?? (Row 4-A1)
A. S. 16 Y
ADAMS (Row 9-A)
Nelson 1813 - 1895
Caroline BENNETT His Wife 1819 - 1897
ADAMS (Row 3-O)
Little Eva's Grave
On the back:
Dau. of A. C. & Sarah L. ADAMS Died Dec. 24, 1876 AE 5 Y'rs. 1 Mo. 9 D's.
ADAMS (Row 3-P)
Augustus C. ADAMS 1846 - no date
Sarah L. His Wife 1845 - 1901
ARNOLD (Row 1-B)
Eunice Wife of Joshua ARNOLD Died Jan. 21, 1881 Aged 66 Yrs.
ARNOLD (Row 1-A)
Florence N. 1890 - 1911
Evelyn 1898 - 1915
Daniel H. 1855 - 1939
His Wife Ida May WYLIE 1870 - 1945
AVERY (Row 5-J)
Allen G. AVERY Died in Montana Mar. 7, 1917 AE 40 Yrs.
AVERY (Row 6-A)
1882 Andrew A. 1943
His Wife 1882 Emma NOKES 1953
AVERY (Row 3-A)
Andrew O. 1944 -
Joan JESMER 1943 -
Whither Thou Goest I Will Go
On the back:
Our Children:
Steven 1962
Thomas 1963
AVERY (Row 6-H)
Charles G. 1863 - 1942
Amy J. His Wife 1866 - 1954
AVERY (Row 19-B)
Elmer 1861 - 1929
Emma L. JONES His Wife 1871 - 1933
(at top) AVERY
Footstones: Elmer, Emma
AVERY (Row 6-M)
Ervin A. 1918 - no date
AVERY (Row 1-DD)
Frances AVERY Daughter 1937 - 1957
AVERY (Row 1-EE)
Mother Mamie C. AVERY 1911 - 1962 (NOTE: This stone is next to Frances AVERY.)
AVERY (Row 5-K)
George W. AVERY 1838 - 1910 Co. M. 18 Reg. N.Y. Vol. Cavl.
Mary His Wife 1840 - 1922
AVERY (Row 1-I)
Whither Thou Goest I Will Go
Glen W. Sept. 14, 1908 - no date
Evelyn NICHOLS His Wife April 21, 1922 - Aug. 20, 1981
Married June 1962
AVERY (Row 21-A)
Leon D. 1911 - 1963
Bernice T. His Wife 1913 - no date
AVERY (Row 6-N)
Sheldon R. 1923 - 1990
Agnes M. 1925 - 1997
Married June 10, 1944
AYRES (Row 9-F)
Leon H. Son of W. C. & N. A. AYRES Died July 11, 1897 AE 10 Y'rs. 2 M's. & 19 D's.
BARNES (Row 3-F)
At Rest
George R. BARNES Died Feb. 21, 1891 AE 27 Y'rs.
BARTON (Row 3-E)
George BARTON 1870 - 1934
BASSETT (Row 20-A)
Dianna Lynn BASSETT Dec. 4th, 1966 - Dec. 13, 1966
BASSETT (Row 20-B)
Arlene 1923 - no date
Cecil I. 1916 - 1981
Military Footstone:
AUG. 29, 1916 - NOV. 26, 1981
BEEBE (Row 15-E)
Asahel P. Died July 29, 1916 AE 77 Yrs.
Helen M. Wife of A. P. BEEBE Died Apr. 27, 1878 AE 41 Yrs. (NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 14 November 1861.)
Barzilla BEEBE Died Nov. 22, 1851 AE 57 Yrs. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Frontier Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 4 December 1851.)
Charlotte R. Wife of B. BEEBE Died Apr. 3, 1880 AE 78 Yrs.
(On the back:)
Asahel BEEBE Apr. 26, 1848 AE 85 Yrs.
Aramanelle PARMELEE Died Nov. 13, 1851 AE 86 Y'r s. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Frontier Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 4 December 1851.)
