1968
H.R.C. / 1864 - 1930 / (NOTE: Helen RICHARDS CROOK)
J.H.C. / 1857 - 1937 / (NOTE: John Henry CROOK)
Evelyn HOWELL CROOK / April 16, 1909 - Jan. 8, 1970 /
Maurice William CROOK / August 1, 1893 - July 6, 1979 /
Margaret BATEMAN CROOK / May 6, 1898 - Mar. 28, 1961 /
John Henry / Aug. 6, 1857 - May 28, 1937 /

CROOK   (Lot #93)
J.C.C. / 1900 - 1915 /
W.T.C. 2nd / 1895 - 1904 / (NOTE: Children of Ralph & Clara CROOK)

DANN   (Lot #185)
Edwin DANN / Died Mar. 18, 1905, / AE. 51 Ys. /
Christie URQUHART / His Wife / Died Apr. 2, 1922, / AE. 65 Ys. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Albert / WAGNER / 1887 - 1917. /
Alexander D. DANN / US ARMY / WORLD WAR I / 1893 - 1985 /
1854 Edwin 1905 /
His Wife / 1857 Christie URQUHART /
SON / 1893 Alexander D 1985 /

DAVIS   (Lot #9)
(NOTE: top gone) / AE. 42 Y'rs. /

DAVIS   (Lot #9)
William H. / son of / William [C.] & / Catharine DAVIS / died Mar. 20, 1859 / aged 6 months. /

DAVIS   (Lot #9)
Magdalene, / daughter of / William C. & / Catharine DAVIS / died Jan. 6, 1859 / aged 4 years. /

DAVIS   (Lot #207)
Andrew / DAVIS / Died / Apr. 5, 1909, AE. 76 Ys. /
(on base) DAVIS /
Charles / DAVIS / Died / Feb. 17, 1901 / AE. 19 Ys. /

DELANO   (LOT #234)
LeRoy CLark DeLANO / 1879 / 1970 /
Elibeth WEEKS DeLANO / 1878 - 1950 /

Evelyn F. DeLANO / Nov. 1, 1910 / Nov. 25, 1996 /
Lauren S. L. DeLANO / Sept. 3 1909 - Jan. 17, 2000 /

DERRICK   (Lot #80)
John G. / DERRICK / Aug. 20, 1813. / Dec. 6, 1884. /
Austin R. / DERRICK / Mar. 13, 1839. / Mar. 18, 1875. /
Sylvina L. / SIMONDSON / Mar. 15, 1847. / (blank) /
Augusta M. / DERRICK, / June 8, 1841. / June 24, 1896. / (NOTE: Augusta Mahala DERRICK)
(base of this side) - DERRICK
Eunice M. / Dau. of / G. W. & M. J. / DERRICK / June 3, 1889, / Aug. 18, 1891. /
Headstone: J.G.D. /
Headstone: A.R.D. /
Headstone: S.L.S. /
Headstone: A.M.D. /
Headstone: E.M.D. /

DERRICK   (Lot #80)
Hiram A. DERRICK, / Died / Mar. 2, 1870, / AE. 43 Ys. /
Friends nor Physicians could not save, /
My mortal body from the grave, /
Nor can the grave confine me here, /
When Christ my Saviour doth appear. /

DERRICK   (Lot #80)
Henry / DERRICK / Died / Jan. 14, 1882, / AE. 60 Ys. /
(on base) DERRICK /
Pauline R. / Dau. of / J. A. & A. F. / BURPEE / Died / Nov. 12, 1901, / AE. 3 Ds. /
J. Arthur / BURPEE / 1864 - 1932 /
His Wife / Agnes F. DERRICK / (no dates)
E. Charity / Wife of / Henry / DERRICK / Died / Nov. 5, 1915, / AE. 80 Ys. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Husband /
Headstone: Baby /

DERICK   (Lot #104)
Mina M. / Died Feb. 19, 1888. / AE. 13 Y's 8 M's 11 D's. /
(on base) R.C. DERICK (sic)
R.C. DERRICK / Died / Sept. 3, 1895, / AE. 80 Ys 5 Ms. / (NOTE: Reuben Cutting DERRICK)
Harvey M. / Died July 19, 1860, / AE 1 Y'r 6 M's 21 D's. /
Ada I. / Died Aug. 14, 1880, / AE. 12 Y's 6 M's 8 D's. /
Headstone: R.C.D. /
Headstone: Mina M. /
Headstone: Ada I. /

DERRICK   (Lot #104)
Harvey M. / Son of / R. C. & Almira, / DERICK. (sic) / Died / July 19, 1860, / AE. 18 Mos. & / 21 Dys. /
(back) Little / Harvey /

DESHAW   (Lot #200)
(flag) Father / Alexander DESHAW / Died / July 14, 1921, / AE. 84 Ys. / Pri. Co. F. 16 Reg. N.Y. Cav. /

DESHAW   (Lot #200)
Mother / Mary LONKEY / Wife of / Alexander / DESHAW / Died Aug. 22, 1903, / AE. 56 Ys. /

DESHAW   (Lot #200)
Edward DESHAW / Died / June 4, 1914, / AE. 31 Ys. /

DEWAR   (Lot #103)
D. J. DEWAR / B. Aug. 16, 1830, / D. Sept. 20, 1896. /
Harriett L. / His Wife / B. Mar. 10, 1835, / D. June 7, 1912. /
Harriet DEWAR / Wife of / James CRELLER / 1861 - 1927 /
(on base) DEWAR /
Francis E. / AE 1 Y'r 7 D's /
Mary M. / AE. 8 Y's 11 D's /
John A. / AE 4 Y's 3 M. 3 D. /
Ella E. / AE 3 Y's 10 D's /
Children of / J. W. & H. L. DEWAR /
(Odd Fellows Links) /
Annie Wife of / E. F. WRIGHT / 10, 31, 1863. / 8, 17, 1892. /
(Masonic Square & Compasses - Odd Fellows Links /
W. M. DEWAR / Mar. 3, 1917, / AE. 64 Ys. /
Anna, Wife of / W. M. DEWAR / Nov. 12, 1886, / AE. 20 Y's 5 M. 4 D. /
John W. / Sept. 21, 1885 / AE. 6 W. /
Anna M. / May 21, 1887, / AE. 8 M. 12 D. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: A.W. /
Headstone: A.D. /
Headstone: Hatty. /

DEWAR   (Lot #103)
James E. CRELLER / Born / May 10, 1855, / Died / Feb. 25, 1893. /

DODGE   (Lot #39)
D. G. DODGE, M.D. / Died / Dec. 30, 1877, / Aged 52 Years. / (NOTE: Daniel)
Headstone: Doctor /

DODGE   (Lot #39)
Kate /

Dexter A. / 1903 - 1968 /
Wife / Jenny / 1903 - 1993 /
Her Sister / Nellie B. STAVES / 1889 - 1979 /
Theodore BURPEE / 1902 - 1986 /

DUCHARME   (Lot #94)
Adolphus DUCHARME / 1852 - 1922 /
Margaret MALLETTE / His Wife / 1858 - 1931 /
(on base) DUCHARME /

Sylvia MILLER / DUCHARME / 1905 - 1939 /

DUPEE   (Lot #135)
D / Moses DUPEE / 1861 - 1926 / Montgomery Lodge / B. of R. T. 785. /

DUPEE  (Lot #135)
Charlott J. / LEGGETT / Wife of / Oliver WILEY / 1861 - 1931 / At Rest. /

DUPEE  (Lot #135)
(NOTE: a small marker without lettering)

DUPEE  (Lot #135)
(top) Henry
(front) GILMAN / 1864 - 1936 /

DUPEE  (Lot #135)
Addison RAWSON / 1869 - 1933 /

Elmer F. / 1887
Dorris GALE / His Wife / 1910 /
Military Bronze Marker: ELMER F. DUPONT / NEW YORK / PVT 271 AERO SQ / WORLD WAR I / JAN 14, 1878 - OCT 19, 1971 /

Margaret / 1913 /
Charles W. / 1913 - 1982 /
Our Son / Thomas / 1940 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:

EMERY   (LOT #27)
Robert R. / 1929 -
Barbara J. / 1929 - 1976 /
NOTE: Barbara was daughter of Arthur BROTHERS.

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Maj. John FAIRBANK / died Oct. 20, / 1830. / aged 75. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Fanny / wife of / Maj. John FAIRBANK, / died July 10, / 1847. / aged 84. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Lorenzo L. FAIRBANK / Died / Oct. 20, 1842 / AE. 38. /
Far from this world of toil and strife /
They're present with the Lord. /
I would not have you ignorant /
concerning them which are /
asleep that ye / (NOTE: rest buried)

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Polly H. SMITH / Died Jan 6, 1873 / Age 68 Yrs. / Wife of Lorenzo FAIRBANKS

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Asa FAIRBANK / Died / Oct. 26, 1842 / AE. 58. /
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. /
They die in Jesus and are blest /
How kind their slumbers are /
From suffering and from sin released /
And freed from every snare. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Polly LEONARD, / Wife of / Asa FAIRBANK / died Dec. 27, 1827, / AE. 32 Y'rs. & 9 Mo's. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Warren C. FAIRBANK, / Died / Sept. 6, 1872, / AE. 71 Y'rs. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Sarah A. STEARNS, / wife of / Warren C. FAIRBANK / Died / Jan. 27, 1890, / AE. 76 Yrs. & 11 Mos. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Marion Helen / daughter of / Warren C. & Sarah A. / FAIRBANK, / Died / Feb. 23, 1851, / AE. 3 yrs. & 11 mos. /
The Savious kindly calls /
Dear children to his brest, (sic) /
He folds them in his gracious arms, /
And then declares them blest. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #52)
Miss. Lydia FAIRBANK / Born in Athol, Mass. / Apr. 21, 1788, / Died in Rouses Point, / Jan. 4, 1875. /

FAIRBANK   (Lot #244)
John C. FAIRBANK / 1855 - 1940 /
Clara M. VANBUSKIRK / His Wife / 1857 - 1927 /
(on base) FAIRBANK /

John C. FAIRBANKS / 1855 - 1940 /

FISKE   (LOT #49)
Elizabeth A. / 1918 -
Colvin L. / 1904 - 1983 /

FITCH   (Lot #252)
F / John FITCH / 1833 - 1925 /
Eliza / His Wife / 1840 - 1918 /
Henry / 1877 - 1918 /
Myron L. FITCH / 1856 - 1928 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Henry /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Charles D. FITCH / Born / Oct. 9, 1820, / Died / June 17, 1902. /
(on base) FITCH /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Frederick FITCH / Died / July 27, 1860. / AE. 74 Yrs. / & 5 Mos. /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Nancy F. / wife of / Frederick FITCH / Died / Jan. 23, 1871, / AE. 79 Y's. & 1 Mo. /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Abigail / Wife of / Wm. R. WILLIAMS. / Died / Dec. 28, 1864, / Aged 37 / (NOTE: rest buried)

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Sarah / Wife of / Henry FITCH / Died Apriil 6, 1852. / AE. 29 Years, 2 / M's & 8 D's. /
She died in Jesus and is blest, /
How calm her slumbers are /
From sufferings and from woes releas'd /
And freed from every care. /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Louisa C. / daughter of / Frederick & Nancy / FITCH, / Died Apr. 22, 1856, / AE. 19 y'rs. 7 mo's. / & 11 d's. /
The soul of our sister is gone, /
The storm of afflictions are o'er, /
Her struggle is ended at last, /
Where sorrow and death are no more. /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Our Baby. /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Baby Son of / C. & T. FITCH / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Charles S. FITCH / 1875 - 1914 / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.

FITCH   (Lot #50)
FITCH / Charles D. /1820 - 1902 /
Margery S. / 1844 - 1931 /

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Theresa RYAN / 1876 - 1959
Charles SCHUTT / 1875 - 1914

FITCH   (Lot #50)
Gertrude O. / 1884 - 1968 /
James D. / 1879 - 1967 /

FLACK   (Lot #67)
William H. FLACK / Born / Mar. 27, 1830, / Died / May 16, 1910. /
Mary / Wife of / William H. FLACK / Born / Mar. 2, 1834. / Died / June 29, 1896. /
Herbert HILL / 1893 - 1923. /
Jennie S. / Wife of / W. F. Hill / 1858 - 1935. /
Eliza / wife of / W. F. HILL / Feb. 25, 1858. / Apr. 13, 1896. /
W. F. HILL / Dec. 1, 1865, / Dec. 5, 1918. / (NOTE: "F" = "FLACK")
Headstone: William /
Headstone: Mary /
Headstone: Herbert / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.
Headstone: Flack /
Headstone: Eliza /
: Jennie /

Headstone: Delano H. / 1911 - 1912 /
Headstone: Gertrude E. / 1904 - 1913 /
Headstone: Mother / 1882 - 1963 /
Headstone: Father / 1874 - 1948 /
Headstone: Earl / 1952 - 2004 /
Headstone: Helen / 1921 - /
Headstone: Maynard / 1915 - 1984 /
------separate stone, same lot:

FORSYTH   (Lot #101)
(west side)
Robert FORSYTH / Died Nov. 16, 1910, AE. 70 Ys. /
Mary J. MATHEWS / His Wife / Died May 9, 1923, AE. 82 Ys. / (NOTE: MATHEWS should really be MATOTT.)
on base - FORSYTH. /
(east side)
Frank H. / 1859 - 1937 /
Katie L. FORSYTH / His Wife / 1871 - 1944 /
------separate stone, same lot:
(west side)
Florence PAYNE / 1898 - 1989
(east side)
William PAYNE / 1887 - 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
(west side)
Robert FORSYTHE / 1840 - 1910
His Wife / Mary / 1840 - 1923 /
(east side)
William PAYNE / 1887 - 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Julius M. / 1868 - 1938 /
Carrie E. / His Wife / 1878 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:

FOSBURGH   (Lot #128)
Catharine / FOSBURGH / Died / Aug. 8, 1853. / AE. 81 Yrs. /

FOSBURGH   (Lot #128)
Marshall H. / Son of / Henry B. & Mary E. / MASTIN / Died April 6, 1851 / AE. 1 y'r. & 1 mo. /
A little smiling happy one, /
Was lately with us here, /
But he hath fled this earthly scene, /
And dwels (sic) in yon bright sphere. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
William Samuel, / son of / Melancton W. & / Sarah HICKS, / was born / Jan. 15, 1832, / and died / July 8, 1832. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
John FOX / Died / Oct. 7, 1828 / AE. 55 Yrs. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Emily M. FOX / Wife of / Charles A. BOSTWICK / Died / Nov. 29, 1854, / AE. 31 yrs 11 mos / & 19 days /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Harriet A. FOX, / Wife of / Dr. Dexter B. FOX / died Sept. 29, 1835 / aged 35 years 11 months & ? days. /
My months of affliction are oer /
My days & my nights of distress /
You see me in anguish no more /
I've regained a happy release /
For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Dr. Dexter B. FOX. / Died June 25, 1842; / Aged 37 years & 16 D's /
Blessed are the dead which die in the /
Lord from henceforth ... saith the Spirit /
that they may rest from their labors and /
Their works do follow them.     Rev. 11. 13. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Sarah SLIGHTHOLM. / Wife of / Thomas FOX / Died / Feb. 1, 1830, / AE. 84 Yrs. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Thomas FOX / Died / July 20, 1823, / AE. 73 Yrs. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
Laura / Wife of / Wm. FOX. / Died / June 23, 1850, / AE. 66 Y'rs / 8 mos. & 17 ds. /

FOX   (Lot #83)
William FOX, / Died / May 11, 1869, / AE. 84 Y's. & 6 Mos. /

FRAIR   (Lot #194)
(east side)
David R. FRAIR / Born July 3, 1835. / Died Feb. 8, 1897. /
Lucy M. WEEKS / His Wife / Born May 21, 1835. / Died Jan. 17, 1909. /
Harvey H. FRAIR / Born Apr. 28, 1863. / Died Oct. 25, 1878. /
(on base) FRAIR /
(NOTE: David Reece FRAIR, Harvey Henry FRAIR, Charles Nathaniel JONES.)
(west side)
Charles N. JONES / Born Feb. 8, 1832. / Died Oct. 10, 1922. /
M. Susan SEARS His Wife / Born Aug. 6, 1830. / Died Apr. 6, 1914. /
(on base) JONES /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alida JONES / FRAIR / 1865 - 1955 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles Reece / FRAIR / 1860 - 1947 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Winnie L. FRAIR / 1893 - 1970 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Ruth L. FRAIR / 1927 - 1967 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Harold H. FRAIR / 1892 - 1966 /
Minnie FRAIR / 1893 - 1970 / NOTE: Minnie FRAIR was the daughter of Annie O'DELL and William LIGHTHALL.
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Harvey /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /

Morris E. / 1870 - 1940 /
His Wife / Laura LANOUETTE / 1886 - 1945 /

GAINES   (Lot #255)
Lydia A. GREEN, / Wife of / H. F. GAINES, / Born Feb. 1, 1851, / Died Oct. 15, 1913. /
In after time we will / meet her. / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.
Headstone: L. A. GAINES / 1851 - 1913)

GAINES   (Lot #255)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
H. F. GAINES / 1849 - 1923 /

Anthony Aloysius GALLAGHER / 1905 - 1970 /
Glenice DeLANO GALLAGHER / 1903 - /
Naida Ellen / 1929 - 1975 /
(On back)
In Memory of / Amy Beth GALLAGHER / Who lost her life / in the bombing / of Pan Am Flight 103 / Over Lockerbie / Scotland / Aug. 30, 1966 / Dec 21, 1988 /

