Addoms Family Graveyard
a.k.a. Hagar Family Graveyard

Cumberland Head (Plattsburgh), Clinton County, New York
DIRECTIONS: McLellan wrote: "In a field on the north side of the road leading to Cumberland Head, on the Hagar Farm, now (1939) occupied by Mr. Hobbs, near the remains of the fortification thrown up by Gen. Izzard in 1814. The graveyard is raised several feet above the level of the ground, faced with stone wall, on top of which is a fence with iron railing set in wooden posts. With steps and a gate."


In memory of Mrs. / Elizabeth ADDOMS, / who died May 2, 1807: / aged 92 years. /
She lived a life of piety & died in the /
Triuph (sic) of faith in Christ. /
Footstone: E.A. /

Here lies the body / of / Maj. John ADDOMS / who died / 8th June 1823 / in the 86th year of / his age. /
Much belov'd and respected; /
He was industrious, temperate, /
friendly and moral during a /
long life and truly pious the last 14 y'rs. /
Sacred dust rest here: /
Until the last loud trump shall sound, /
Then rise to meet thy Savour, (sic) /
Rejoin thy happy Spirit. /
Headstone: Major / Jno. ADDOMS / Supt. of / Mechanics. / Cont'l. Army / Rev. War /
Footstone: J.A. /

Mary TOWNSEND / Wife of / Maj John ADDOMS / Born Long Island N.Y. / Aug. 1750. / Died / Feb. 7, 1839. /
For meny (sic) years an /
Eminent Christian. /
Footstone: M.T.A. /

In Memory of / John Charles, / son of Lemuel & / Charity BARLOW, / who died Aug. 16th 1818, aged 14 months. /
Thus Jesus slept, Gods / dieing (sic) Son, /
Pass'd through the grave & / bless'd the bed, /
Rest here bless'd Babe, till / from on high /
The morning break's, & burst / the shade. /
Footstone: J.C.B. /

Our Grand Parents. /
Joseph DWIGHT, / Died Sept. 5, 1837, / AE. 87. /
Susannah LAWRENCE / his wife Died / Sept. 15, 1839, AE. 83. /
Our Parents. /
Samuel DWIGHT, / Died Mar. 31, 1854, / AE. 74. /
Sabra GROUT, / his wife Died / Aug. 20, 1853, AE. 75. /

Our Father / Luther HAGAR. / Died / May 5, 1853; / AE. 66 Yrs. 6 Mos. / & 27 Days. /
An angels arm cant /
Snatch me from the grave. /
Legions of angels /
Cant confine me here. /
Our Mother / Sarah ADDOMS / Wife of / Luther HAGAR / Died / Aug. 1, 1849. / In the 58 Year / of Her Age. /

Sarah ADDAMS (sic) / Wife of / Luther HAGER, (sic) / Died / Aug. 1, 1849, / in the 58 year of / Her Age. /
Footstone: S.A. /

John ADDOMS / Son of / Luther & Sarah / HAGER, / Died / Apr. 18, 1833; / AE. 11 Yrs. & 11 Mo. /
In Death he exclaimed /
I see the Angels. /

Albert C / Son of / Luther & Sarah / HAGAR. / Died / Apr. 5, 1833; / AE 1 Year 6 Mo / & 24 Ds. /

Charlott, / daughter of / Luther & Sarah / HAGAR. / Died / Apr. 23, 1833; / AE 7 Yrs. 5 Mo. / & 24 Ds. /

Source: McLellan Cemetery Records

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