Footstones: Father, Mother, Helen, Asahel
BEEBE (Row 17-E)
Byron H. 1878 - 1934
Ruby S. 1879 - 1965
Ralph C. 1904 - 1992
Helen B. 1901 - 1984
BEEBE (Row 15-G)
Sarah M. 1844 - 1915
BEEBE (Row 15-F)
Lottie L. Daughter of A. P. & H. M. BEEBE Died Mar. 12, 1875 AE 2 Y'rs. & 7 Ms.
BEEBE (Row 15-G)
Annette A. Daughter of Wm. & Mary BEEBE Died Dec. 19, 1851 Aged 20 years. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Frontier Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 5 February 1852.)
BEEBE (Row 15-G)
George O. Son of Wm. & Mary BEEBE Died Oct. 30, 1837 AE 2 Yrs.
BELL (Row 1-V)
Norman Bell, Died Apr. 25, 1843 Aged 52 yrs.
BELL (Row 1-W)
Charlotte Hall, Wife of Norman BELL Died Jan. 28, 1879 Aged 82 yrs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 30 January 1879.)
BELL (Row 1-W)
Jason Bell A Soldier of the American Revolution Placed by Adirondack Chapter, D.A.R.
BELL (Row 1-X)
George D. BELL June 11, 1818, April 1, 1897
(NOTE: For his marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 14 June 1860.)
BELL (Row 1-W)
Mary Jane Wife of Geo. D. BELL & daughter of Samuel L. & Lucy (White) FISKE Born July 24, 1829, Died Jan. 4, 1906.
BELL (Row 1-Y)
Mercy D. Wife of Geo. D. BELL & daughter of B. R. DAGGETT Esq. Died Feb. 14, 1856, AE. 34 years. (NOTE: This stone is lying flat on the ground.)
BELL (Row 1-AA)
Truman BELL died March 20, 1840, aged 59 years. Prepare to meet thy God.
BELL (Row 1-Z)
Dennis Bell Died Mar. 12, 1848 AE 28 Yrs.
Laura D. WHEELER, Wife of Dennis BELL, Died Mar. 2, 1884 AE. 64 Yrs.
Ezra BENEDICT Died Mar. 25, 1854 Aged 74 years
Sally wife of Ezra BENEDICT Died Oct. 24, l850. Aged 71 years.
Albert C. Son of C. & H. BENEDICT Died Jan. 16, 1860. AE. 15 yrs. 3 mo. & 14 days. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 26 January 1860.)
BERRY (Row 1-P)
Mary F. wife of Jehiel BERRY Died Apr. 28, 1869 AE. 74 yrs. (NOTE: For her death notice , see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated Thursday, May 1, 1879.
Jehiel Berry 1803.- 1894
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
Judson A. Son of J. & M. BERRY Died Mar. 19, 1865 AE. 33 Yrs. Behold he sleepeth.
Dwight J. BERRY Died Feb. 7, 1876 AE 47 Yrs.
Casendana M. Wife of D. J. BERRY Died Feb. 14, 1876, AE. 48 Yrs.
One in life,
One in death,
One in Christ.
Footstones: Jehiel, Casendana M., Mary F.
(NOTE: For a brief biography on this family, see History of Clinton And Franklin Counties, New York With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers by Duane Hamilton Hurd, Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis & Co., page 405A.)
BERRY (Row 1-M)
Dwight J. BERRY Died Feb. 7, 1876 AE 57 Y's. 8 mo's. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 10 February 1876.)
Casendana M. Widow of D. J. BERRY Died Feb. 14, 1876 AE 48 Y'rs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 17 February 1876.)
BERRY (Row 1-L)
Henry B. Adopted Son of D. J. & C. M. BERRY Died July 15, 1864 AE 9 Years
BERRY (Row 2-HH)
Philemon BERRY Died Aug. 23, 1857 AE 47 Yrs. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken." It appears that this stone has been replaced with one that reads "PHILEMON BERRY 1810 - 1857".)
BERRY (Row 2-FF)
Mercy M. Daut. Of Philemon & Rhoda BERRY Died Feb. 26, 1811 Aged 18 mo. (NOTE: This stone is difficult to read. McLellan recorded the dates as Feb. 26, 1844. I tend to agree with 1811.)