Leland E. / Oct. 23, 1922 / July 1, 2002 /
Shirley M. / May 6, 1928 /

James M. GETTYS / 1880 - 1939 /

GIROUX   (Lot #110A & B)
Napoleon GIROUX / Oct. 1, 1845 / July 30, 1914 /
Adelaide BOUTIN / His Wife / July 10, 1848 - Apr. 19, 1940 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Napoleon GIROUX / 1869 - 1956 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sophia GIROUX / 1883 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Joseph GIROUX / 1886 - 1942 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother /

Gertrude J. / 1920 - 1988 /
Geraldine MARTZOFF / 1914 - 1992 /
Joseph A. / 1918 - 1993 /
Alexander N. / 1890 - 1968 /
Leonora E. / 1886 - 1969 /
Alice May / 1913 - 1974 /
Donald PHILLIPS / 1943 - 1984 /
Leonora PHILLIPS / 1943 - 2008 /
Eileen M. GRYBOS /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
DONALD B. PHILLIPS / EO2 US NAVY / US ARMY / VIETNAM / MAR. 18 1943 - JAN 14, 1994 /
NOTE: Geraldine MARTZOFF was daughter of Alexnder and Lonora, as well as Joseph A. and Alice MAY. Gertrude J. was the wife of Joseph A. /

Lloyd H. / 1904 - 1968 /
Erdine E. / 1907 - 1992 /

GRAINGER   (Lot #7)
Robert GRAINGER, / Died / Aug. 31, 1875, / AE. 57 Yrs. / Fort Montgomery Caretaker

GRANT   (Lot #179)
G / John GRANT / Mar. 2, 1835 -- Dec. 5, 1922. /
Melissa E. WEEKS / His Wife / Feb. 28, 1839 -- Oct. 17, 1901. /
1873 Wilmer C. GRANT 1911 /
(on base) GRANT /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Wilmer /

GRAVES   (Single Graves)
Geo. R. GRAVES / Died Dec. 14, 1849 / AE. 35 Y'rs. 2 M. / & 24 D/s. /

GRAVES   (Single Graves)
George. / son of / Henry P. & Julia Ann / GRAVES. / died Oct. 2, 1857, / aged 6 mos. & 4 ds. /

GRAVES   (Single Graves)
Hellen, / daughter of / Henry P. & Julia Ann / GRAVES, / died April 5, 1857, / aged 9 days. /

GRAY   (Lot #161)
(Square and Compasses) /
Chas. GRAY / Aug. 12, 1843, / Jan. 26, 1910. /
Alex. E. GRAY / 1866 - 1924. /
Lizzie E. / Wife of / Thomas B. LAMPLOUGH / May 2, 1864, / Dec. 21, 1901. /
(north side)
Maggie V. / Died Aug. 26, 1893, / AE. 15 Yrs. /
Nellie M. / Died May 9, 1883, / AE. 5 Mos. /
Austin, / Died Oct. 14, 1884, / AE. 4 Mos. /
Children of / Charles & Anna GRAY. /
Headstone: Maggie /
Charles /
: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Alex. /
Headstone: Lizzie /
Headstone: James D. / 1873 - 1949 /
Headstone: Charles / 1905 - 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Thomas R. DODDS / 1868 - 1939 /
Ann GRAY / His Wife / 1871 - 1952 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Ann / His Wife / Died Nov. 13, 1916 / AE 70 Y's.
Charles T. GRAY / 1869 - 1941 /
Thomas R. Dodds / 1868 - 1939 /
His Wife / Ann GRAY / 1871 - 1952 /

GRAY   (Lot #186)
G / Elias GRAY / Died May 1, 1897, AE. 76 Ys. /
Jane FRIER / His Wife / Died Nov. 18, 1902, AE. 80 Ys. /
(on base) GRAY /
Kate / 1847 - 1920 /
Sarah / 1854 - 1932 /
Louise / Wife of / James D. / Oliver / 1852 - 1914. /
Geo. B. PERRY / Died Apr. 7, 1929. /
His Wife / Frances GRAY / Died June 16, 1923. /
(on base) PERRY /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Kate /
Headstone: Sarah /
Headstone: Louise /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Father /

GRAY   (Lot #157)
John GRAY, / Died / Dec. 1, 1884, / AE. 42 Yrs 3 Ms. / Tho' lost to sight, to memory dear. / Gone Home /
George H. / Son of J. & C. GRAY, / Died Jan. 18, 1835, / AE. 11 Ys. 4 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charlotte GRAY / 1837 - 1906 /
------separate stone, same lot:
G. H. / (on top)
------separate stone, same lot:
Anna E. / Dau. of / John & Charlott (sic) / GRAY, / Died / Jan. 18, 1880, / AE. 12 ys. & 10 ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles J. / GRAY / Died / Nov. 3, 1898, / AE. 27 Ys. 4 Mos. /
Bertha E. / Daugh. of / Geo. H. & Nellie / ALLEN / Died / Nov. 1, 1899, / AE. 4 Ms. 3 Ds. /
Headstone: C.J.G. /
Headstone: Bertha? /

GRAY   (Lot #157)
(on top) GRAY
William GRAY / 1880 - 1929 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Annie M. / 1883 - 1965
William H. / 1880 - 1929 /

Gerard R. "Ding" / Father / 1922 - 2002 /
Faye / Mother / 1930 /
Karina M. / 1962 /
(back of stone)
Our Children / Warren G. / Kyle J. / Ellen V. / Karina M. /
------separate stone, same lot:

Don Alonzo / 1883 - 1967 /
Marie Louise / 1902 - 1977 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Don Bruce GRIBBLE / 1952 - 1973 /

Mary O. / His Wife / 1854 - 1916 /
William H. / 1850 - 1920 /
Arthur W. / Their Son / 1884 - 19 /

GRISWOLD   (Single Graves)
Elvira A. / Daughter of / Levi & Anna / GRISWOLD died / April 1, 1839 / Aged 15 years, / & 7 months. /

GRISWOLD   (Single Graves)
Diana A. / Daughter of / Alvcan & Loies / GRISWOLD died / Feb. 18, 1837 / aged 18 yrs. & / 4 months. /

GRISWOLD   (Single Graves)
.... / of Alvan ... / GRISWOLD who died / Aug. 12, 1832 / in the 13rd (sic) year of / her age. /

GRISWOLD   (Single Graves)
In memory of Henry W. GRISWOLD / who died March 21 / 1833. / in the 19th year of / his age. /
Sacred / to the Memory of / Sophia, daughter of / Lemuel & Polly / SMITH, who died / Nov. 8th AD. 1821, / aged 18 years. /

HAMMOND   (Lot #1)
Thomas HAMMOND / Died / Oct. 30, 1841, / AE. 55 Y'rs. /
Rachel, / His Wife / Died / Nov. 27, 1868, / AE. 72 Y'rs. /
(NOTE: Thomas HAMMOND was killed "while at work on the fort." He was a Methodist. See Taylor's "Shores of Champlain", page 42.)
------separate stone, same lot:

HAMMOND   (Lot #8)
Geo. F. HAMMOND / Died / Feb. 11, 1895. / AE. 28 Yrs. /
Wm. H. HAMMOND / Died / June 11, 1895. / AE. 20 Yrs. /
Mary E. / Wife of / R. P. HAMMOND / Died / Apr. 16, 1902. / AE. 69 Ys. /
Capt. R. P. / HAMMOND / Died / Aug. 10, 1904. / AE. 79 Ys. /
(NOTE: He was probably a "ferryman")

HAMMOND   (Lot #8)
Sarah E. / HAMMOND /
Jan. 17, 1857, / Jan. 1, 1911. /
NOTE: IOOF Daughters of Rebekah

HAMMOND   (Lot #8)
Caroline / HAMMOND. / Born / Feb. 27, 1849, / Died / Oct. 21, 1870. /

HAMMOND   (Lot #205)
(Masonic Square & Compasses) /
Stephen HAMMOND / 1816 - 1900. /
Sarah E. His Wife / 1821 - 1896. /
Marion M. / 1851 - 1906. /
Edwin J. / 1858 - 1912. /
(on base) HAMMOND /

HAMMOND   (Single Graves)
Edward A. / Son of / John Y. & Cornelia / HAMMOND, / died Feb. 11, / 1849, / aged 9 months, 1 d. /
also / Melissa Ann / died Aug. 17, 1851, / AE. 5 months, 11 d's. /

HANNAH   (Lot #163)
Thomas H. HANNAH / Died July 19, 1898, AE. 26 Ys. /
(on base) HANNAH /
Job ALLISON / Died May 5, 1873, / AE. 49 Ys. /
Lovisa WEEKS ALLISON / Dec. 29, 1838, / June 20, 1919. /
Cora Adalaide / Died Aug. 1870. / AE. 3 Ms. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Baby /

HANNAH   (Lot #163)
(small stone similar to headstones, with only "H" on it.) NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.s

HARMON   (Lot #189)
Charles H. HARMON / Died / Dec. 5, 1914, AE. 36 Ys. /

HAYFORD   (Lot #23)
------separate stone, same lot:
Asel / HAYFORD / 1784 - 1864 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Esther / HAYFORD / 1787 - 1859 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hiram / HAYFORD / 1819 - 1880 /
(NOTE: His wife was Olivia FILMORE. She was cremated and her ashes scattered.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Hiram C. / HAYFORD Jr. / 1860 - 1932 / (NOTE: son of above)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mabel L. / HAYFORD / 1865 - 1934 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary / MAYFORD / 1812 - 1889 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Oscar E. / HAYFORD / 1858 - 1867 / (NOTE: son of Azel HAYFORD)
------separate stone, same lot:
Pauline A. / HAYFORD / 1889 - 1892 / (NOTE: daughter of Hiram C. HAYFORD Jr.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert HAYFORD / 1860 - 1942 /
Annie E. JOY / His Wife / 1866 - 1934 /

(in ground behind stone)
Harry J. HAYFORD / 1891 - 1956 /
Leila MARNES HAYFORD / 1898 - 1987 /
Richard H. HAYFORD / 1928 - 1961 /

HAYFORD   (Lot #96)
on base: JOY
George S. JOY / Born / Feb. 9, 1837, / Died / Dec. 29, 1907. / Asleep in Jesus
Julinett / HOLLENBECK / His Wife / Born / July 8, 1841, / Died / Feb. 14, 1923. /
Robert / HAYFORD / 1860 -      /
Annie E. JOY / His Wife / 1866 - 1934 /
Headstone: J.H.J. /
Headstone: G.S.J. /
Headstone: Annie /
Headstone: Robert /

HAYFORD   (Lot #3)
Silas G. / HAYFORD / Oct. 11, 1826. / Dec. 9, 1896. /
Jane WHYTE / His Wife / Apr. 19, 1822. / Aug. 13, 1878. /
(on base) HAYFORD /
Amanda J. / HAYFORD / Dec. 11, 1855, / Aug. 30, 1881. /
Katie A. / HAYFORD / Aug. 14, 1865, / July 15, 1883. /
------separate stone, same lot:
William HAYFORD I / 1859 - 1947 /
Silas HAYFORD / 1884 - 1951 /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Amanda /
Headstone: Katie /

HAYFORD   (Lot #96)
George / Son of / Wm. I. & E. J. / HAYFORD / Born June 8, 1885, / Died / Aug. 19, 1901. /

HAYFORD   (Lot #96)
Mother / Electa J. JOY / wife of / Wm. I. HAYFORD / June 10, 1859, / Mar. 7, 1919. /

HAYFORD   (Lot #29)
Sarah L. / Wife of / Henry HAYFORD / Died / June 23, 1847 / AE. 23 Yrs. & 10 Ds. /

HAYFORD   (Lot #29)
Eleanore / Wife of / Henry HAYFORD / Died Dec. 19, 1863 / AE. 41 ys. 9 Ms. & 18 Ds. /
Sarah O. / Their Daughter / Died Apr. 13, 1858, / AE. 3 Ms. & 2 Ds. /
(NOTE: Henry went to California and was lost track of.)

HIBBARD   (Lot #158)
Charles Augustin HIBBARD / July 4, 1813 - Dec. 14, 1886 /
Jane Elizabeth WEEKS / His Wife / Oct. 9, 1818 - Oct. 16, 1891 /

SUNDERLAND   (Lot #158)
J. W. SUNDERLAND. / died Feb. 11, 1858, / In the 42 Yr. of his age.

SUNDERLAND   (Lot #158)
Eleanor, / Wife of / J. W. SUNDERLAND, / died Sept. 5, 1852, / aged 36 years / & 1 mo. /
And when the chief Shepherd /
Shall appear ye shall /
receive a crown of glory, /
that fadeth not away. /

HUMPHREY   (Lot #158)
Maggie, / wife of / Chas. HUMPHREY / Died / July 24, 1881, / Aged / 36 Years. / At Rest. /

SUNDERLAND   (Lot #158)
George W. SUNDERLAND / Born / Oct. 5, 1843, / Died / Nov. 28, 1899. / Note: Masonic Symbol on stone

HIBBARD   (Lot #17)
Amelia, / wife of / Thomas HIBBARD, / died Feb. 18th, 1836, / aged 38 years. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Merrill WILSON, / Infant son of / Thos & Amelia / HIBBARD, who / died May 20th 1832. / Aged 3 months. /

HILL (LOT #61)
Enid H. HILL / 1902 - 1991 / Widow of Henry H /

HILL   (Lot #203)
Caleb N. HILL / Co. E. 2. Regt. / Sharpshooters / Died / June 30, 1903, / AE. 65 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sophia E. / Wife of / Caleb HILL / Died / Feb. 26, 1905 / AE. 64 Ys. /

HILL   (Lot #218)
Harry J. HILL / Oct. 10, 1833. Apr. 7, 1911. /
Marthy P. EDDY / His Wife / Nov. 23, 1835. June 14, 1904. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Anna C. HILL / Wife of / Charles REED / Died / Jan. 11, 1901, / AE. 45 Ys. 9 Ms. /
Footstone: ACH /

June UPTON / HILLIKER / June 4, 1933 /

HOAG   (LOT #69)
Bertram B. HOAG / 1875 - 1940 /
Marian DARROW / His Wife / 1894 - 1976 /
------separate stone, same lot:
CARSON BERTRAM HOAG / TEC 4 US ARMY / WW II / JAN 5, 1919 - DEC 26, 1986 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Their Daughter / Marian Eileen HOAG / 1920 - 2006 /

HOAG   (Lot #106)
Matilda J. HOAG / 1852 - 1934 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Samuel W. HOAG / 1877 - 1924. /
Ida Mae HOAG / Oct. 20, 1874 - Aug. 4, 1960 / NOTE: American Legion Auxiliary Staff on stone
------separate stone, same lot:
Beryl V. HOAG / 1907 - 1934 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Thomas HOAG / 1848 - 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Jennie M. HOAG / 1875 - 1955 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Ida VOSBURGH / Wife of Samuel HOAG / 1874 - 1960 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Vera V. MacCLLUM MURRAY / June 9, 1908 - Feb. 1, 1985 / NOTE: American Legion Auxiliary Staff on stone
(NOTE: From "Champlain Journal" July 21, 1877: HOAG -- In Champlain, July 17th, a son to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoag.)

HOAG   (LOT 136c)
Frank C. / 1916 - 1992 /
Jennie E. / 1919 - 2001 /

HOAG   (LOT #251)
George B. / 1862 - 1956 /
Caroline REED / his wife / 1861 - 1946 /
Their Son / Frederick G. / 1885 - 1971 /
His Wife / Mary BYRNES / 1888 - 1965 /

HOKE   (LOT #40)
Clarence D. / 1907 - 1981 /
Jessie A. / 1908 - 1981 /

(west side)
Albert H. / 1951 /
Anna BROWN / His Wife / 1961 /
Charlotte FINCH / Mother / 1935 /
(east side)
Alwin B. /
Albert A. /

HUDSON   (Lot #44)
------separate stone, same lot:
Margaret / AE. 42. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Samuel / AE. 54. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / AE. 60 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / AE. 52 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
S. Margaret / AE. 29. / Face to Face. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Peter A. SEGUIN Jr. / 1884 - 1937 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sue A. SEGUIN / 1889 - 1958 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Stewart HUDSON / NEW YORK / PHM3 / US NAVY / WORLD WAR I / FEB 25, 1895 - JUNE 26, 1952 /

HUNGERFORD   (Lot #90)
H / Taber W. / HUNGERFORD / 1859 - 1924. /
His Wife / Frances F. / 1865 - 1942 /

HURST   (LOT #170)
Paul H. HURST / 1891 - 1963 /
Mabel H. O'LENA / His Wife / 1895 - 1982 /

INGALLS   (LOT #154)
George H. / 1892 - 1976 /
Hillory A. / 1902 - 1978 /
(NOTE: This is on the reverse side of headstoe for WRIGHT, Lot 154. Hillory and George are the mother and step-father of eith Wright shown on reverse of headstone.)