BERRY (Row 2-EE)
William M. Son of Philemon & Rhoda BERRY Died Sept. 26, 1816 Aged 2 yrs. & 3 mo.
BERRY (Row 1-GG)
Franklin BERRY Oct. 1, 1827 - Mar. 27, 1906
Lucy WESTCOTT His Wife Mar. 20, 1831 - Mar. 3, 1906
BERRY (Row 1-FF)
Milford F. BERRY 1862 - 1910
Lillian L. SHELDON His Wife 1868 - 1926
Mary Consort of Nathaniel BLANCHARD Died (?) in the 62 (?) year of her age. (NOTE: McLellan wrote "badly worn.")
Nathaniel Son of Mary & Nathaniel BLANCHARD, Esq. Died Jan. 10, 18(15?) in the 19 Year of his age. (NOTE: McLellan wrote "badly worn.")
Philip C. BROCKWAY died Nov. 4, 1847 AE 32 y's. son of Wm. & B. BROCKWAY
In memory of Jane Eveline, who died August 14th 1821, aged 21 months
In memory of Lucy C(lara?) who died April 19th 1825 aged 4 years
Children of Wm. & Betsey BROCKWAY
Shebuel H. BROUGHTON Died Mar. 11, 1891 AE 92 Y'rs. 5 Mos. At Rest
John B. BROUGHTON Died Mar. 30, 1902 Aged 78 Yrs. (NOTE: For a brief biography on this family, see History of Clinton And Franklin Counties, New York With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers by Duane Hamilton Hurd, Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis & Co., page 413A.)
Rachel H. His Wife Died June 5, 1899 Aged 71 Yrs.
Byron M. BROUGHTON Died Nov. 19, 1873 Aged 19 Yrs. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 12 December 1872.)
Samuel BROUGHTON Died June 29, 1851 Aged 77 Yrs.
Rachel His Wife Died Jan. 29, 1871 Aged 95 Yrs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 23 February 1871.)
Harriet A. Died Aug. 26, 1849 Aged 2 Yrs.
Infant Son Died Mar. 6, l862 Aged 4 Mos 5 Ds.
Footstones: Father, Mother, Samuel, Rachel, Byron, Harriet, Infant Son
B. J. BROUGHTON 1850 - 1930
Elva NORTON His Wife 1857 - 1920 (NOTE: This is listed directly underneath B. J. BROUGHTON, and would be his wife.)
Lilah Daughter 1891 - 1974 (NOTE: This is the daughter of Bradford. & Elva NORTON BROUGHTON. According to an e-email I received, her exact dates are March 8, 1891 - Sept. 20 1974 . You can contact Myke at for further information on this family.)
BROWN (Row 7-L)
Gone But Not Forgotten
William BROWN Died July 27, 1873 In his 88th Year (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "broken flat on ground." This stone appears to have been replaced with one inscribed "William BROWN 1784 - 1874".)
BROWN (Row 7-K)
Mother Diadama Wife of Cap. Wm. BROWN Died Nov. 16, 1884 AE 91 Yrs.
It was a bright star light night
The hour the first of an hallowed day
When the angel came and with gentle hands
Took our dear Mother away.
BROWN (Row 7-M?)
Delia Daughter of Wm. & Diadama BROWN Died Nov. 29, 1833 Aged 5 (?) (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest gone" Goddard / Tobias recorded this stone as Nov. 20, 1883. When I visited the cemetery, I found the stone indecipherable at this time.)
BROWN (Row 7-N?)
Mary Daughter of Wm. & Diadama BROWN Died (?) 15, 1833 (?) 1 y(?) (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest gone." Both Wolfe and Goddard / Tobias wrote that they were unable to read this stone.)
BROWN (Row 16-D)
Footstone: Ira BROWN 1834 - 1918
Footstone: Philena A. WILCOX His Wife 1842 - 1921
(NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 2 June 1864.)
Footstone: Ada Ruth Daughter of Herman & Marion BROWN 1907 - 1934
Footstone: Herman C. 1873 - 1924
Footstone: Marion M. WRIGHT Wife of Herman 1876 - 1975
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "all above on one lot.")
BRUNTON (Row 11-B)
J. W. H. BRUNTON Died Mar. 6, 1891 AE 80 Yrs.
BUELL (Row 9-B)
Loren BUELL 1827 - 1904
Eleanor His Wife 1825 - 1909
Emma 1864 - 1886
Footstones: Father, Mother, Emma
BUELL (Row 11-M)
William B. BUELL Dec. 1, 1832 - Feb. 6, 1910
Amanda M. LEARNED His Wife Oct. 2, 1833 Dec. 21, 1902
BUELL (Row 11-L)
Edie May Dau. of W. B. & A. M. BUELL Died Nov. 19, 1876 AE 15 Y'rs. Gone to Jesus.
BUELL (Row 11-K)
Cora Belle Dau. of W. B. & A. M. BUELL Died Nov. 8, 1876 AE 7 Y's. Safe in the fold.
BUELL (Row 11-J??)
Little Jesse Son of W. B. & A. M. BUELL Died July 11, 1868 AE 1 y's 2 mos. & 17 d'ys.
BUEL (Row 5-GG)
Harriet A. daughter of Oliver & Loisa BUEL Died March 23, 1848 AE 2 yrs. & 7 ms.
BUELL (Row 5-DD)
Hattie L. BUELL Died Dec. 20, 1869 AE 21 ys. & 5 ms.
Henry Son of H. W. & S. A. BUELL AE 10 Mo's.
BUELL (Row 18-A)
Herbert BUELL 1835 - 1907
Sarah RHODES His Wife 1858 - 1922
Henry F. 1894 - 1895
Edith L. Wife of W. G. CLARK 1882 - 1905
Footstones: Father, Mother
BUELL (Row 5-EE)
Samuel C. BUELL Died Apr. 2, 1862 AE 21 y. 8 m. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
BURCH (Row 12-A)
Footstone: John BURCH 1838 - 1915
Footstone: Marietta His Wife 1844 - 1889
Footstone: Lucy His Wife 1833 - 1923
(NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 13 February 1868.)
BURCH (Row 11-A)
John H. Died Feb. 10, 1872 AE 9 M'os.
Willie K. Died Feb. 16, 1874 AE 6 Mos. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 26 February 1874.)
Children of J. & M. BURCH
Polly MASON Wife of John BURROUGHS Born at Malone, N.Y. March 14, 1804
Died at Sheldon, Vt. June 23, 1884 AE 80 Yrs. 3 mos. & 9 dys.
David Son of Lemuel & Sibbill CHAPMAN Died May 3, 1804 Aged 7 years.
CHASE (Row 2-Y)
Lucy Wife of Elmer CHASE Died Aug. 31, 1883 In her 19th Year
Elmer CHASE 1862 - 1929
CHILD (Row 1-F)
Jacob CHILD Jr. Feb. 13, 1804 - Sept. 13, 1873
CHILDS (Row 1-G)
Our Sister Samantha S. Wife of Jacob CHILDS Died May 23, 1846 Aged 38 years
Erected by her Brother A. W. BOUCKWAY (NOTE: All three transcribers list different surnames for A. W. Wolfe lists the name as BOARDWAY, Goddard / Tobias list the surname as BOWNELL, and I thought it was BOURWAY. It is very unclear!)
CHILD (Row 1-H)
John CHILD 2nd. Died Dec. 21, 1836 Aged 35 years
Be ye also ready for in such an hour
as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.
CHIPMAN (Row 14-C)
Sergt. Jesse CHIPMAN Allen's Vt. Mil. Rev. War (NOTE: For further information see Historical Sketches of Franklin County and Its Several Towns With Many Short Biographies by Frederick J. Seaver, J. B. Lyon Company Printers, 1918, page 404.)
CHIPMAN (Row 14-B)
In memory of Betsey Daughter of Jesse & Mary CHIPMAN, who died April 22, 1820 in the 14 year of her age.
Footstone: B.C. (Row 14-D)
CHIPMAN (Row 14-A)
L.C. 1820 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "field stone, crude letters.")