INGALLS   (Lot #232)
(Masonic Square & Compasses) /
G. A. INGALLS / 1863 - 1920. / (NOTE: George A. INGALLS)
His Wife / Ruby SCOTT / 1871 - 1958 /

INGRAM   (Lot #177)
(flag) / John H. INGRAM / Died / June 14, 1916. / AE. 79 Ys. / Sec. Lieut. Co. H. 60. Regt. N.Y. Inf. /
Rose E. McCONNELL / His Wife / Died Jan. 18, 1917. / AE. 77 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Our Mary /
Mary A. / Daugh. of / J. H. & R. E. / INGRAM / Died / Sept. 22, 1893. / AE. 16 Ys. 5 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Matilda A. / Wife of / H. A. PALMER / Died / Oct. 21, 1894. / AE. 20 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Daughter of John INGRAM / Susan D. INGRAM / Wife of / C. (Charles) A. CLINGMAN / 1879 - 1921 / NOTE: Member of Daughters of Rebekah Pioneer Lodge 144 Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Mable R. /
Daugh. of / H. A. & A. K. / PALMER / Died / Aug. 26, 1900. / AE. 7 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Harry PALMER / 1868 - 1950 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alice / His Wife / 1869 - 1954 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Kathryn FITTS / 1932 /

INGRAM   (Lot #110B)
Howard F. /
Son of / John & Lizzie / INGRAM / Died / Jan. 27, 1918, / AE. 15 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
James INGRAM / 1869 - 1944 /
Elizabeth TAYLOR / INGRAM / 1875 - 1939 /

Merrill R. / 1921 - 2005 /
Married May 8, 1946 /
Marcella JENNETTE / His Wife / 1926 /
Basil JENNETTE / 1932 - 1995 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
BASIL GENE JENETTE / SP 4 US ARMY / VIETNAM / JAN 31, 1937 - JUN 5, 1995 /

JAMES   (Lot #261)
Erwin N. JAMES / 1870 - 1922. /
Dawn L. MOLLEUR / His Wife / 1894 - 1952 /
Erwin / Their Son / 1912 - 1933 /
Headstone: Daddy /
Headstone: Erwin /
Headstone: Jacob RABIDEAU / 1894 - 1959 / NOTE: Masonic Symbol on stone
Headstone: Dawn

JARVIS   (Lot #198)
Annie E. KEDDY / Wife of / Sidney JARVIS / Died / Oct. 4, 1908. / AE. 38 Ys. /
(on base) JARVIS /
William CHRISTAL / Died / Mar. 26, 1911, / AE. 56 Ys. /
Headstone: Mother /

JARVIS   (LOT #18)
Earl J. / 1935 /
Ruth C. / 1937 /

JENNETTE   (Lot #209) NOTE: This stone was replaced prior to June 2016. Please see the information on the follOWING STONE!
Florence / JENNETTE / Died / June 22, 1917, / AE. 59 Ys. /
(on base) JENNETTE /
Clarence / Died / Mar. 21, 1927, / AE. 35 Ys. /
Headstone: Clarence

JENNETTE   (Lot #209)
(east side)
FLORENCE / 1858 - 1917 / His Wife /
Margaret TREMBLAY / 1862 - 1945 /
Clarence R. / 1892 - 1927 /
(west side)
Manny A . / 1888 - 1964 /
His Wife / Catherine M. JENNETTE / 1888 - 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alan C. LUCAS / Dec. 21 1912 - Feb. 25, 1973 /
Viola L. LUCAS / Jan. 23, 1919 - Sept. 9, 2006 /
------separate stone, same lot:
(Military Bronze Marker)
ALLAN C LUCAS / NY / PVT US ARMY / Dec 21, 1912 - FEB 25, 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / Manny A. / ST . JOHN / 1888 - 1964 /
Mother / Catherine J. ST. JOHN / 1888 - 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son / Carl A. LUCAS / Sept. 6, 1943 - Nov. 10, 1972 /

Rodger / Son / 1933 - 1979 /
Rita / Wife / 1823 - 1995 /
Wallace J / 1895 - 1962 /
Lillian M. LaBOMBRD / 1896 - 1974 /
Donald L. / Their Son / 1919 - 1945 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son / 1933 Roger 1979 /
Wife / 1923 Rita 1995 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / Wallace JENNETTE / born 1895 / died 1962 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Lillian M. / 1896 - 1974 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son / Donald / 1919 - 1945 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son / Basil / 1937 - 1995 /

JOHNSON   (Lot #173)
Gilbert L. JOHNSON / July 26, 1859 - Apr. 14, 1937 /
His Wives /
Josie / June 30, 1874 - Mar. 5, 1901 /
Flora M. / Apr. 18, 1875 - July 26, 1934 /
1891 Carmin L. 1945 /
1917 Robert B 1993 /
Leon / Dec. 8, 1899 - May 6, 1900 /
Willie / Feb. 21, 1901 - Apr. 14, 1901 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Headstone: Carmin L. / 1891 - 1945 /
Headstone: Gilbert /
Headstone: Flora /
Headstone: Josie /
Headstone: Leon /
Headstone: Willie /
William W. JOHNSON / Sept. 16, 1909 - Sept. 13, 1986 /
Isabelle N. / His Wife / Dec. 23, 1910 - June 18, 1981 /
Their Son / Wm. W., Jr. / 1955 - 1956 /
NOTE: William W. Jr. - Big stone is wrong with 1955 year of death. The small stone corrected the year to 1956.

Oliver / 1863 - 1941 /
Martha E. / 1870 - 1947 /

Richard / 1912 - 1988 /
Urte / 1914 /

Auguste / His Wife / 1914 - 1991 /
August / 1911 - 1979 /

KENNEDY   (Lot #249)
William J. KENNEDY / 1866 - 1915 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Maria J. KENNEDY / 1874 - 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot:
William H. KENNEDY / 1908 - 1967 / (NOTE: There is a Masonic Symbol on the stone.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Alice NOLAN / KENNEDY / 1912 - 1948 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Annie KENNEDY / 1864 - 1947 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Thomas Halton / 1900 - 1980 /
Thelma V. TRUE / His Wife / 1905 - 1995 /

KENNY   (LOT #136A)
Percy R. / 1896 /
Helen M. / 1898 - 1981 /

KING   (Lot #66)
Alonzo R. KING / Died / May 30, 1876, / AE. 64 Ys. /
Eliza A. / Wife of / A. R. KING. / Died / Jan. 19, 1894. / AE. 79 Ys. /
(on base) KING /
Amelia A. / Died / Jan. 7, 1895, / AE. 55 Ys. /

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)
Nora Sarony LAMBERT /

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)
Thomas Sarony LAMBERT / 1874 - 1920 /

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)
Margaret Sarony LAMBERT / 1834 - 1909 /

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)
Thomas ARMSTRONG KING / Born at Mooers, N.Y. / Feb. 1, 1866 / Apr. 17, 1928 /
His Wife / Amelia Sarony KING / 1868      /

KING   (Lot #182 Vault)
Rufus Frederick KING / 1893      / NOTE: He was cremated and his ashes were scattered across Danica Bay, Florida.

LaBELLE   (LOT #17)
Beatrice LaBELLE / 1905 - 1991 /

Lottie / Mother / 1895 - 1928 /
Ronald / Husband / 1920 - 1969 /
Clifford / Son / 1917 - 1980 /
Eleanore / Wife / 1921 - 2003 /

Headstone: Kenneth LaBOMBARD / Born AUg 6, 1908 / Died July 25, 1915 / Rest in Peace. /
Headstone: Marjorie E. / Wife of Reay H. LOMBARD / 1910 - 1940 /

LADD   (LOT #32)
Raymond S. / 1899 - 1967 /
Marjorie M. / 1898 - 1985 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Emma SMITH / LADD / 1856 - 1948 /
NOTE: Marjorie was the daughter of George MARNES and Sylvia SCRIVER.

LADD   (Lot #236)
Harvey S. LADD / July 27, 1859 / May 21, 1929 /
His Wife / Mary M. BUTTLE / Dec. 20, 1861 / Mar. 24, 1941 /
Harvey S. LADD Jr. / June 11, 1900 / Nov. 16, 1933 /
: Father /
Headstone: Mother / (NOTE: She died March 1941)
------separate stone, same lot:
MARVIN STOW SAXE / SGT US ARMY / WW I / MAR 20, 1897 / JAN 6, 1977 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Marvin S. / 1897 - 1977 /
Marjorie LADD / His Wife / 1895 - 1992 /
NOTE: Marjorie Ladd is the daughter of Harvey and Mary.

LAMOY   (LOT #70)
------separate stone, same lot:
Clyde M. / 1902 - /
------separate stone, same lot:
Jennie M. / 1878 - 1945 /

LANG   (Single Graves)
George LANG. / Died / March 30, 1868. / AE. 29 Yrs. 3 Ds. /
Dear is the spot where christians (sic) sleep, /
And sweet the strains that angels pour, /
Oh why should we in anguish weep, /
They are not lost but gone before. /

LANGEVIN   (Lot #197)
Henry J. LANGEVIN / 1862 -      /
Eliza M. / His Wife / 1851 - 1916 /
Their Son / Henry S. / 1886 - 1909 /
(on base) LANGEVIN /
Frank M. LANGEVIN / 1866 - 1904 /
------separate stone, same lot:

Maud BURNHAM / Wife of C. LANGEVIN / Born Sept. 2, 1896 / Died June 25, 1927 (or 1922?) /

LANGLEY   (Lot #240)
Emma / LANGLEY / Wife of / J. N. MATTHEWS / Born / Aug. 29, 1863, / Died / May 19, 1918. /
(on base) MATTHEWS /
Jane / VOSBURGH / Wife of / G. H. LANGLEY / Born / May 6, 1836, / Died / Feb. 2, 1918. /
Mary / LANGLEY / Wife of / Peter LONG / 1872 - 1926 /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Emma /
------separate stone, same lot:
LOUIS LAJOY / 1882 - 1943 /

LANGLEY   (Lot #241)
Mary E. LAMOUNTAIN / Wife of / Fred. LANGLEY / 1857 - 1919. /
Headstone: Mother /

LANSING   (Lot #57)
James W. LANSING, / Born / Jan. 10, 1809. / Died / July 11, 1874. / AE. 65 Yrs. 6 Mos. & 1 Day. /
Theo. F. LANSING / Born Feb. 22, 1843, / Died Mar. 19, 1906. /
Clark S. FAIRBANK / 1840 - 1921. /
Anncelia LANSING / His Wife / 1842 - 1920. /
Mary A. FITCH / Wife of / J. W. LANSING / Born Aug. 4, 1822, / Died July 10, 1903. /
Headstone: J. W. LANSING /
Headstone: M.A.L. /
Headstone: T.F.L. /

LANSING   (Lot #56)
Frances M. BULLIS, / Wife of / J. G. LANSING. / Died / Feb. 2, 1872. / AE. 60 Y'rs. /
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord /
NOTE: Only the top part of this stone was left in June 2016.
------separate stone, same lot:
John G. LANSING / Died / May 5, 1894. / Aged / 81 ys. 3 Ms. /
NOTE: Only the top part of this stone was left in June 2016.

LAUNDRIE   (Lot #75)
------separate stone, same lot:
Alexander LAUNDRIE / Father / 1849 - 1930 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sophie BARIL / His Wife / 1851 - 1930 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alexander J. LAUNDRIE / Son / 1876 - 1947 /
------separate stone, same lot:
SHUMAY / Dr. D. Gardner / 1874 /
Clara L. / 1885 - 1950 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Ione LAUNDRIE / 1904 - 1990 /
ALMA GIROUARD LAUNDRIE / APRIL 14, 1911 - OCTOBER 26, 2004 / Wife of Harold - Mother of Donald / Her love and devotion / nurtured generations. /
Headstone: John Milton ARNHEIM / 1898 - 1947 /
Headstone: Viola Laundrie / His Wife / 1890 - 1970 /

LaWAre (lot 231)
Joseph / 1877 - 1917 /
Edith M. / His Wife / 1881 - 1970 /
Maurice / Their Son / 1915 - 1961 /
Ethel THOMPSON / Daughter / 1912 - 1998 /
------separate stone, same lot:

LaWARE   (LOT 235C)
VINCENT P. LAWARE / US ARMY / WORLD WAR II / OCT 25, 1916 - MAR 3, 1933 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Clara M. LaWARE / May 5, 1925 /

John J. / June 18, 1920 / Nov. 6, 2004 /
Esther C. / Nov. 18, 1924 / Apr. 2, 2010 /
Gregory / Our Son / July 13, 1963 / Infant /
Emeline M. / Mother / July 8, 1889 Aug. 30 / 1967 /

LEGGETT   (Lot #116)
on base: WEST /
Catherine E. OLIPHANT / Wife of / Robert LEGGETT / Died Nov. 16, 1885 / AE. 57 Ys. 5 Ms. 16 Ds. / Blessed are the dead who die / in the Lord. /
Robert LEGGETT / Born Apr. 13, 1812. / Died Nov. 17, 1897. / At Rest. /
Sarah C. MASON / Wife of / Wm. LEGGETT / Died / Apr. 8, 1913, / AE. 48 Ys. 5 Ms. / At Rest. /
Wm. LEGGETT / Died / May 14, 1948 / AE 82 Ys. /
Little Robert / Only Son of / Wm. & S. C. / LEGGETT / Died Dec. 10, 1900, / AE. 8 Ys. 5 Ms. / Safe in the arms of Jesus. /
R. LEGGETT Jr. / 1855 - 1924. / At Rest. /
------separate stone, same lot:
(north side)
His Wife / Anna L. WILEY / 1875 - 1948 /
Dau. / Charlotte J. / LEGGETT / 1897 - 1963 /
: Little / Robert /
: Mother /
: Father /
: C.J.L. /
Headstone: R.L. Jr. / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.
: R.L. /
Headstone: C.E.O. /

(west side)
John J. / 1868 - 1944 /
Thomas / 1864 - 1912 /
(east side)
Olive M. / ELKINS / 1920 - /
Marjorie LEGGETT / ELKINS / 1895 - 1960 /

LEONARD   (Lot #45)
Abraham LEONARD / Died Feb. 17, 1857. / AE. 85 Ys. /
Hannah HILL / His Wife / Died Mar. 13, 1831. / AE. 63 Ys. /
Dwight / Their Son / Died Apr. 9, 1845, / AE. 40 Ys. /
(on base) LEONARD /
Abraham LEONARD Jr. / Died Aug. 12, 1877, / AE. 79 Ys. /
Abraham P. LEONARD / Died Mar. 12, 1875. / AE. 41 Ys. /
Barnard LEONARD / Died Nov. 13, 1881. / AE. 74 Ys. /
Alta PERRY / His Wife / Died Dec. 3, 1911, / AE. 90 Ys. /
Grace GREENWOOD / Daugh. of / Barnard & Alta / LEONARD / Died Mar. 6, 1861. / AE. 10 Ys. /
Headstone: Father / 1807 - 1881 /
Headstone: Mother / 1821 - 1911 /
Headstone: Gracie. /
Headstone: A.L. /
Headstone: H.H.L. /
Headstone: D.L. /
Headstone: A.L. Jr. /
Headstone: A.P.L. /

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Theodore M. LEONARD / June 28, 1841 / Aug. 29, 1926 /
(NOTE: Fedelia LEONARD was 2nd wife of T. M. LEONARD, and sister of 1st wife.)

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Mary A. LEONARD / Mother of / Theodore M. LEONARD / Aug. 19, 1818 / Mar. 20, 1909 /

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Martha A. LEONARD / Wife of Theodore M. LEONARD / Sept. 5, 1845 / Sept. 4, 1887 / (NOTE: his 1st wife)

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Theodore Jackson LEONARD / Mar. 18, 1914 - Aug. 13, 1922 / Son of Harrie T. and Lennis /

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Lennis A. ATKINS / Wife of Harrie T. LEONARD / Mar. 28, 1881 - Sept. 22, 1940 /

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Harrie T. LEONARD / Son of Theodore M. & Martha A. LEONARD / Nov. 3, 1872 - June 1, 1948 /

LEONARD   (Family Vault)
Fedelia Alta LEONARD / Wife of Theodore M. Leonard / June 10, 1855 - Dec. 3, 1942 /

LEONARD   (Lot #143)
------separate stone, same lot:
Orin / 1816 - 1913 /------separate stone, same lot:
Aurilla / 1817 - 1891 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Frances / 1854 - 1862 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Annette / 1847 - 1930 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lyman / 1856 - 1933 /
------separate stone, same lot:
David M. LEONARD, / Died / Sept. 8, 1886, / Aged / 74 Ys. & 8 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lydia Ann / Wife of / D. M. LEONARD / Died / Oct. 1, 1863, / AE. 37 yrs. 3 ms. 10 ds. /
(NOTE: three children Wallace, Arthur, and Emmit died in Kansas.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Melissa I. / ROBINSON / Wife of / David LEONARD / Died / June 14, 1897, / AE. 69 Ys. 11 Ms. / (NOTE: One child, Grace, married Frank VanBUSKIRK.
(NOTE: A local item in the Champlain Journal, May 31, 1873, states that David LEONARD moved the 64 bodies from the old burying ground in Rouses Point, to this Maple Hill Cemetery, for which he received this lot.)