CLARK (Row 1-C)
Wm. CLARK Died Nov. 21, 1849 Aged 68 Years
CLARK (Row 1-D)
Phebe Wife of William CLARK died Jan. 26, 1844 AE 63
CLARK (Row 2-HH)
Rhoba [sic] wife of Asa CLARK Died Aug. 27, 1879 In Her 67th Year. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken." This stone appears to have been replaced with one inscribed "Rhoda Wife of Asa CLARK 1812 - 1879".)
COLTON (Row 10-E)
Henry W. COLTON Died Mar. 20, 1886 AE 42 Yrs. Co. I. 1st Frontier Cavalry
COOK (Row 13-C)
Charles COOK Died Dec. 31, 1851 Aged 65 years & 3 moths [sic]
COOK (Row 13-B??)
Barbara Wife of Charles COOK Died Sept. 12, 1853 In her 60 yr. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
George J. COOK 1820 - 1863
COTTON (Row 9-G)
Gideon C. COTTON Died Sept. 30, 1881 AE 7_ Y'rs. (NOTE: McLellan wrote next to the seven: "Not cut." However, both Wolfe & Goddard / Tobias record the age as 70 Y'rs. For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 6 October 1881.)
Lorinda His Wife Died June 6, 1858 AE 45 Yrs.
(NOTE: For a brief biography on this family, see History of Clinton And Franklin Counties, New York With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers by Duane Hamilton Hurd, Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis & Co., page 402B.)
Charles Henry Born July 25, 1860 Died Dec. 16, 1922
Fannie Louesa His Wife Born Jan. 26, 1860 Died July 21, 1915
Andrew Son of (broken) CURRIER Died Jan. 30, 1851 AE 14 Years. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken.")
DAGGETT (Row 15-C)
Ebenezer R. DAGGETT Died Oct. 6, 1874 Aged 87 Years.
Rena R. His Wife Died Sept. 16, 1871 Aged 85 Years. (NOTE: For her death notice, see The Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 5 October 1871.)
E. Robinson Jr.
Judith C. Died Nov. 5, 1882 AE 69 Y'rs. (NOTE: For her death notice , see The Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated Nov. 9, 1882
Children of E. R. & R. R. DAGGETT
Ursula Died Sept. 29, 1826 Aged 2 mo's.
E. R. DAGGET Died Mar. 3, 1895 AE 85 Y'rs.
Roxey R. Died Feb. 5, 1835 Aged 23 years
Hiram M. Died April 10, 1823 Aged 5 years
Children of E. R. & R. R. DAGGETT
Footstones: Ebenezer R., Rena R., Roxey R., E. Robinson, Judith S., Ursula, Hiram M.
DENIO (Row 3-Q)
Henry DENIO 1795 - 1848
Maria A. ADAMS His Wife 1798 - 1868 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
J. F. DIMICK Died Oct. 8, 1871 In his 77 Y'r.
Sarah C. Wife of J. F. DIMICK Died July 29, 1876 AE 75 Y'rs.
Lafayette W. Son of J. F. & S. C. DIMICK Died Mar. 4, 1826 AE 2 Y's.
DIMICK (Row 5-X)
In Memory of Washington LaFayette, son of John F. & Sally C. DIMICK, who died March 3d 1826 aged 2 years (NOTE: McLellan underlined the 4 on the above tombstone date and the 3 on this one to indicate there was a discrepancy.)
Fredey Amidon Died Aug. 13, 1862 AE 5 y. 7 m. 13 d. Foster son of J. F. & S. C. DIMICK
DODGE (Row 1-E)
William W. Son 1927 - no date
Gladys S. Mother 1901 - 1985
DOWNER (Row 5-O)
Geo. G. DOWNER 1859 - 1942
Ida S. AVERY His Wife 1861 - 1927
DUDLEY (Row 6-E)
Henry H. DUDLEY Died Aug. 11, 1849 AE 28 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "4 lines routine verse.")
DUDLEY (Row 6-D)
Martha A. daughter of A. J. & M. J. DUDLEY Died Jan. 4, 1851 AE 2 yrs. 1 mo. 17 ds. So fades the lovely blooming flower (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "etc.")
Harold (Pete) 1919 - 1998
Lois A. 1929 - no date
Hollis A. 1905 - 1981
Margaret S. 1909 - 1997
Albert E. DUNNING 1832 - 1905
Melvina J. His Wife 1842 - 1906
Mathew DUNNING Died June 16, 1863 AE 70 yrs. & 10 mos. (NOTE: Wolfe records the date as June 16, 1861. Goddard / Tobias record the date as June 16, 1884. It is too worn to decipher at this point in time.)
Rhoda Wife of Matthew DUNNING (NOTE: This stone is not listed by McLellan. Tobias writes: "flat stone.")
ELDRED (Row 16-C)
Levi M. ELDRED Died Jan. 22, 1897 Age 76 Yrs.
Rebecca His Wife Died Oct. 2, 1912 Age 85 Yrs.
Albert E. HYDE 1855 - 1930
Lydia His Wife 1860 - 1925
Footstones: Father, Mother, Albert, Lydia
Footstone: Ruth HYDE JOHNSON 1902 - 1975
ELLIOTT (Row 18-B)
John 1863 - 1954
Adah 1826 - 1926
Mary NIELSON 1901 - 1979 Daughter
Footstone: Adah, John, Mary
ELLIS (Row 5-Y)
Thomas W. ELLIS Died Apr. 14, 1853 Aged 68 Years
ELLIS (Row 5-Z)
Sally Wife of Thomas W. ELLIS Died Jan. 3, 1839 Aged 51 yr's.
ELLIS (Row 6-P)
Selim ELLIS Died Sept. 2, 1889 Age 85 Y'rs.
Elisa BROOKS His Wife Died Sept. 23, 1847 Age 37 Y'rs.
Louisa BRAND His Wife Died May 29, 1909 AE 87
On the north side: (NOTE: McLellan missed this when he transcribed the cemetery.)
Charles W. Died July 30, 1830 AE 19 Days
Clestea E. Died May 15, 1839 AE 2 Yrs.
ERWIN (Row 5-AA)
Louisa Wife of Munson M. ERWIN Died April 17, 1874 In her 61 year.
Only just across the river
Our loved one has gone
And together with the angels
Shall welcome us home.
EVARTS (Row 2-T)
George EVARTS Died Nov. 26, 1856 Aged 65 Y'rs.
Abigail EVARTS Died Feb. 1, 1871 Aged 83 Y'rs.
EVARTS (Row 5-D)
Merton E. EVARTS 1878 - 1910
Ruth A. BUELL His Wife 1888 - 1945
Robert J. 1882 - 1962
Maybelle BUELL His Wife 1884 - 1918
Footstones: Ruth, Robert, Maybelle
Alvah FERRIS 1833 - 1901
Almeda KING His Wife 1841 - 1914
Sarah J. Daughter of Alva & Almeda FERRIS Died Apr. 19, 1863 AE 3 mo's. Also an infant. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
FIELD (Row 13-I)
Ebenezer FIELD died 1852 Aged 74 Years
Also Lucinda His Wife died 1848 Aged 65 Years
FISH (Row 4-AA)
Elbert T. 1854 - 1933
Martha E. WILCOX His Wife 1848 - 1922
FISK (Row 4-BB)
Stephen FISK Died Dec. 9, 1850 AE 67 Y'rs.
His Wife Caroline Died July 23, 1864 AE 75 Y'rs.
FULTON (Row 2-C)
George FULTON Died Sept. 6, 1892 AE 68 Y'rs. Co. F 6 Reg. N.Y. Heavy Artil'y
FULTON (Row 2-B)
Jane Wife of George FULTON Died May 14, 1883 Aged 62 Years
She is not dead but sleepeth.
Walter 1876 - no date
Nellie His Wife 1881 - 1928
William 1902 - 1926
Alice 1914 - 1927
Footstones: Mother, Alice N., William W.
(NOTE: Not listed in McLellan, but listed in Goddard / Tobias is Floyd H. 1909 - 1961.)
Abigail L. GLEASON Died Feb. 7, 1852 AE 30 Yrs. & 1 Mo.
Here memory weeps. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down." This stone appears to have been replaced with one inscribed "Abigail GLEASON 1822 - 1852".)