LEONARD   (Lot #145)
Caleb LEONARD. / Died / Jan. 5, 1864. / AE. 83 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Triphena GODDARD, / Wife of / Caleb LEONARD, / died June 20, 1871. / AE. 84 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lucy T. / daughter of / Caleb & Tryphena / LEONARD. / died Jan. 12, 1824 / AE. 3 Years & 1 Month. /
Also / Nathan, / died Oct. 3, 1847, / AE. 16 Years & 8 Mon's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Albert E. LEONARD / 1863 -  1945  / (son of Austin)
His Wife / Amelia A. ELVIDGE / 1868 - 1929 /
Austin C. LEONARD / 1823 - 1903 /
His Wives / Lucinda M. JOHNSON / 1825 - 1859 /
Cornelia E. ALLEN / 1831 - 1914 /

LEWIS   (Lot #79)
Robert D. LEWIS / Died / Oct. 12, 1884, / Age 8 Yrs. /
Willie S. LEWIS / Died / Nov. 12, 1888, / Age 8 Yrs. 2 Mos. /
S. H. LEWIS / Born / July 4, 1842, / Died / Aug. 16, 1894. /
Henrietta / OLIVER / His Wife / Born / Jan. 3, 1847, / Died / June 1, 1922 /
Mrs. Eliza LEWIS / Died / April 3, 1888, / Age 79 Yrs. /
G. O. LEWIS / 1843 - 1914. /
(east) LEWIS / (on base) /
Frank C. LEWIS / Dec. 31, 1878 / Nov. 1, 1948 /

LEWIS   (Lot #79)
Nellie E. / Dau. of / R. A. & E. C. / LEWIS, / Died / Jan. 17, 1883, / AE. 1 Yr. & 11 Ms. / Budded on earth to / bloom in heven. (sic) /

LEWIS   (Lot #79)
S. Henry, / Died / Apr. 29, 1876, / AE. 2 Ys. / (on base) Childdren of / S. & H. LEWIS. /
Nellie M. / Died / Apr. 20, 1876, / AE. 5 Ys. & 6 Ms. /
Fanny G. / Died / Mar. 1867, (sic) / AE. 1 Yr. & 3 Ms. /
Suffer little children /
to come unto me and /
of such is the kingdom /
of heaven. /

LEWIS   (Lot #267)
Headstone: Lionel Alvin / 1920 - 1992 /
Headstone: Beatrice Henriette / His Wife / 1923 /
Headstone: Mary Beatrice (CORBIERE) LEWIS / 1900 - 1988 /
NOTE: Henrietta OLYER was the daughter of M. Beatrice CORBIERE and Frank C. LEWIS (Lot #79)

LEWIS   (Lot #12)
------separate stone, same lot:
At rest. / Josiah LEWIS, / Died / Mar. 2, 1864, / AE. 64 ys. & 5 ms. /
(NOTE: great grandfather of Ralph LEWIS)
------separate stone, same lot:
At rest. / Charlotte, / wife of / Josiah LEWIS, / Died / Aug. 26, 1862. / AE. 67 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary Jane, / wife of / George LEWIS / Died / July 11, 1880, / AE. 48 Ys. /
I shall know the loved who have gone /
before, and joyfully sweet will the meeting /
be, when over the river, the peaceful river /
the angel of death shall carry me. /
George / LEWIS / Died / July 12, 1900, / AE. 71 Ys. /
(NOTE: grand parents of Ralph LEWIS)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mabel / Wife of / W. C. LEWIS / 1885 - 1915 / (NOTE: Mabel MASON)
------separate stone, same lot:
Infant /
------separate stone, same lot:
Edith M. / Jan. 3, 1884. / Mar. 1, 1892. / (NOTE: Edith Maud, sister of Ralph LEWIS)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Sarah J. WHYTE / July 27, 1858 / Dec. 1, 1922 / (NOTE: Sarah Jane, dau. of William WHYTE.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Thomas W. LEWIS / Nov. 29, 1854. / Apr. 17, 1907. / (NOTE: Thomas Wasson LEWIS)

LEWIS   (LOT #53)
Alfred B. / 1927 - 1979 /
Carol T. / 1934 - 2009 /
------separate stone, same lot:
ALFRED B. LEWIS / US NAVY / WW II / JUNE 7, 1927 - SEPT 25, 1979 /
NOTE: Carol T., nee Favro, wife of Alfred

LEWIS   (Separate Graves)
In memory of / Martha WELDON, / Widow of / Morris LEWIS, / Died / Nov. 19, 1873, / AE. 75 Years / 8 Mo's 13 Ds. /
The memory of the just is / blessed. /

LIGHTHALL   (Lot #201)
Stephen M. LIGHTHALL / Died / Oct. 5, 1908, / AE. 73 Ys. / (NOTE: His wife is buried in Boston, Mass.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Annie May, / Wife of / William M. / LIGHTHALL, / Born Mar. 30, 1869, / Died Dec. 24, 1914. / The Lord is my shepherd. / (NOTE: buried here in April 29, 1949: William McPherson LIGHTHALL, who died at Round Lake, N.Y. Apr. 26, 1949. No stone.) NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015. It had been replaced by the another stone in the same lot. (see below)
------separate stone, same lot:
William McP. / LIGHTHALL / 1865 - 1949 /
------separate stone, same lot:
E. Florence / LIGHTHALL / 1872 - 1957 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Annie M. / LIGHTHALL / 1869 - 1914 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Bertha R. / LIGHTHALL / 1888 - 1974 /

Thy Will Be Done /
------separate stone, same lot:
PUTNAM / Gerald A. / 1919 -
Mollie LONG / His Wife / 1931 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Samuel F. / 1984 /
Esther GRAVES / His Wife / 1910 - 1982 /
------separate stone, same lot:
SAMUEL F. LONG / PFC US ARMY / WW II / MAY 21, 1906 - MAR 22, 1984 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Baby / Erika PUTNAM / Mar. 20, 1976 / June 19, 1976 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Baby / Jeremy PUTNAM / 1974 /

LORD   (Lot #193)
George W. LORD / May 27, 1839 / May 26, 1904. / "Gone but not forgotten." /
------separate stone, same lot:
Cypril / George /
------separate stone, same lot:
William GAUTHIER / 1880 - 1936 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.
------separate stone, same lot:
Isabelle COOPER / 1885 - 1963 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hiram J. COOPER / 1887 - 1943 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son of / Charles & Martha /
------separate stone, same lot:
Martha HILL / 1906 - 1973 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles HILL / 1904 - 1978 /

LORD   (Lot #180)
(front) LORD /
Gilson / son of / Homer & Louesa (sic) / LORD / Died / Apr. 7, 1893, / AE. 17 Ys. /

LORD   (Lot #206)
(front) LORD /
Kittie May / Daugh. of / H. C. & J. E. LORD / Died Jan. 12, 1901, AE. 20 Ys. /
Jennie LORD McDONOUGH 1885 - 1916 /
(north side)
George / Son o f/ W C & F G LORD / 1925 - 1932 /
Hiram LORD / 1845 - 1922 /
Jennie FORSYTHE / His Wife / 1850 - 1940 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert F. LORD / July 24, 1882 - May 26, 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Florence G. PALMER / Wife of Wilbur LORD / Jun 4, 1900 - Sept 26, 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot: - Military Bronze Marker

LORD   (LOT #216)
(east side)
Edwin G. / 1874 - 1940 /
Lillie J. / His Wife / 1875 - 1948 /
William G. / 1899 - 1955 /
Annie W. / His Wife / 1901 -
(west side)
Edith GAUTHIER / 1891 - 1970 /
Avis SCHNEIDER / 1913 - 1970 /
Michael STETZ / 1956 - 1976 /
Hanna HALL / 1835 - 1907 /
(west side)
Edith LORD GAUTHIER / 1891 - 1970 /
Avis GAUTHIER / SCHNEIDER / 1913 - 1970 /
Michael STETZ / Grandson / 1956 - 1976 /

Leo W. / Aug. 30, 1926 / Aug. 12, 2004 /
Theresa I. / Oct. 3, 1927 / Mar. 2, 2006 /
------separate stone, same lot:
LEO W. MACCALLUM / PFC US ARMY / WORLD WAR II / AUG 30, 1926 - AUG 12. 2004 /

MacCALLUM / To Live on in hearts / we leave behind is not / to die. /
Headstone: Neal R. / MacCALLUM / Feb. 25, 1928 /
Headstone: Marian E. "Irish" MacCALLUM / Feb. 2, 1926 / May 22, 1990 /
Headstone / NEAL R. MacCALLUM / S1 US NAVY / WORLD WAR II / FEB 25, 1928 - JUN 12, 2012 /

Maccullum (LOT #19)
Robert C. / 1934 - 1969 /
Ruth C. / 1937 /
Headstone: CLAYTON R. MacCALLUM / NY / PFC US ARMY / JAN 27, 1934 - SEP 19, 1969 /
Headstone: Travis W. GREGOIRE / 1970 - 1999 /

MacDOUGALLHeadstone (LOT E137B)
Archie / 1900 - 1983 /
Alice SMITH / His Wife / 1894 - 1980 /

McCHESNEY   (Lot #192)
(east side)
George 1869 - 1939 /
George W. / 1906 - 1971 /
Eva M. / 1907 - 1973 /
(west side)
Lydia / 1884 - 1965 /
Robert / 1940 - 1965 /
George R. / 1935 - 1993 /
------separate stone, same lot:
GEORGE R McCHESNEY / A3C US AIR FORCE / KOREA / MAY 10, 1935 - AUG 28, 1993 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Baby Douglas / 1965

McCONNELL   (Lot #169)
(front) McCONNELL /
Patrick McCONNELL / Born May 21, 1832 / Died July 30, 1896 /
Melvina OLIVER / His Wife / Born Sept. 14, 1834 / Died May 3, 1881 /
Headstone: Father / NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2015.
Headstone: Mother /
------separate stone, same lot:
George / 1872 - 1956 /
Nellie May O'DELL / His Wife / 1872 - 1943 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Chas. A. McCREA / Jan. 9, 1951 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary E McCREA / Aug. 3, 1959 /

McCREA   (Lot #222)
John McCREA / Died / Mar. 1, 1900, / AE. 68 Ys. /
Martha / His Wife / Died / Mar. 17, 1918, / AE. 76 Ys. /
John J. McCREA / Died / Apr. 15, 1886, / AE. 22 Ys. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: John /
(NOTE: Martha JONES. These are the father, mother, and brother of Charles Andrew McCREA.)

McDONALD   (Lot #142)
George A. McDONALD / Died / Feb. 15, 1874, / AE. 16 Ys. 6 Ms. & 6 Ds. /
Safe in the arms of Jesus, /
Safe in his gentle breast /
There by his love ore shadowed /
Sweetly his soul shall rest. /
Safe in the arms of Jesus, /
Safe from corroding care, /
Safe from the worlds temptation /
Sin cannot harm him there. /

McDONALD   (Lot #142)
Our Sarah F. /
Suffer little children to come unto me for such /
is the kingdom of Heaven. /
Daugh. of / C. H. & C. C. McDONALD / Died / Dec. 11, 1861, / AE. 4 ms. & 25 ds. /

McDONALD   (Lot #142)
Our / Charles H. /
He is not dead but /
yet we miss him for we know, /
that we hath taken him unto /
the realm of bliss, another /
gem, another star, to make /
his crown more bright. /
Son of / C. H. & C. McDONALD / Died / Aug. 3, 1862. / AE. 12 ys. 2 Ms. & 10 ds. /

McDOUGALL   (Lot #53)
James McDOUGALL / Born / Mar. 3, 1810, / Died Apr. 4, 1874. /
Agnes DAVIDSON / Wife of / James McDOUGALL / Born Sept. 24, 1811, / Died May 19, 1890. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Margaret B. ERVING / 1844 - 1915 /
James E. ERVING / 1864 - 1895. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Richard H. / 1901 - 1989 /
Evelyn H. / 1907 - 1988 /
Nancy E HALEY / 1927
------separate stone, same lot:
Richard C. / 1930 /
Virginia A. / 1952 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles L. / 1932 /
Maggie E. / 1939 /

McLAUGHLIN   (Lot #221)
George F. McLAUGHLIN / Died / June 27, 1896, / AE. 25 Ys. 6 Ms. /
(on base) McLAUGHLIN /
Sarah A. McLAUGHLIN / Died Mar. 24, 1904, / AE. 61 Ys. /
Headstone: George /
Headstone: Mother /

McQUILLAN   (Lot #129)
Martha J. / Wife of / J. McQUILLAN / Sept. 6, 1826, / May 5, 1897. /
James / McQUILLAN / Dec. 24, 1826, / Oct. 22, 1880. /
(on base) McQUILLAN /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /

MALOY   (Lot #108B)
Charles P. MALOY / Feb. 10, 1874. / (blank) /
His Wife / Mabel INAH / Dec. 30, 1872, / Mar. 16, 1928. /

MANDIGO   (Lot #26)
Daniel MANDIGO / Died / Feb. 18, 1876; / AE. 74 y'rs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary, / Wife of / Daniel MANDIGO, / Died / Aug. 1, 1881, / AE. 75 Y's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Elizabeth J. SHEDRICK / Wife of / George WHEELER / Born / Aug. 4, 1832, / Died Aug. 2, 1889. /

MANDIGO   (Lot #178)
Sylvester H. MANDIGO / Born / Sept. 17, 1835, / Died / Apr. 3, 1895, / AE. 59 Ys. 6 Ms. 16 Ds. / Sergt. Co. I 10 Min. Inf. /
Mary A. GILLAGEN / Wife of / Sylvester M. / MANDIGO / Born / Dec. 22, 1834, / Died / Mar. 9, 1905. /
George W. MANDIGO / Born / Mar. 26, 1872, / Died / July 5, 1894, / AE. 22 Ys. 3 Ms. 9 Ds. /
(on base) (Odd Fellows Links) / MANDIGO /
His wife / Alice H / Born / Oct. 1, 1872 / Died / Sept. 30, 1947 /
Alison H / Born / Mar. 6, 1867 / Died / Mar. 8, 1954 /
Headstone: Father / (flag)
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: George /
------separate stone, same lot:
George / 1864 - 1935 /
Arvilla / His Wife / 1862 - 1939 /
(NOTE: George was a member Champlain Lodge, No. 237, F. & A. M. -- Arvilla was a MANDIGO.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Ester M. SULLIVAN / 1902 - 1967 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alice H /
------separate stone, same lot:
Allison H

MANDIGO   (Lot #176)
John Uriah MANDIGO / May 19, 1859 -- May 30, 1900 /
Jane Elizabeth / Mar. 16, 1888 - Oct. 23, 1888 /
(on base) MANDIGO /
Robert COX / 1856 - 1933 /
His Wife / Charlotte LEGGETT / 1862 - 1933 /
John LEGGETT 1888 - 1978
His Wife / Alta H. WOODWARD / 1896 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:
JOHN LEGGETT COX / OM US NAVY / WORLD WAR II / NOV 15, 1888 - MAR 24, 1978 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alta H. WOODWARD / Wife of John COX / 1896 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Elizabeth L. MANDIGO / 1859 - 1944 /
John S. MANDIGO / 1883 - 1952 /
1891 Elsie BRUCE MANDIGO 1963 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:

John Lovell MARLEAU / April 13, 1951 / July 17, 1968 /
His Sister / Barbara Jean MARLEAU / Sept. 14, 1949 - Oct. 16, 1999 /

MARNES   (Lot #262)
------separate stone, same lot:
Hila M. HARRISON / Sept. 7, 1878 / Apr. 24, 1927 / NOTE: Miss Harrison was a piano teacher in Rouses Point, New York.
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles M. MARNES / 1863 -- 1939 /
Zerviah L. MARNES / 1867 - 1962 /

MARNES   (LOT #124)
Headstone: George E. MARNES / 1858 - 1950 /
Headstone: Alice SCRIVER MARNES / 1869 - 1950 /
Headstone: ERNEST SCRIVER MARNES / NEW YORK / SGT CO C70 ENGINEERS / WW I / MAY 2, 1897 - OCT 30, 1954 /
Headstone: H. L. MARNES /
Headstone: MILO E. MARNES / US ARMY WW II / MAR 2, 1910 - JAN 23, 1895 /
Headstone: May L. / 1919 - 2001 /
: Roy E. MARNES / 1891 - 1956 /

MARNES   (LOT #123)
Charles J. / 1908 - 1975 /
Kathryn M. / 1913 - 2001 /

MARNEY   (Lot #47)
Lawrence MARNEY / born Mar. 17, 1818, / Died June 10, 1890. /

MARTIN   (Single Graves)
Richard / MARTIN / Born 1913 / Died 1932 /

MARTIN   (Single Graves)
(NOTE: twin stone, with George W. CLARK, which see.)
Mary J. MARTIN, / Died / Mar. 9, 1877, / AE. 11 Mos. /
Dear little Lambs, /
Gone to the Upper Fold. /

MASON   (Lot #171)
Thomas MASON / Apr. 1, 1826, / Feb. 29, 1912. /
Jane E. IVETT / His Wife / Mar. 20, 1840, / Sep. 7, 1896. /
Lilly Ann / Daughter of Thos. and Jane MASON / 1947 /
(on base) MASON /
William C. / Dec. 21, 1872, / Mar. 3, 1895 /
John A. / May 6, 1860, / June 7, 1920. /
Lylia ETHERINGTON / His Wife / Feb. 9, 1862 / Nov. 28, 1940 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: William /
Headstone: John /
(NOTE: Thomas MASON was the "Mason" of "Mason's Corner")

Headstone: George MILOSOVICH / 1897 - 1965 /
Headstone: Mary MILOSOVICH / 1908 - 1981 /

MOLLEUR   (Lot #253)
Arthur F. MOLLEUR / 1872 - 1954 /
Nellie R. INGRAM His Wife / 1871 - 1948 /
Ancel D. / Their Son / 1901 - 1922. /
Roger / Their Son / 1909 - 1940 /
Irene G. / Their Daugh. / 1899 - 1900. /
Ross A. MOLLEUR / Brother / 1904 - 1954 /
Casper F. MOLLEUR / 2 Nov 1892 - 14 June 1974 /
Hazel R. JAMES / His Wife / 31 May 1895 - 3 Jan 1979 /
Headstone: Ancel /
Headstone: Irene /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hazel I. D. / Dau. of / C. & H. MOLLEUR / Died / Oct. 5, 1918, / AE. 4 Ds. /

MOORE   (Lot #36)
Memory / of / Daniel MOORE. / Died / Sept. 12, 1857, / In his 72 Y'r. /
Job VII Chap. XVI Verse /
I would not live alway. /

MOORE   (Lot #36)
Mercy. / Wife of / Daniel MOORE 2, / Died / Dec. 1, 1852, / In her 65 Y'r. /
Her end was peace, /
blessed are the dead /
who die in the Lord. /
Footstone: M.M. /

MOORE   (Lot #36)
Martha Maria / daughter of / Daniel & Mercy / MOORE / Died / Feb. 18, 1836, / AE. 18 yrs. 7 mos. & 4 ds. /
Her blooming cheek and sparkling eyes, /
Have withered like the faded flower. /
Behold in yonder vale she lies, /
Cut down in youth by deaths grim power. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Russell MOORE. / Died / Apr. 3, 1882 / AE. 67 Yrs. /
The memory of the just / is blessed. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary Ann / Wife of / Russell MOORE / Died March / 19, 1844. AE. 28 yrs / & 4 mo. /
Footstone: M.A.M. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Mary MOORE. / PHILLIPS / Jan. 25, 1812. / June 28, 1891. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lucy Ann / daughter of / Daniel & Mercy / MOORE / died / July 25, 1823. / AE. 20 mo's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Elvina / daughter of / Daniel & Mercy / MOORE / died / Sept. 27, 1826, / AE. 13 mos. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Edward. / Son of / R. & H. M. MOORE / Died / Sept. 5, 1850 / AE. 2 Mo. & 12 / Days. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lois E. / daughter of / R. & H. M. MOORE / Died / Nov. 23, 1851, / AE. 3 Years 8 Mo. / & 3 Days. /
Footstone: L.E.M. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Emma / Daughter of / Russel (sic) & Hannah / MOORE / died May 22, / 1860. / AE. 5 Yrs. 11 Mos. / & 16 Ds. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alanson / Son of / R. & H. M. MOORE / died / Dec. 17, 1861, / AE. 3 ys. 2 ms. & 3 ds. /

(NOTE: Russell MOORE's second wife was Hannah WEBB, who died in Omaha, Nebraska. They had a daughter, Lulu.)