GOLDEN (Row 11-R)
Father Elkiner H. 1858 - 1943
Mother Annie E. 1859 - 1945
GRAHAM (Row 7-O)
John GRAHAM 1806 - 1871
Ann BROWNLEY His Wife 1813 - 1890
Robert J. GRAHAM 1843 - 1910
Eva E. WRIGHT His Wife 1862 - 1936
On the north side:
Clayton GRAHAM 1882 - 1935 Pvt. Co. M. 1st Cav. South Dakota (NOTE: This is not listed in McLellan but is listed by both Wolfe & Goddard / Tobias.)
Footstones: John, Eva E.
GRAHAM (Row 7-F)
Ann R. Daughter of J. & A. GRAHAM Died Apr. 28, 1858 AE 16 Y. & 8 M.
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
GRAHAM (Row 7-Q)
John GRAHAM Died Apr. 7, 1871 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest buried, broken.")
GRAVES (Row 11-Q)
Thompson GRAVES Dec. 1, 1806 - Sept. 19, 1866
Mary A. CASE His Wife Nov. 4, 1807 - Apr. 20, 1892
GRAVES (Row 11-N)
Thompson GRAVES, Jr. Jan. 5, 1838 - May 3, 1914
Eunice E. ADAMS His Wife June 12, 1839 - May 26, 1901
(side) Nellie Their daughter Died April 6, 1876 Age 14 Y'rs.
Footstones: Father, Mother, Nellie
Eunice (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "similar to and in line with above headstones.")
GRAVES (Row 11-O)
Maria GRAVES Died June 12, 1872 In her 32 year.
GRAVES (Row 11-P)
Carl R. 1881 - 1959
Gertrude B. ELLIOTT His Wife 1880 - 1936
GRAVES (Row 12-O)
A. GRAVES D. Fy. 16, 1906 AE 72 Yrs. (NOTE: Wolfe lists the date as February 16, 1906.)
Emma E. His Wife Died Mar. 1896 AE 64 Y'rs.
Effie Daughter Died Sep. 1863 [sic] AE 2 y's.
Infant Son Died Mar. 1866 AE 2 M's.
Edward A. Son Died Apr. 27, 1934 AE 74 Y'rs.
Footstones: Father, Mother, Edward A. (Row 12-L)
(NOTE: According to McLellan, the stone for A. GRAVES, Effie A. GRAVES, Lyman & Lewis GRAVES, Addie L. GRAVES, and George L. GRAVES are all in the same lot.)
GRAVES (Row 12-N)
Effie A. Died Sep. 11, 1862 [sic] Aged 2 y'rs. & 6 m's.
Also Infant Son Died Mar. 19, 1866 Aged 7 w'ks.
Children of A. & Emma GRAVES
(NOTE: According to McLellan, the stone for A. GRAVES, Effie A. GRAVES, Lyman & Lewis GRAVES, Addie L. GRAVES, and George L. GRAVES are all in the same lot.)
GRAVES (Row 12-I??)
(NOTE: According to McLellan, the stone for A. GRAVES, Effie A. GRAVES, Lyman & Lewis GRAVES, Addie L. GRAVES, and George L. GRAVES are all in the same lot.)
GRAVES (Row 12-G)
Addie L. 1860 - 1906
(NOTE: According to McLellan, the stone for A. GRAVES, Effie A. GRAVES, Lyman & Lewis GRAVES, Addie L. GRAVES, and George L. GRAVES are all in the same lot.)
GRAVES (Row 12-F)
George L. 1855 - 1917
(NOTE: According to McLellan, the stone for A. GRAVES, Effie A. GRAVES, Lyman & Lewis GRAVES, Addie L. GRAVES, and George L. GRAVES are all in the same lot.)
HALEY (Row 7-F)
William HALEY Died Sept. 14, 1853 Aged 32 years
HALEY (Row 7-G)
Keziah Wife of Nathaniel HALEY Died Aug. 16, 1849 Aged 51 Years
HAPGOOD (Row 11-S??)
Gertrude Mae Dau. of C. L. & H. L. HAPGOOD Died Sep. 12, 1892 AE 8 Mos.