MOORE   (Lot #61)
Alanson MOORE / Born / Sept. 3, 1823. / Died / Oct. 4, 1890. /
Adelaide L. LITTLE / His Wife / Born / Aug. 3, 1833, / Died / Sept. 15, 1912. /
(on base) MOORE /
Clinton D. MOORE / 1864 - 1904. /
Nelly MOORE / SANBORN / 1862 - 1927. /
Alida M. MOORE / Aug. 29, 1943 /
Headstone: Alanson /
Headstone: Adelaide /
Headstone: Clinton /
Headstone: Nelly /
Headstone: Alida /
(NOTE: Alanson went to California. Other children: (1) Alta California MOORE, married Edward Thurber GILLILAN, died 1938; he died 1940. (2) Alida MOORE, not married.)

MOORE   (Lot #60)
Perley D. MOORE / Born / Apr. 24, 1819 / Died / Feb. 14, 1884. /
Sarah J. MANN / His Wife / Born / Mar. 20, 1821, / Died / May 27, 1900. /
Headstone: Perley /
Headstone: S.J.M. /

MOORE   (Lot #60)
Wm MANN. / Died / Sept. 30, 1847 / Aged 54 Years. /

MOORE   (Lot #60)
Ruth / Wife of / Wm. MANN / Died / Nov. 18, 1872, / Aged 77 Yeas. (sic) / She lived to do good. /

MOORE   (Lot #60)
Wm. Henry MANN, /
Wm. Henry MANN, / Died / At. Rouses Point, N.Y. / Feb. 24, 1859, / AE. 42 Years 2 Months, / And 21 Days. /

MOREHOUSE   (Lot #34)
George Trask / MOREHOUSE / Born in / Rochester Vt. / Aug. 26, 1821, / Died at Chicago / Mar. 12, 1901. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Eliza ESINHART, / Wife of / Geo. T. MOREHOUSE / Died / May 13, 1882, / AE. 61 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:

Headstone: James L. ROCHESTER / 1892 - 1941 /
Headstone: L. Frank MORGAN / 1895 - 1983 / Memorial by his friends. /
Headstone: Maybelle E. ROCHESTER / Wife / 1892 - 1970 /
Headstone: Anne E. MORGAN / 1895 - 1980 /

MOTT   (Lot #105)
S. Henry MOTT / June 2, 1828, / Dec. 15, 1891. /

MURRAY   (LOT #269)
Headstone: TRUMAN ORAN MURRAY / VT PVT US ARMY / WW I / APR 7, 1898 - DEC 17, 1973 /
Headstone: Della SHONIO / 1898 - 1959 / Wife of Truman MURRAY /

MURRAY   (LOT #110B)
DONALD H. MURRAY / PVT. HQ CO 343 INF / NEW YORK / WW II / JAN. 29, 1923 / MAY 14, 1964 /

Headstone: Albert / 1891 - 1967 /
Headstone: Carrie Louise OLIVER / Wife of Bert MUSSEN / 1897 - 1975 /

NELSON   (Lot #51)
Nellie M. DUPONT / Wife of / John NELSON, / Died / May 2, 1863, / Aged 24 Years. /

NEWTON   (Lot #229)
------separate stone, same lot:
Dr. S. H. NEWTON / Dec. 9, 1849 / Sept. 28, 1927 / (NOTE: Dr. Sanford H. NEWTON)
------separate stone, same lot:
Emma E. THOMPSON / WIfe of / Dr. S. H. NEWTON / Dec. 17, 1852 / Apr. 21, 1926 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hollye NEWTON / REXFORD / 1880 - 1946 /

NORTHEDGE   (Lot #196)
Robert S. NORTHEDGE / Died / May 8, 1897, / AE. 74 Ys. /

NORTHEDGE   (Lot #196)
Laura A. / Wife of / Robert S. NORTHEDGE / Died / Sept. 19, 1900, / AE. 80 Ys. /

Alfred S. / 1922 - 1985 /
------separate stone, same lot:
ALFRED S. O'BRIAN / S SGT. US ARMY / WW II / OCT 2, 1922 - DEC 1, 1985 / May the hand of God be upon you. /

ODELL   (Lot #11)
Percy R. ODELL / 1862 - 19   /
Dora M. ODELL / 1870 - 1924 /

ODELL   (Lot #11)
Mother /
Elizabeth / Wife of / W. H. FERGUSON / Born May 23, 1839, / Died Feb. 21, 1892. /

ODELL   (Lot #11)
(NOTE: new grave with iron standard with flag of the Womens Relief Corps 1883): Corps 18 WRC / )
NOTE: This marker was missing in June 2015.

O'LENA   (LOT 156)
Elizabeth A. / "Betty" BAKER / Aug. 6, 1947 / Dec. 11, 2003 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Bessie / FORR / Apr. 13, 1897 / Apr. 4, 1961 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hattie S. / OLENA / Oct. 22, 1913 / Jan. 21, 1972 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Louis E. / OLENO / Sept. 19, 1910 / Mar. 22, 1961 /
------separate stone, same lot:
LOUIS E. O'LENA / NEW YORK / PVT CO G 385 / INF / SEPT 19, 1910 / MAR 23, 1961/

OLIVER   (Lot #13)
J. Durham OLIVER / Born / May 17, 1801. / Died / Mar. 14, 1886. /
(on base) OLIVER /
Sarah L. / CRONKRITE, / Wife of / J. Durham OLIVER, / Born / June 16, 1805, / Died / Jan. 16, 1892. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Andrew OLIVER / Born / July 10, 1809, / Died / Jan. 16, 1887. / Requiescat in Pace. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Our Mother / Catherine MacDONALD / Wife of / Andrew OLIVER, / Died / May 13, 1868; AE. 52 Years. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Isabella A. / Wife of / Dr. J. N. OLIVER / Died May 1, 1865, / AE. 24 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Eleazor L. OLIVER / 1837 - 1912 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Agnes C. OLIVER / Wife of / Wm. W. WINSLOW / 1859 - 1912 /

OLIVER   (Lot #33)
Loyal OLIVER, / Died / June 28, 1874, / aged 80 Y'rs / 10 M. & 2 D. /
For eighty years, /
of hopes and fears, /
My guide was truth & reason, /
And God's my trust, /
to wake this dust, /
And call me in due season. /
(NOTE: Insignia and flag holder: N.S. / U.S.D. / 1812 / In honor of Service in the War of 1812 / )

OLIVER   (Lot #33)
Stephen K. OLIVER / Died Oct. 6, 1881, / AE. 60 Ys. 10 Ms. /
Sarah E. PHILLIPS / His Wife / Died July 18, 1906, / AE. 80 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
W / Clark E. WILSON / 1847 - 1923. /
Katherine OLIVER / His Wife / 1855 - 1926. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Loyal /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father /

OLIVER   (Lot #166)
(west) OLIVER /
George A. OLIVER / Born / July 31, 1844, / Died / Jan. 8, 1894. / May his soul rest in peace. /
Daniel G. / Only Son of / G. A. & B. M. OLIVER / Born Nov. 13, 1878, / Died Mar. 3, 1895. / May his soul rest in peace. /
Bridget M. / OLIVER / 1852 - 1921. /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Dannie /

OLIVER   (Lot #117)
(north side)
Barbara S. ATKINS / 1913 - 1973 /
(west side)
Tina CRONKRITE / Wife of / Samuel OLIVER / Died / Aug. 14, 1885. / AE. 76 Ys. /
Samuel OLIVER / Died / Apr. 17, 1882. / AE. 79 Ys. /
(on base) OLIVER /
(south side)
base - Samuel E. OLIVER 1888 - 1940 /
E. B. OLIVER / Died / Aug. 11, 1911. / AE. 62 Yrs. /
Cordelia KING / His Wife / Died / Mar. 18, 1922, / AE. 58 Ys. /
(east side)
1883 Stanley B 1967 /
Wife / 1886 Tina O. 1953 /
1893 Grace O. 1967 /
Headstone: Tina O. SMITH / 1886 - 1953 /
Headstone: Stanley B. SMITH / 1883 - 1967 /
Headstone: Barbara S. ATKINS / 1913 - 1973 /
Headstone: Grace O. SMITH / 1893 - 1967 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /

PALMER   (Lot #239A & #239B)
James H. PALMER / 1893 - 1933 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Catherine E. / LEGGETT / PALMER / Wife / 1895 - 1977 /
------separate stone, same lot:
William T / 1893 - 1981 /
Myrtle L. / 1895 - 1976 /

PARDY   (Lot #92)
Jesse PARDY / 1835 - 1915. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lucy A. PARDY / 1831 - 1922. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Dollie E. PARDY / 1870 - 1933. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Frank PARDY / 1865 - 1935 /

PARKER   (Single Graves)
Joel PARKER / born Aug. 29, 1822, / died Sept. 3, 1849. / Aged 27 years. /
He sleeps in Jesus, Far from thee /
My kindred and their graves must be /
Thine be an ever blessed sleep /
From whence none ever wake to weep. /

PARRY   (Lot #147)
Thomas R. PARRY / Died / June 28, 1859. / AE. 33 Yrs. / An honest man is the noblest work of God. /

Ann MARKHAM / Wife of / Joseph PATTINSON / Born at North Kelsey / Lincolnshire Eng. / Apr. 21, 1830. / Died May 16, 1876. /
Judge not my Lord, by feble (sic) sense, /
But trust him for his grace, /
Behind a frowning providence, /
He hides a smileing (sic) face. /

PEARSON   (Lot #54)
James PEARSON / Born / Sept. 26, 1839 / Died / April 27, 1877. / (on base) PEARSON /
(NOTE from clipping: He kept the Massachusetts House in Rouses Point (1870). He was married to Mary Holland on Aug. 3, 1870, at the Webster House by Thomas Crook, Justice of the Peace.)

Douglas A. PENFIELD / 1938 /
Linda J. PHILLIPS / Wife of / Douglas A. PENFIELD / 1943 - 2003 /

Headstone: Florence L. MINKLER / Wife of / Henderson R. PENFIELD / 1915 - 2001 /
Headstone: William G. PENFIELD / Son of / Henderson & Florence / 1949 - 1995 /
Headstone: Henderson R. PENFIELD / 1905 - 1995 /
Headstone: Mary G. FALCON / Wife of / George F. PENFIELD / 1909 - 1987 /
Headstone: George F. PENFIELD / 1898 - 1976 /
Headstone: Howard H. HOWE / 1897 - 1961 /
Headstone: Anne PENFIELD HOWE / 1900 /
Headstone: Charlotte T. PENFIELD / 1890 - 1982 /
Headstone: Isabelle C. KAUFMAN / Wife of / Geo. L. PENFIELD / 1867 - 1943 /
Headstone: Geo. L. PENFIELD / 1867 - 1939 /

PENNINGTON   (Lot #204)
(front) Henry /
(back) Lizzie /

PHILLIPS   (Lot #99)
(front) PHILLIPS /
(north side)
Fred I. PHILLIPS, / Died / June 28, 1889, / AE. 30 Ys. & 10 Ms. /
Albert J. / Son of / J. & J. A. PHILLIPS / Died Mar. 12, 1863, / AE. 7 Yrs. /
(east side)
Mary SCARLETT, / Wife of / George IRWIN / Died Dec. 27, 1889, / AE. 93 Yrs. /
Letitia IRWIN / 1833 - 1914. /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Letitia /
Headstone: Fred /
Headstone: Albert /
------separate stone, same lot:
Laura / 1861 - 1900 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / John / 1825 - 1895 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Jane / 1830 - 1906 /

PHILLIPS / DAWSON   (Lot #162)
(east) PHILLIPS /
(west) DAWSON /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone/ Mother /
Headstone/ Charlie /
Headstone: Mary /
Headstone: Frank /
Headstone: Walter /

PIERCE   (Lot #25)
W. B. PIERCE / Died / Sept. 7, 1875. / AE. 34 Yrs. /
N. Addie / Wife of / W. B. PIERCE / Died / Mar. 7, 1866 / AE. 22 Yrs. /
Headstone: Washington /
Headstone: Addie /

PIERCE   (Lot #25)
Nydia Maud, / Dau. of / H. & H. A. BISSELL / Died / Aug. 11, 1876, / Aged 1 Year. / 2 m. & 3 d. /

Joseph PRAIRIE / Died Apr. 28, 1921 / AE 64 Yrs. /
Maggie / His Wife / 1858 - 1940 /

PRATT   (LOT #34)

PRATT   (LOT #141A)
Kenneth H. / Jan. 6, 1929 / Oct. 7, 2002 /
Rena L. / Dec. 23, 1928 / Oct. 10, 2004 /
------separate stone, same lot: KENNETH H. PRATT / SGT US ARMY / JAN 6, 1929 - OCT 7, 2002 /

PRAY   (Lot #55)
James A. PRAY / 1831 - 1907 /
Alice ROWE PRAY / 1828 - 1908 /
Edwin D. F. PRAY ;/ 1853 - 1874 /
(on base) PRAY /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Edwin /
(NOTE: Death Notice. In Rouses Point, August 19, (1874) of typhoid fever, Edwin DeForest Pray, oldest son of James A. and Alice R. Pray, aged 21 years and 4 months.

Bessie J. / 1935 - 1953 /
Richard S. / 1904 - 1960 /
Mildred H. / His Wife / 1903 - 1984 / NOTE: Mildred was born in Mooers with the maiden name Garrand.

RANDAL   (Lot #165)
Charles J. S. RANDAL / 6th Vt. Vol. / 1833 - 1899 /
Sophia E. RANDAL / 1835 - 1903 /

RANDALL   (Lot #35)
(Odd Fellos insignia) /
Merritt J. RANDEL,L (sic) / Died / Dec. 10, 1861, / AE. 31 Y'rs & 9 m's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Loveing (sic) Memory of / Margaret RANDALL, / Died / Sept. 5, 1873, / AE. 78 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Russell M. / Son of / M. J. & M. A. / RANDELL, (sic) / died Feb. 14, / 1861. / AE. 6 mos. & 6 ds. /

RANDALL   (Lot #100)
Emerson L. RANDALL, / Aug. 2, 1830 -- Jan. 19, 1920. /
Matilda C. His Wife / Aug. 25, 1828 -- Aug. 19, 1894. /
Jennie M. Their Dau. / Nov. 28, 1860 -- Nov. 30, 1861. /
(on base) RANDALL /
Wm. H. RANDALL / May 2, 1876. / Nov. 6, 1930. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Jennie /
Headstone: William /

RANDALL   (Lot #100)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) / Delbert E. CRONKRITE / 1888 - 1935 /

RAWDON   (Lot #118)
Susan, / Wife of / Ralph RAWDON. / Born / July 20, 1793, / Died / July 15, 1845. /
Footstone: S.R. /

RAWDON   (Lot #118)
(on top) In / Memoriam /
"To die and be with / Christ is far better." /
(on base) HEWITT
Harvey HEWITT / Died / Feb. 12, 1886. / Aged 61 Years. /
Mary E. CROOK, / Wife of / Harvey HEWITT. / Died / Nov. 17, 1882. / Aged 55 Years. /

PARDY   (Lot #118)
Infant / Son of / J. & L. A. PARDY /

RAWSON   (LOT #125)
Headstone: Robert B. RAWSON / NY STAFF SGT / 413 INF 104 / WW II / OCT 28, 1920 / FEB 23, 1945 /
Headstone: Myrtle RAWSON / DUFFY / 1917 - 1969 /
Headstone: Martha C. RAWSON 1885 - 1969 /
Headstone: William RAWSON / 1924 - 1974 /
Headstone: Forever in Our Hearts / Anna B. RAWSON / WOOD / Mar. 23, 1923 - Feb. 18, 1996 /
Headstone: Lee E. RAWSON / CPL US ARMY / Aug. 3, 1912 / May 4, 1979 /
Headstone: Joel Willard DUFFY / 1948 -
NOTE: Martha C. was the mother of Robert, Myrtle, William and Lee. Joel Willard Duffy was the son of Myrtle and Francis Duffy, grandson to Martha.

Headstone: Milly JOURDAN / 1868 - 1960 /
Headstone: FRANK W. ROBERTS / CT PVT CO K 102 INF / WW I PH / AUG 14, 1888 - DEC 6, 1960 /

ROBINSON   (Lot #167)
H / Daisy ROBINSON HOPKINS / 1878 - 1900 /
Her Son / Harold G. / 1900 - 1901 /
R / Frank G. ROBINSON / 1871 - 1950 /
His Wife / Eleanor ROBINSON / 1867 - 1948 /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory Of / Anna L. COURTER / 1858 - 1897 /
Headstone: Daisy /
Headstone: Harold /

ROBINSON   (Lot #133)
Our / Getty /
Daughter of / J. & A. C. ROBINSON / died April 21, 1865. / AE. 10 Yrs. 1 M. & 11 Ds. /

ROBINSON   (Lot #212)
George / ROBINSON / Died / Sept. 10, 1912,, / AE. 51 Ys. /

ROCHESTER   (Single Graves)
George ROCHESTER / departed this life / March 6, 1855, / AE. 68 Years. /
As for me I will behold thy face in /
righteousness. I shall be satisfied /
when I awake with thy likeness. /

Headstone: Earl J. SAUNDERS / 1898 - 1965 /
Headstone: John MANDIGO / 1915 - 1988 / Memorial By His Friends /
Headstone: Lillian TRAYNOR GERVAIS / 1898 - 1969 /
Headstone: Arthur Francis GERVAIS / 1900 - 1968 /
Headstone: James C. ROCHESTER / 1861 - 1926 /
Headstone: Margaret L. ROCHESTER / 1866 - 1944 /
Headstone: Madeline C. ROCHESTER / 1894 - 1951 /

ROCHESTER   (Single Graves)
George / ROCHESTER J'r, / Born / July 17, 1807, / Died / March 1, 1850. /

ROCHESTER   (Single Graves)
Walter. / Son of / Alexander / & Sarah / ROCHESTER / Died / May 21, 1847. / Aged 19 Mo's. /

ROCHESTER   (Single Graves)
Henry, / son of / George Jr. / & Jane Ann / ROCHESTER / born Oct. 4, 1846, / died Feb. 10, 1850. /

ROCHESTER   (Single Graves)
George, / son of George Jr. / & Jane Ann / ROCHESTER / born Dec. 3, 1849, / died March 10, / 1851. /

Headstone: William T. PHD / July 13, 1921 - May 5, 1972 /
Headstone: WILLIAM T. ROCKHOLD / OHIO / 2d LT US ARMY / WW II / JULY 13, 1921 - MAY 5, 1972 /

SMITH   (Single Graves)
Mary A. / daughter of / W. B. & Almira / SMITH, / died June 6, / 1842. / AE. 7 mo. /

SMITH   (Single Graves)
Nancy / Daughter / of / George & Jane / (NOTE: rest buried)

ROCHESTER   (Lot #183)
John ROCHESTER / 1861 - 1930 /
His Wife / Nellie TIMMONS / 1863 - 1939  /
Walter L. / 1897 - 1901 /
Robert J. ROCHESTER / 1931 - 1998 / Son of / Hiram & Agnes /
(on base) ROCHESTER /
Frank ROCHESTER / 1873 - 1957 /
Hiram ROCHESTER / 1875 - 1931 /
Hiram J. ROCHESTER / 1895 - 1973 /
His Wife / Agnes M. GODDEAU / 1896 - 1985 /
------separate stone, same lot:
------separate stone, same lot:
Agnes M. GODDEAU / His Wife / 1896 - 1985 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Hiram /

ROCHESTER   (Lot #195B)
(on top)
C. F. ROCHESTER / 1859 - 1924. /
(on face)
(Masonic Square and Compasses)

ROCHESTER   (Lot #195B)
(on top)
Geo. W. ROCHESTER / 1852 - 1917. /

ROSS (LOT #25)
John Putnam ROSS / 1904 - 1982 /
Marcia DeLANO ROSS / 1907 - 2002 /
NOTE: John Ross was Village and Town of Champlain Historian for a number of years.

ROTH   (LOT #32)
Leonard / 1901 - 1978 /
Alice M. / 1902 - 2003 /
Valrie / June 21, 1938 - April 9, 2008 /

Michelle M. / Daughter / 1981 /
Judy A. / Mother / 1958 /
Jason R. / Son / 1978 - 1995 /

(east side) RUTHERFORD -- NOTE: There is a Masonic Symbol on the stone.
(west side)
Christopher C. RUTHERFORD / 1880 - 1957 / HIS WIFE /
Sylvia P. 1915 - 1917 /
------separate stone, same lot:

RYAN   (LOT #31)
Headstone: Edward F. GRUBOLA / 1909 - 1995 /
Headstone: Ina MORGAN / His Wife / 1889 - 1970 /
Headstone: Ernest E. / 1888 - 1951 /
Headstone: Marion RYAN GRUBOLA / 1916 - 2002 /
Headstone: His Wife / Lottie MILLER / 1885 - 1959 /
Headstone: Leslie G. / 1893 - 1960 /

Albert / Dec 19, 1916 / Jan 3, 1999
Evelyn / Sept. 6, 1920 / Dec 28, 1996 /

SCALES   (Lot #30)
Father / Aug. 6, 1832 / Aug. 12, 1904 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Dec. 15, 1828 / Dec. 14, 1923 /

SCALES   (LOT #73)
John W. / 1867 - 1938 /
Minnie ASHLINE / His Wife / 1867 - 1932 /
Edson ASHLINE / 1876 - 1930 /
William Raymond / 1897 - 1946 /

SCHRIVER   (Lot #16)
Lucinda, / wife of / Emerick SCHRIVER, / Died / Nov. 3, 1875, / Aged 48 years, / 6 M. & 17 D. /
Dear mother has gone to her heavenly home, /
And left our hearts desolate and alone. /
Yet we live in hopes of meeting her on that bright shore /
Where all will be joy for evermore. /

SCHRIVER   (Lot #16)
Mary E. / Daugh. of / Frederick & Lucinda / SCHRIVER, / Died / Aug. 13, 1880, / AE. 23 yrs. 3 mos. / & 27 ds. / (NOTE; Is this Emerick instead of Frederick?)

SHELDON   (Lot #81)
Mary E. JOHNSON, / Wife of / John J. SHELDON, / Died / Aug. 21, 1872, / AE. 40 Ys. /
John E. Son of / John J. & Mary E. SHELDON, / Died Dec. 18, 1869, / AE. 3 Ys. /
(NOTE: In Plattsburgh Republican, Dec. 31, 1898, is notice of Masonic funeral of J. J. SHELDON, who died Dec. 28, 1898, ae. 72. Funeral from Delaware House, Rouses Point. He was a member of Champlain Lodge #237.)

Margherita / JOURDON / 1894 - 1963 /
Berl A. SIMONSON / BEACH / 1886 - 1962 /

Dr. Harris / 1902 - 1975 /
Dorothy / 1912 - 1968 /
HARRIS SKLAIRE / CAPT US ARMY / WW II / JULY 17, 1902 - MAY 31, 1975 /

SKARELL   (Lot #149)
(American Flag) /
Thos. SKARELL / Co. E 7, U.S. Inf. /
NOTE: This is probably Thos. SKAHILL. From the Champlain Counselor, June 9, 1888: Found drowned and possibly murdered.
------separate stone, same lot:
In love'g memory of / Frankie M. / daugh. of / T. H. & Mattie YOUNG, / Ord. Sergt. U.S.A. / Born / At. Nashville Tenn. / Dec. 6, 1876, / Died / At Ft. Montgomery N.Y. / Dec. 16, 1891. /

DEWAR   (Lot #149)
(cross) /
Clarence / Morgan / DEWAR /
New York / Coxswain / U.S. Navy / July 17, 1925 /
Marker: World War I Veteran

SLATAR   (Lot #2)
John H. SLATAR, / Son of / Capt. Jonathan & / Mrs. Abigail SLATAR. / was born / Sept. 22, 1810. / died / May 20, 1828. /
Like a flower of the field, /
So soon man fades away. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mrs. Abigail SLATAR, / wife of / Capt. Jonathan SLATAR. / was born / Jan. 5, 1784. / died / April 15, 1828. /
Her worth shall be disclosed /
at the resurrection of the just. /
------separate stone, same lot:
John SIMONS, / died Dec. 17, / 1857, / aged 58 years. / (NOTE: rest in cement & bottom gone.)

SLINGSBY   (Lot #38)
Thos. H. SLINGSBY, / Died / Jan. 21, 1890, / AE. 64 Yrs. /
Olive E. JACKSON / His Wife / Died / June 8, 1906. /
Edmund T. SLINGSBY, / Died Dec. 29, 1899, / AE. 39 Yrs. & 6 Mos. / Buried at Fargo, Da. /
------separate stone, same lot:
(north side)
In Memoriam / Eva A. / SLINGSBY, / Died / Oct. 23, 1885, / AE. 28 Ys. & 5 Ms. / Beloved wife / and children of / H. C. BURKET. /
(west side)
Dora Ethel / Died / Sept. 16, 1882, / AE. 4 Weeks. /
(east side)
Mabel Beatrice / Died / July 21, 1884, AE. 5 Mos. /

SLINGSBY   (Lot #228)
------separate stone, same lot:
W. S. SLINGSBY / 1859 - 1915 /
------separate stone, same lot:

SMITH   (Lot #119)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
Sacred / to the Memory of / Capt. Aaron SMITH, / who departed this life / May 21st AD. 1824, / aged 69 years. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sacred / to the memory / of / Tirzah, widow of / Capt Aaron SMITH, / who died / July 8, 1835. (NOTE: rest buried -- Her maiden name was HAYNES.)

SMITH   (Lot #119)
Sacred / to the Memory of / Elisha Lord SMITH, / son of Capt. Aaron & / Tirzah SMITH, / who / departed this life Mach 8th AD. 1825, in the 18th year / of his age. /
Footstone: E.L.S. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sarah E. SMITH / Born / Oct. / 16, 1791, / Died / Sept. 4, 1849. / I am the Resurrection / and the Life. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Louisa H. SMITH / Died / Aug. 27, 1867, / AE. 64 Y'rs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Nicholas Haynes / born / Haverhill Mass. / 1779, / & died at Rouses Point / 21 Aug. 1845 / aged 67 years. /
Be still and know that I am God. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In memory of / Charlotte Ann, / daughter of / Nicholas and Tirzah / HAYNES, / who departed this life / January 23d 1841, / aged 33 years. /

SMITH   (Lot #46)
Caleb SMITH, / Died / Jan. 21, 1875, / AE. 93 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Naomi / Wife of / Caleb SMITH / Died / Apr. 3, 1862, / AE. 77 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Austin P. / son of / Calep (sic) & Naomi / SMITH, / died May 24, 1843, / AE. 16 yrs. & 5 mo's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Edwin / 1826 - 1899 /
Polly His Wife / 1828 - 1909 /
Gilbert / 1829 - 1901 /
Lucena His Wife / 1825 - 1914 /
Erected by M. A. LEONARD /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lillian E. / Daughter of / Gilbert & Lucena / SMITH / Died Nov. 19, 1881, / AE. 17 Yrs. & 2 Mos. /

SMITH   (Lot #131)
Chancy SMITH / Dec. 9, 1807, / Apr. 12, 1895. /
Semira H. / Wife of / Chancy SMITH / Aug. 23, 1817, / Apr. 20, 1899. /
(south side)
Ephraim SMITH / Nov. 30, 1776, / May 1, 1865. /
Lydia / His Wife / Nov. 12, 1779, / Sept. 26, 1875. /
(north side)
E. O. LEONARD / 1860 - 1942 /
Ella F. SMITH / Wife of / E. O. LEONARD / 1856 - 1916. /
Little Charley / BARTON /
Edward M. SMITH / AE. 3 Ms. 11 Ds. /
Jeannette / SMITH / BARTON / 1850 - 1930 /

SMITH   (Lot #97)
Chandler SMITH / 1801 - 1874. /
Martha GRANT SMITH / His Wife / 1812 - 1896. /
(on base) SMITH /
Maria A. SMITH / Died / Jan. 12, 1857. / AE. 22 Ys. /
Cornelia A. SMITH / Died / Sept. 5, 1857. / AE. 19 Ys. /
Adline (sic) SMITH / Born / Oct. 20, 1828 / Died / Feb. 28, 1839. /
Caroline SMITH / Died / Nov. 20, 1850. / AE. 18 Ys. /
Joseph BINDON / 1782 - 1866. /
Margaret GRANT BINDON / His Wife / 1784 - 1865. /
Erected by D. R. GRANT / In Memory of / His Mother /
(on base) BINDON /
Headstone: A.S. /
Headstone: C.S. /
Headstone: M.A.S. /
Headstone: C.A.S. /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Bindon /
Headstone: Mother /

SMITH   (Lot #97)
Chandler SMITH / Died / Feb. 20, 1874, / AE. 73 yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Louisa, / Wife of / Gilbert SMITH. / Born Apr. 1799. / Died Nov. 15, 1856. / The righteous has hope in his death. /
Footstone: L.S. /

SMITH   (Lot #102)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
Sacred / to the Memory of / Elihu SMITH / who was born Jan. 20th / AD. 1772, and died / Oct. 3rd AD. 1823, / In the 52nd year / of his age. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Our / Dear Mother. / Thine is a / Glorious Inheritance. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Harriet M. SMITH / Died / Sept. 3, 1876. / Entered into Rest /
------separate stone, same lot:
Alice / wife of / John FISH, / died Sept. 26, / 1841, AE. 72 y'rs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Deliza E. FISH, / daughter of / John / and / Alice FISH, / died / June 13th 1837, / in the 27th year / of her age. /

SMITH   (Lot #32)
Hiram SMITH / Born Apr. 8, 1816, / Died Jan. 12, 1865. /
Cornelia I. LORD / His Wife / Born Sept. 17, 1824, / Died Aug. 18, 1910. /

SMITH   (Lot #220)
Henry SMITH / Died / Jan. 19, 1907, / AE. 86 Ys. /
Mary MASTEN / Wife of / Henry C. SMITH / Died / Dec. 18, 1894, / AE. 70 Yrs. /
Frances N. SMITH / Wife of / M. A. THOMAS / Died / July 15, 1867, / AE. 22 Yrs. /
Lemuel H. SMITH / Died / Apr. 27, 1900, / AE. 52 Ys. /

SMITH   (Lot #98)
Justus SMITH, / Died / Sept 9, 1854. / Aged 80 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In memory of / Ruggles Ward, / Son of Justus / & Sally SMITH, / who died June / 20, 1829, aged / 20 years 1 month / & 20 days. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert Emerston, / son of / Justus & Sally N. SMITH, / died May 6, 1848, / in his 30 year. /

SMITH   (Lot #215)
Susanna GRIMSHAW / wife of / J. D. O'DELL / 1848 - 1910. /
Oliver ODELL / 1879 - 1917. /
Ella SMITH / 1900 - 1917. /
Nathan SMITH / 1847 - 1921. /
Gustaf SEABERG / 1876 - 1947 /
Emma O'DELL / 1877 - 1967 / Wife of / N. SMITH & / G. SEABERG /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Ella /
Headstone: Oliver /

SMITH   (Lot #144A)
(right side)
Omri SMITH, / Born / June 15, 1814, / Died / Apr. 28, 1890. /
Lovisa A. LEONARD / Wife of / Omri SMITH / Born July 14, 1818, / Died June 8, 1899. /
(on base) SMITH
Isabella / ALDRIDGE / 1849 - 1920. /

SMITH   (LOT #117)
Stanley D. SMITH / 1883 - 1967 /
Tina A. SMITH / His Wife / 1886 - 1953 /
Barbara S. ATKINS / 1913 - 1973 /
Grace O. SITH / 1893 - 1967 /

SPEAR   (Lot #86)
(top) SPEAR /
Giles L. SPEAR / Died Feb. 20, 1894, / AE. 58 Ys. /
Mary A. MARTIN / His Wife Died Dec. 12, 1904, / AE. 75 Ys. /
Eugene S. SPEAR / Died Jan. 12, 1906, / AE. 38 Ys. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Eugene /
Headstone: Mary /

SPERRY   (Lot #4)
J. R. SPERRY / 1853 - 1932 /
Frances Louise / wife of / J. R. SPERRY / 1853 - 1893. /
C. E. SPERRY / 1859 - 1949 /
Headstone: Father /

(right side)
Wilbur R. MINKLER / 1872 - 1963 /
Anna F. SPERRY / His Wife / 1883 - 1948 /
(left side)
Charles Bishop MINKLER / USN WW II / 1909 - 1989 /
Wilhelmina KLINKHART / His Wife / 1909 - /

SPIERS   (LOT #153B)
Headstone: Beatrice May SPIERS / 1890 - 1960 /
Headstone: Douglas R. SPIERS / 1887 - 1978 /

STANDAGE   (Lot #21)
George STANDAGE M.D. / Nov. 29, 1849. / April 9, 1889. /
Catherine D. STANDAGE / April 16, 1859. / March 30, 1877. /
George STANDAGE / June 4, 1819. / Dec. 31, 1884. /
Ellen CARLIN / wife of / George STANDAGE / Oct. 11, 1819. / April 27, 1891. /

STEARNS   (Lot #146)
Alexander STEARNS / Apr. 17, 1808. / Sept. 14, 1896. /
(on base) STEARNS /
(south side)
Clark STEARNS / Dec. 21, 1779, / Oct. 4, 1867. /
Hannah / LEONARD / His Wife / Mar. 31, 1778, / Jan. 28, 1859. /
(north side)
C. Chandler / STEARNS / July 28, 1809, / Aug. 27, 1887. /
Ann CAMPBELL / His Wife / Sept. 2, 1817, / Mar. 31, 1885. /
(east side)
Columbus SMITH / Sept. 28, 1806. Dec. 9, 1878. /
Augusta H. STEARNS / His Wife / Nov. 17, 1820. Mar. 27, 1872. /
Hannah L. / Dau. of / Columbus & Augusta H. SMITH / And Niece of Alex. STEARNS. / Apr. 9, 1853, Feb. 24, 1870. /
Headstone: A.S. / (flag)
Headstone: A.C. /
Headstone: C.C.S. /
Headstone: C.S. /
Headstone: A.H.S. /
Headstone: H.L.A. /
Headstone: C.S. /
Headstone: H.L. /

MAYO   (Lot #146)
Sarah / LEONARD / Wife of / David MAYO / Died / July 14, 1802. /

STEARNS   (Lot #160)
Ebenezer H / STEARNS / Born Jan. 8, 1815, / Died June 22, 1892. /
Mary YALE / His Wife / born Dec. 20, 1818 / Died Nov. 15, 1913. /
(on base) STEARNS /
(north side)
Helen M. / Dau. of / E. H. & M. Y. / STEARNS / Dec. 20, 1855, / Apr. 3, 1870 /
Moses Leonard / STEARNS / Feb. 25, 1817, / Nov. 30, 1905. /
Lydia T. ALLEN / Wife of / M. L. STEARNS / Oct. 16, 1828, / Aug. 25, 1860. /
Aaroline THOMSON / His 2nd Wife /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary O. C. / BERESFORD / 1893 - 1969 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Harry B. BERESFORD / 1852 - 1940 /
His Wife / Hannah O. STEARNS / 1859 - 1954 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Cornelia CORBIN / Wife of / E. Thompson STEARNS / 1872 - 1927 /
------separate stone, same lot:
E. Thompson STEARNS / 1869 - 1966 /
Headstone: E.H.S. /
Headstone: M.Y.S. /
Headstone: L.T.S. /

STEARNS   (Lot #160)
Hellen (sic) M. / Dau. of / E. H. & Mary Y. / STEARNS, / Died / April 3, 1870, / AE. 14 Y's. 3 M's. / & 13 D's. /
Footstone: H.M.S. /

STEEL   (Single Graves)
Charlie. / came 2, May 1855, / Returned 23, June / 1857, / STEEL. /

STEWART   (LOT #246)
Headstone: Infant Son / Mar. 1, 1913 / Mar. 6, 1913 /
Headstone: May A. FAIRBANKS / STEWART / Wife of Dr. Chas. STEWART / 1886 - 1950 /
Headstone: Dr. Chas. STEWART / 1868 - 1953 /
Headstone: CHARLES FAIRBANKS STEWART / E. MI US NAVY WW II / MAR 19, 1914 - MAY 7, 1985 /
Headstone: Charles M. STEWART / 1948 - 1995 /
Headstone: Ruth G. STEWART / 1914 - 1998 /

STOTT   (Lot #181)
Robert STOTT / 1837 - 1902 /
Maria MUSSEN / His Wife / 1845 - 1910. /
(on base) STOTT /
------separate stone, same lot:
Thomas JONES / 1873 - 1949 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Amelia STOTT / Wife of / Thomas JONES / 1871 - 1953 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Casper A. INGRAM / 1875 - 1961 /
------separate stone, same lot:
1878 - 1962 /

STOUT   (LOT #152A)
Wray / 1889 - 1959 /
Martha / 1889 - 1971 /

STRATTON   (Lot #10)
Ezra STRATTON / Died Sept. 28, 1865, / in the 85. Year / of his Age. /
Our Father has passed away, /
He taught us to watch and pray, /
His voice we shall hear no more /
till we meet him on the other shore. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Abigail STRATTON / Died Nov. 19, 1861, / in the 83 Year / of her Age. /
Our Mother Sufferings now are past, /
Though sever could not always last /
For Jesus came on wings of love /
And bore her to a home above. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Leander G. STRATTON / Died / Jan. 26, 1830, / Aged 17 yrs. 5 mos. / 28 d's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Son of / M. S. & / C. F. / HAYNES /
------separate stone, same lot:
Melancton S. HAYNES / died / Jan. 23, 1884, / AE. 69 Y'rs. /
"I am the resurrection and the life /
he that believeth in me /
though he were dead, /
yet shall he live." /
------separate stone, same lot:
Clara F. HAYNES / died / Feb. 6, 1899, / AE. 81 Y'rs. /
Precious in the sight of the Lord /
is the death of his saints. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Helen Louise, / daughter of / A. S. & J. G. STRATTON / Died / Sept. 11, 1862, / AE. 18 years. /
These ashes, too this little dust /
Our Father's care shall keep, /
Till the last angel rise and break /
The long and dreary sleep. /

STRONG   (Lot #260)
G. W. STRONG / 1848 - 1928 /
His Wife / Lena HAMMOND / 1849 - 1916 /
Arthur STRONG / 1887 - 1965 /
Frank STRONG / 1888 -  1947 /
Rosalie MOLLER / Wife of / Arthur STRONG / 1892 -  1953 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Rosalie P. / 1982 - 1953 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Auther H. / 1887 - 1965 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Frank / 1880 - 1947 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / G. W. STRONG / 1848 - 1928 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / Lena HAMMOND / Wife of / G. W. STRONG / 1849 - 1916 /

SUDDABY   (LOT #247)
Henry / 1890 - 1969 /
Amelinda A. COUTURE / Wife of / Henry SUDABY / 1904 - 1947 /
Mother / Ellen W. STACY / 1874 - 1919 /

SUMNER   (Lot #223)
(east side)
(west side)
1827 Mary SUMNER 1902 /
1824 George SUMNER 1905 /
1845 Garrett SHIRLEY 1921 /
1853 Abbie A. SHIRLEY 1921 /
1880 Jessie M. GAINES 1966 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary KIMBALL / Wife of / George SUMNER / Born / May 28, 1830, / Died / Oct. 8, 1902. /

SWEET   (LOT #90)
LOREN WILBUR SWEET / MOMM 3 US NAVY / WW II / NOV 15, 1920 - SEPT. 11, 1978 /

SWINBURNE   (Lot #19)
Richard G. SWINBURNE / Born August 25th 1815 - Died July 7th 1877. /
Sarah Ann FITCH His Wife / 1818 - 1906. /
Nannie Evelyn SWINBURNE / 1857 - 1920 /
(on base) SWINBURNE /
Fitch J. SWINBURNE / Born June 8th 1852 / Died July 17th 1885 /
Dr. R. E. SWINBURNE / Born Dec. 27, 1853, / Died Feb. 14, 1897. /
Marguerite FITCH / SWINBURNE / 1884 - 1904. /
Richard Hebert SWINBURNE / 1847 - 1922. /
Katherine C. HEWITT His Wife / 1859 - 1928. /
Headstone: R.G.S. /
Headstone: F.J.S. /
(NOTE: Richard G. is Richard Griswold)
------separate stone, same lot:
Frederick / Richard / SWINBURNE / 1886 - 1944 /

FITCH   (Lot #19)
Solomon FITCH / Died / Feb. 27, 1867, / AE. 80 Ys. /
Into thine hand I /
commit my spirit. /
Ps XXXI, V. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Nancy SMITH / Wife of / Solomon FITCH / Died / Oct. 23, 1863, / AE. 75 Ys. /
But God will redeem my soul /
from the power of the grave for /
he will receive me.      Ps. XLIX, XV. /
(NOTE: Dau. of Capt. Aaron & Tirzah SMITH)
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Joseph G. son of / Solomon & Nancy FITCH, who died / July 31st 1823, / aged 9 months / & 1 day. /
This lovely bud so young and far /
Call'd hence by early doom; /
Just came to show how sweet a flower /
In paradise would bloom. /

Headstone: Benjamin W. Jr. / Jan 6, 1964 - Aug 5, 2002 /
Headstone: BENJAMIN W. TAYLER / US ARMY / WORLD WAR II / OCT 6, 1929 - JUL 2, 2005 /

TAYLOR   (Lot #111A)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
Sacred / to the memory of / Hon. Daniel T. TAYLOR, / who died at Rouse's Point, / April 1, 1852. / AE. 76. /
Footstone: D.T.T. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary J. TAYLOR, / Fell Asleep in Jesus / May 12, 1870, / Aged / 86 Yrs. 3 Mos. / Gone, but not lost. /
Footstone: M.J.T. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Danie, / Came / July 8, 1868, / Went / Sept. 23, 1868. /

TAYLOR   (LOT #72)
Arthur W. / 1887 - 1943 /
Myrtle R. / 1885 - 1974 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Arthur E. / 1911 - 1975 /
------separate stone, same lot:
R. Alma T. / 1913 -
David A. / 1913 - 1976 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Robert S. / 1905 - 1967 /
Marion T. / 1908 - 1993 /
NOTE: Arthur E., R. Alma, wife of David Brothers, Marion T., wife of Robert Wilson are the children of Arthur W. and Myrtle. Another daughter, Beatrice, married and moved to California where she died.

TAYLOR   (LOT #264)
Headstone: Lena TAYLOR / 1880 - 1971 /
Headstone: Fred TAYLOR / 1875 - 1971 / (Temporary Marker)
Headstone: HAROLD C. TAYLOR, SR. / CPL US ARMY / WORLD WAR II / MAR 29, 1915 - MAY 11, 1977 /

TENEYCK   (Unnumbered lot)
Abram / Son of / Geo. E. & K. E. / TENEYCK / Died / Aug. 22, 1903, / AE. 13 Ms. 15 Ds. /

THOMPSON   (Lot #127)
(front) THOMPSON /
John THOMPSON, / Born / June 7, 1839, / Died Aug. 2, 1880. /
Emily M. / Wife of / John THOMPSON / Born / Jan. 14, 1836, / Died / Aug. 1, 1876. / (NOTE: Emily MARIETTE)
Benjamin C. / 1869 - 1939 /
Maude M. / Wife of / John THOMPSON / Born / July 31, 1851, / Died / Dec. 21, 1912. /
(north side)
Mary L. / Wife of / B. C. MINER / Born / Dec. 24, 1867, / Died / Oct. 8, 1911. /
Elmer A. / Died / Dec. 13, 1863, / AE. 1 Yr. 1 Mo. & 19 Ds. /
Emily, / Died July 29, 1878, / AE. 2 Ys. 3 Ms. & 17 Ds. /
Children of J. & E. M. THOMPSON. /
Headstone: John /
Headstone: Maude /
Headstone: Little Emily /
Headstone: Emily /
Headstone: Mary /
Headstone: Benj. C.

THOMPSON   (Lot #127)
Our Elmer /
Gone our garden flower, /
Gone our daily joy, /
Gone as in an hour /
Gone our darling boy /
Rest then child of ours /
With the cherub throng /
Charm the Eden bowers; /
With they sweetest song. /
Elmer A. / Son of / J. & E. M. THOMPSON / died Dec. 13, 1863. / AE. 1 Y. 1 M. & 19 Ds. /

William F. / 1897 - 1965 /
Lillian SMITH / His Wife / 1899 - 1968 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Roy V. THOMPSON / 1921 - 1973 /
------separate stone, same lot:

James H. / Mar. 13, 1932 - Jan. 23, 2001 /
His Wife / Norma E. / Jan. 7, 1927 /
Our Son / Stephen S. / Sept. 12, 1966 - Sept. 4, 1982 /
Until We Meet Again /

THORNE   (Single Graves)
(Odd Fellows three links)
In memory of / Joseph, Son of / J. H. THORNE, Esq. / Died / Feb. 1, 1877, / Aged 23 years. /
From Embro, Oxford Co. Ont. /
Erected by his fellow workmen /
employed at the Lovell Printing / House. /
Rouses Point, N.Y. /

TINKER   (LOT #111B)
Fred T. TINKER / Aug. 13, 1870 / Aug. 12, 1966 /
Nellie GIROUX / His Wife / June 8, 1880 / July 22, 1966 /

THURBER   (Lot #65)
In Memory of / Edward THURBER, who died Dec. 21, / 1806, / In the 70th year / of his Age. /
Sweet is the memory of / the Dead, /
When found in Christ their / living Head. /
Footstone: E.T. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Abigail, wife of / Edward THURBER, / who died May 29, / 1797, / In the 58th year / of her Age. /
The sweet remembrance /
of the Just, /
Will flourish while they /
Sleep in dust. /
Footstone: A.T. /
(NOTE: First death of English speaking person.)
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Edward THURBER Jun. / who departed this life / August 26th 1801, / in the 30th year of his / age. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In memory of / Mr. John THURBER, / who departed this life / December 10th / 1812, / in the 45th year of / his age. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Gen. Ezra THURBER/ Died / May 21 1842 / AE. 62 Yrs. /
His Wife / Achsah / Died / Nov. 16 1859 / AE 78 Yrs. /
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. /
Aaron S. THURBER / Died / Oct. 19, 1869 / AE. 51 Yrs. /
Pamelia / CHURCHILL / NORTH / Wife of / Aaron Scott / THURBER / Born / Sept. 27, 1821, / Died / May 12, 1902. /
(NOTE: Aaron was born July 22, 1818 -- Bible?)
------separate stone, same lot:
Gen. Ezra / THURBER /
NYS Militia NY Infantry 36th Regiment
------separate stone, same lot:
Mrs Achsah / THURBER /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Henry A. THURBER / Son of Col. Ezra / THURBER, who / departed this life / the 7th day of May / 1817: in the 4th year of his age. /
His lovely form had many cha / rms /
Soon dying, nature claimed de / mands /
God only took what was his o / wn /
He sudden from his friends / was torn /
(NOTE: Henry Albert THURBER. Bible - Born Dec. 3, 1813, at Plattsburgh)
------separate stone, same lot:
A.S. THURBER / (NOTE: headstone for Aaron Scott THURBER)
------separate stone, same lot:
P.N.T. / (NOTE: headstone for Pamelia North THURBER)
------separate stone, same lot:
Lemuel NORTH / Died / July 21 1890 / Aged 74 Years. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Melvina L. THURBER / Wife of / Lemuel NORTH / Died / Aug. 4, 1862. / AE. 39 Yrs. / (NOTE: Bible - Louise Melvina, born Aug. 16, 1824)

TINKER   (Lot #111B)
Fred T. TINKER / Aug. 13, 1870 - Aug. 12, 1966 /
His Wife / Nellie GIROUX / June 8, 1880 - July 22, 1966 /
And Edna Giroux / Wife of Fred T. TINKER / Sept. 16, 1876 - Apr. 15, 1899 /
Paul F. TINKER / Son of / Fred and Nellie TINKER / Born May 19, 1906 / Died 30, 1997 /
Francis R. THIBODO / 1917 - /
Jane TINKER THIBODO / 1913 - /
------separate stone, same lot:
Headstone: Edna /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /

TROMBLEY   (Lot #217)
Edward V. TROMBLY / 1845 - 1916. /
------separate stone, same lot:
George W. PLUMMER / 1865 - 1962 /

TROMBLY   (Lot #120)
Headstone: RICHARD A. TROMBLY / US NAVY / WW II / NOV 13, 1912 - NOV 19, 1990 /
Headstone: Irene COOK TROMBLY / 1913 - /
Headstone: Fannie TROMBLY / 1881 - 1964 /
Headstone: George H. / TROMBLY / 1871 - 1938 /

TURNER   (Lot #58)
William TURNER / June 10, 1835. - Apr. 10, 1895. /
Rachel CRAIG / His Wife / Mar. 21, 1841. - Oct. 20, 1915. /
(on base) TURNER /
Joseph W. / May 10, 1868, / Sept. 3, 1928. /
Elizabeth / May 2, 1886 - Aug. 23, 1948 /
John B. / Feb. 18, 1872 - April 29, 1959 /
Robert A. / Oct. 10, 1874, / Nov. 22, 1874. /
Harriet E. / Aug. 13, 1877. / Aug. 25, 1877. /
Harry C. / Aug. 13, 1877. / Aug. 27, 1877. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Joseph /
Headstone: Robert /
Headstone: Harriet /
Headstone: Harry /

TURNER   (Separate Graves)
Mathias Guy / son of / David & Eliza / TURNER. / Died Jan. 31, 1854. / AE. 6 M's 23 D's. / It is well with the child. /

VAIL   (Lot #148)
John VAIL / Born Jan. 25, 1833. / Died Oct. 14, 1889. /
T. Macdonough VAIL / Born Apr. 4, 1889. / Died Aug. 1, 1889. /
Nellie E. VAIL / Born May 9, 1859. / Died Dec. 28, 1859. /
Baby Son / Born Sept. 10, 1880. / Died Sept. 13, 1870. /
Headstone: Vail /
Headstone: Macconough /
Headstone: Nellie /
Headstone: Baby /

VALENTINE   (Lot #199)
Ethan A. VALENTINE / Died June 28, 1909, AE. 65 Ys. /
Susan A. LEWIS His Wife / Died Feb. 4, 1928, AE. 75 Ys. /
(on base) VALENTINE /

Father / Albert O. / 1867 - 1937 /
Mother / Lillian FITCH / 1865 - 1941 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Albert M. / VALENTINE / 1894 - 1954 /

Delbert H. / 1880 - 1963 /
Etta M. / 1883 - 1973 /

VANBUSKIRK   (Lot #219)
Francis VANBUSKIRK / Died / Jan. 9, 1895, / AE. 71 Ys. 3 Ms. & 20 Ds. /
Mary FARRAR / His Wife / Died / Feb. 17, 1903, / AE. 76 Ys. /
(on base) VANBUSKIRK /
Bertha JOHNSON / Died / Mar. 25, 1909, / AE. 17 Ys. /
C. E. / B. Aug. 17, 1852. / D. Oct. 25, 1912. /
Mary LEONARD / Wife of / G. H. VANBUSKIRK / 1847 - 1923. /
G. H. VANBUSKIRK / 1859 - 1929. /
His Wife / Mary SCALES / 1865 - 1957 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: Charles /
Headstone: George /
Headstone: Mary /
Headstone: Bertha /

VANBUSKIRK   (Lot #91)
Francis A. VANBUSKIRK / 1854 - 1927 /
Mary Isabell / Dau. of / Frank & Grace VANBUSKIRK / 1903 - 1929 /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mary /

VOSBURGH   (Lot #174)
(On each side:) VOSBURGH /
------separate stone, same lot:
Vernon P. / 1910 - 1932 / (NOTE: son of Peter VOSBURGH. Vernon shot himself.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Duncan C. / 1906 - 1906 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Margaret BUSHEY / 1904 - 1936 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Peter H. / 1876 - 1940 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Belle C. / 1879 - 1949 /

WALKER   (Lot #18)
Sarah / Wife of / John WALKER, / Died / Jan. 22, 1870, / AE. 90 yrs. / & 6 m's. /
She closed her eyes in silent prayer /
Hushed was her last soft sigh /
Her Savours (sic) open arms were there, /
She found it sweet to die. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Jessey B. WALKER / Died / Oct. 28, 1864 / AE. 49 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Jane Amanda / daughter of / Levi & Caroline B. / HAYFORD / died March 19, 1866, / aged 14 y's 9 m's 5 d's. /
NOTE: This stone was missing in June 2016.
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Sarah, Wife of / Joel S. JOHNS / And Daughter of / John & Sally WALKER, / who died March 15, / 1840 in the 21 year / of her age /
(NOTE: four lines of verse -- could not read)
------separate stone, same lot:
Sevina M. / WIfe of / Edwin F. WALKER / Died / Aug. 19, 1863, / AE. 40 yrs. /
Thy pains and sorrows have an end /
Thy songs may now with angl's (sic) blend /
And though thy body sleeps in dust /
T'will raise again with all the just /
------separate stone, same lot:
E. F. WALKER / 1823 - 1904 /

WALKER   (Lot #248)
------separate stone, same lot:
(Masonic Square and Compasses /
Edwin J. / 1870 - 1932 /
------separate stone, same lot:
(Eastern Star insignia) /
Nettie E. / 1877 - 1919 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Stephen G. / 1849 - 1926 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary A. / 1851 - 1927 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Myra WALKER / BREAULT / 1905 - 1986 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles BREAULT / 1901 - 1960 /

WEBSTER   (Lot #144B)
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
B. C. WEBSTER, / Died / July 29, 1871, / AE. 71 Ys. & 2 Ms. /

WEEKS   (Lot #40)
George WEEKS / Died / April 28, 1865 / AE. 74 Yrs. / (NOTE: born Dec. 12, 1790)
------separate stone, same lot:
Louisa / Wife of / George WEEKS / Died / Sept. 21, 1856 / AE. 65 Y'rs / & 7 Mos. /
Jesus saith unto her I am the /
resurrection and the life, /
he that believeth in me though /
he were dead, yet shall he live. /
(NOTE: She was a MARNEY.)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary A. WEEKS / Born / Sept. 15, 1827, / Died / Apr. 24, 1884. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Margaret L. RICHARDS / Wife of / Charles W. WEEKS / Nov. 25, 1858. / Oct. 4, 1891. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Frances RICHARDS / Wife of / George W. WEEKS / Born / Dec. 25, 1823, / Died / Sept. 15, 1908. /
------separate stone, same lot:
George Wesley WEEKS, / Died / June 12, 1888, / In his 68th Yr. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Elizabeth A. / Wife of / W. H. COATES / And only Dau. of / Wesley & Frances WEEKS / Born Feb. 7, 1854, / Died Mar. 18, 1885. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Charles W. WEEKS / Born / May 10, 1857, / Died / May 8, 1915. /

WEEKS   (Lot #37)
Manly WEEKS, / Died / June 2, 1879, / Aged 64 y'rs. /
Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep /
From which none ever wake to weep. /
A calm and undisturbed repose /
Unbroken by the lust of foes. /

WEEKS   (Lot #40)
Elizabeth / Wife of / Manly WEEKS / Died / Aug. 28, 1901. / AE. 84 Ys. 9 Ms. / At Rest. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Joseph / AMLAW, / Died / Aug. 26, 1887. / AE. 40 Ys. /
John M. / AMLAW. / Died / Jan. 17, 1881, / AE. 18 Ms. /
Gone but not forgotten. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Editha A. WEEKS / Wife of / Joseph AMLAW / Born / Mar. 14, 1853, / Died / Sept. 26, 1896. /
We have kissed thy marble brow /
And in our aching hearts we know /
We have no mother now. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Carrie B. /
Daugh. of / Geo. & Susan / WEEKS / Died / Oct. 11, 1875, / AE. 6 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
(Masonic Square and Compasses) /
Albert WEEKS / 1822 - 1907. /
Emily R. FERRIS / His Wife / 1823 - 1870. /
Joseph WEEKS / 1801 - 1859. /
Elizabeth / His Wife / 1799 - 1881. /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: E.W. /
Headstone: J.W. /

WEEKS   (Lot #224)
Susan E. WEEKS / 1845 - 1922 /
------separate stone, same lot:
1877 Wm Fred 1940 /
Wife / 1877 M. Angelina CARRIERE 1963 /

WEEKS   (Lot #62)
Silas Lewis WEEKS / Died Sept. 19, 1886, / AE. 63 Ys. 9 Ms 27 Ds. /
Amelia M. BULLIS His Wife / Died Jan. 29, 1914, / AE. 82 Ys. 1 Mo. 14 Ds. /
(on base) WEEKS /
------separate stone, same lot:
(south side)
Lavinia A. WEEKS / 1855 - 1943 /
Headstone: S.L.W. /

WEEKS   (Lot #68)
Hiram E. / Died / Feb. 4, 1916, / AE. 86 Ys. /
Cordelia J. / 1841 - 1928 /
Laura A. / 1843 - 1930 /
(on base) WEEKS /
Joseph WEEKS, / Died / Aug. 23, 1874, / AE. 73 Yrs. /
Harriet, / Wife of / Joseph WEEKS / Died / Apr. 15, 1885, / AE. 81 Yrs. / (NOTE: She was a WEBBER.)
Susan S. / Wife of / H. E. WEEKS / Died / Aug. 3, 1866, / AE. 33 Yrs. /
Hiram A. Delbert / Died / Jan. 7, 1870, / AE. 9 Yrs. & 8 Mos. /
George E. / Died / Dec. 9, 1871, / AE. 14 Yrs. & 8 Mos. /
Sons of H. E. & S. S. WEEKS /
Adeliade R. / 1845 - 1898 /

WEEKS   (Lot #159)
(north side)
In Memory of / James WEEKS. / Born / Aug. 22, 1805, / Died / Aug. 2, 1884 /
(east side)
In Memory of / Amy B. WHITE, / Wife of / James WEEKS. / Born / Jan. 3, 1812, / Died / Mar. 4, 1886. /
Headstone: J.W. /
Headstone: A.B.W. / (NOTE: Amy BERRY WHITE)
------separate stone, same lot:
Forever with / The Lord /
Sophia L. / Wife of / A. BACHANT / Died / Aug. 19, 1860 /
(on back)
Louise /
------separate stone, same lot:
Louis A. / Son of / A. & S. L. BACHANT / Died / July 25, 1860. / AE. 5 Ws. & 5 Ds. /

WESTON   (Lot #59)
George WESTON / 1806 - 1884. /
Jane ROY / His Wife / 1828 - 1909 /
(on base) WESTON /
Jennet 1853 - 1879. /
Minnie 1873 - 1889. /
Jennie 1864 - 1893. /
Thomas 1847 - 1899. /
Fred, His Son 1882 - 1900. /
John 1871 - 1923. /
William 1860 - 1924. /
George 1862 - 1906. /
Robert 1846 - 1926. /
Charles E. / 1872 - 1946 /
Headstone: Jenette /
Headstone: John /
Headstone: Minnie /
Headstone: Father /
Headstone: Robert /
Headstone: William /
Headstone: Mother /
Headstone: George /
Headstone: Fred /
Headstone: Jane /

WHYTE   (Lot #64)
Robert M. WHYTE, M.D. / August 15, 1830, / October 7, 1886. /
Nancy E. WILEY / His Wife / February 20, 1851, / December 1, 1915. /
Alden MARCH / June 2, 1878, / August 5, 1888. /
Robbie McGINNIS / December 15, 1884, / May 2, 1886. /
Children of / Rob't. M. & Nancy E. WHYTE. /
(on base) WHYTE /
May we but meet thee on that peaceful shore, /
Where parting words shall pass our lips no more. /

WILDER   (LOT #15)
Graham M., Sr. / 1898 - 1971 /
Mercedes MERON / His Wife / 1900 - 1976 /
------separate stone, same lot:

WILEY   (Lot #78)
James WILEY, / Died / Sept. 25, 1862, / AE. 64 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Sarah, / Wife of / James WILEY, / Died / Aug. 24, 1862, / AE. 52 Ys. & 6 Ms. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Oliver WILEY / Died Jan. 27, 1895, / Aged 64 Yrs. /
Lettie WILEY YALE / Died Feb. 2, 1923, / Aged 75 Yrs. /
Headstone: Mother /
------separate stone, same lot:
Cora WOOL GOKEY / 1876 - 1938 /

WILSON   (LOT #268)
Headstone: Jane CHANDLER / 1934 /
Headstone: Hale O., Jr. / 1927 /
Headstone: Ethel LEWIS / 1896 - 1986 /
Headstone: Hale O., Sr. / 1899 - 1963 /

WHITE   (Lot #114)
------separate stone, same lot:
Father / (NOTE: Peter LUCK)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mother / (NOTE: Wife of Peter LUCK -- She was a WHITE, first name possibly Eleanor)
------separate stone, same lot:
Della / (NOTE: daughter of above)
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary E. LUCK (NOTE: dau. of Peter LUCK, above)
------separate stone, same lot:
David WHITE / 1831 - 1902. / (NOTE: not married)
------separate stone, same lot:
Grand / Mother / Mary ROUSE WHITE /

(NOTES: Eleanor (?) White Luck was a sister of Capt. David White above. Another child of Peter was "Charley Luck", who graduated from either Yale or Union College, became an engineer, lived in Chicago, and had two daughters: Mary and Della. Peter Luck was a shoemaker. He lived in the laswt wooden house east of road south end of village. Capt. David White (not married) was superintendent of hte Episcopal Sunday School.)

WHITE   (Lot #101)
Horace M. WHITE. / Died / June 9, 1862, / AE. 72 Years. / Ye are not dead to us. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lucinda, / Wife of / Horace M. WHITE, / Died / Mar. 29, 1836, / AE. 40 y'rs. 10 Mo. / Ye are not dead to us. /
Horace R. / son of / H. M. & L. WHITE, / died Mar. 24, 1824, / aged 8 months. / Not lost, but gone before. /
------separate stone, same lot:
??? died / 24, 18 / Aged 8 months (broken, part missing) NOTE: In June 2016, this stone was missing.
In memory of / Ansel, / son of / Daniel & Mercy / NORTON / who died Oct. 20, / 1827; / aged 23 years. / Beloved in life, / Lamented in death. / NOTE: In June 2016, this stone was missing.
------separate stone, same lot:
John S. / Son of / Rufus & Asenath / NORTON, / died / Dec. 14th 1838. / Aged 3 years & / 11 months. /

WILLIAMS   (Lot #27)
Isaiah WILLIAMS / Died / May 14, 1867, / AE. 26 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary. / Wife of / Ira WILLIAMS,/ Died / Feb. 26, 1871, / AE. 59 Y's. & 9 M's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Ellen A. STRUTHERS/ Wife of / B. F. WOOD / Died / Jan. 2, 1894, / AE. 59 Ys. 3 Ms. / At Rest. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Walter GRANT / Died Nov. 14, 1877, / AE. 77 Ys. /
Nancy / His Wife / Died Dec. 29, 1892, / AE. 88 Ys. /

WOOD   (Lot #132)
(A single stone bearing only the name:) WOOD /

WOOD   (LOT #213)
Rose A. / 1874 - 1948 /
Henry L. / 1885 - 1950 /

WRIGHT   (Lot #130)
John Warren / son of / J. B. W. & M. A. / WRIGHT, / died May 13, 1858, / AE. 7 Years, & 10 Mo's. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Georgiana. / daughter of / J. B. W. & M. A. / WRIGHT, died May 30, 1858 / AE. 3 y'rs. 1 mo. & 14 ds. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary Ann. / wife of / J. B. W. WRIGHT / Died April 23, 1863 / AE. 40 Yrs. & 7 ms. /
Frank. / Their son / Died Dec. 7, 1862, / AE. 6 Ms. & 17 ds. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Silas, / infant son of / J. B. W. & M. A. / WRIGHT, / died / Feb. 21, 1854. /

WRIGHT   (LOT #154)
Keith A. / 1924 - 1990 /
Alrette V. / 1925 - 1990 /
Henry A. / 1947 - /
Marc H. / 1952 - /
Headstone: KEITH A. / 1924 - 1990 / SGT. US ARMY / WW II /
------separate stone, same lot:
Martin F. DUMKE / 1948 - 2006 /
Marc H. WRIGHT / 1952 - /

WRITER   (Lot #172)
Stephen C. WRITER / Born / At Otisville, N.Y. / Died / Sept. 6, 1895, / AE. 67 Ys. / Lt. Col. 1st Ohio Cavalery. (sic) / NOTE: In June 2016, this stone was missing.
------separate stone, same lot:
Lillian ALLEN / STEARNS / July 2, 1937 / (NOTE: Wife of James B. STEARNS. No relation to Stephen C. WRITER.) NOTE: In June 2016, this stone was missing.
------separate stone, same lot:
STEPHEN C. WRITER / LT. COL. 1st OHIO CAV. / 1928 - 1895 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Lillian A. / His Wife / 1863 - 1937 /
------separate stone, same lot:
HARRY M. BERESFORD / PFC US ARMY / MAR. 19, 1891 - DEC. 31, 1974 /
------separate stone, same lot:
STEARNS (both sides
------separate stone, same lot:
JAMES B. / 1858 - 1943 /
------separate stone, same lot:
Helen M. STEARNS / 1905 -1981 /
------separate stone, same lot:
CLARK L. STEARNS / 1867 - 1951 /

YALE   (Lot #42)
Moses YALE, / died May 27, / 1813, / in the 68th year / of his age. /
My friends they dwell above /
Them will I go and see /
And all my friends in Christ below /
Will soon come after me. /
Footstone: M.Y. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Moses YALE, / Died / Oct. 3, 1865 / AE. 79 Yrs. /

YALE   (Lot #42)
In Memory of / Octavia, wife of / Moses YALE Jun. / who died Aug. 25th 1823, / Aged 35 years. /
Why would you call me back again, /
To spend a life of toil and pain; /
I've paid the debt that's natures due /
Which must be paid by each of you. /
------separate stone, same lot:
In Memory of / Betsey, wife of / Moses YALE Jun. / who died June 14th 1829, / In the 38th year / of her age. /
Behold and see, as you pass by, /
As you are now so once was I. /
As I am now so you must be /
Prepare for death to follwo me. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Hannah / Wife of / Moses YALE / Died / Feb. 8, 1861. / AE. 60 Yrs. /
------separate stone, same lot:
Barnard M. YALE / Died Oct. 30, 1903, / AE. 65 Ys. /
Sarah A. / His Wife / Died Oct. 1, 1867, / AE. 27 Ys. 7 Ms. /
(on base) YALE /
------separate stone, same lot:
Mary ASHLINE / Died / Mar. 27, 1904, / AE. 69 Ys. /
------separate stone, same lot:
James A. / 1865 - 1936 /
Nellie K. / His Wife / 1867 - 19   /

Source: McLellan Cemetery Records

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