HAPGOOD (Row 17-D)
Lawrence H. Sr. 1907 - 1980
Mildred I. NICKLAW 1911 - no date
HARMON (Row 7-E)
Horace H. HARMON Died Aug. 15, 1890 In his 78 Yr. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
HARMON (Row 7-D)
Polly Wife of H. H. HARMON Died June 24, 1880 In her 67th Year
HARMON (Row 7-A)
Lorin Daughter of H. & P. HARMON Died Jan. 16, 1855 AE 17 y'rs. & 2 mos.
HEATH (Row 5-W)
Samuel C. HEATH Died May 29, 1836 In his 78 yr.
Death is a debt to Justice due
Which I have paid and so must you.
Soldier of the Revolution
HEATH (Row 5-V)
Leah Wife of Samuel C. HEATH Died May 25, 1846 in her 83 Yr.
HILL (Row 2-Z)
Prudence Relict of Jabez HILL Died Sept. 4, 1860 AE 85 Yrs.
HILL (Row 2-AA)
Isaac M. HILL Died April 8, 1841 Aged 27 Yrs.
Solomon HOWARD died Aug. 21, 1846 In his 67th year.
Horace HUBBARD Died Apr. 14, 1874 AE 78 Yrs.
Lucy Wife of Horace HUBBARD Died Apr. 29, 1855 Aged 56 Years
Lucy Ann Daughter of Horace & Lucy HUBBARD Died May 5, 1825 AE 6 Months & 15 Days
Ansel H. Son of the same Died Aug. 17, 1833 AE 6 Months & 13 Days
L. D. HURLBURT 1854 - 1936
Harriet C. His Wife 1849 - 1935
Footstone: Warren 1849 - 1927
Footstone: Clara 1851 - no date
Footstone: Bela 1874 - 1876 (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 16 March 1876.)
Frederick W. 1859 - 1931
Addie N. HAYWOOD His Wife 1861 - 1952
Bertha MARTIN 1862 - 1916
Freddie Son of W. W. & Cora HUTCHINS 1894 - 1894
JOHNSON (Row 17-A)
Charles H. 1874 - 1955
Edna TRUDELL His Wife 1912 - no date
Terry J. Son of Vera JOHNSON BLOSS 1972 - 1974
Phineas JONES Died Jan. 14, 1849 AE 74
JONES (Row 8-AA)
Phineas JONES Died Oct. 1, 1874 AE 68 Y'rs. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 8 October 1874.)
Sally Wife of Phineas JONES Died June 23, 1893 AE 78 Y'rs.
JONES (Row 8-BB)
Wesley JONES Jan. 29, 1832 - Oct. 13, 1903
Emeline BASSETT His Wife Nov. 7, 1832 - no date
JONES (Row 8-Y)
Emma MARIAH Daughter of Warren & Sophia M. JONES Died Aug. 28, 1851 Aged 2 years 7 months (NOTE: McLellan did not include the age but wrote: "rest buried.")
JONES (Row 1-S)
Royal W. JONES Died Aug. 1, 1902 AE 58 Y'rs.
Co. I 121 Reg. N.Y.S. Vol.
In my Fathers house
are many mansions
Alma L. JONES Died Oct. 20, 1913 AE 63 Y'rs.
Fayette R. Died Feb. 16, 1872 AE 4 Y'rs. 4 M's.
Flora L. Died Sept. 14, 1897 AE 7 Y'rs. 9 M's.
Children of R. & A. JONES
(NOTE: McLellan wrote "all above apparently one lot" referring to the stones for ROYAL JONES, Laura JONES, Lawrence JONES, and Son of R. & A. JONES.)
JONES (Row 19-A)
Laura A. Died Apr. 1909 AE 15 Mos. 7 Ds.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote "all above apparently one lot" referring to the stones for ROYAL JONES, Laura JONES, Lawrence JONES, and Son of R. & A. JONES.)
JONES (Row 19-A)
Lawrence Died Oct. 1908 AE 9 Mos. 12 Ds.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote "all above apparently one lot" referring to the stones for ROYAL JONES, Laura JONES, Lawrence JONES, and Son of R. & A. JONES.)
Son of R. & A. JONES 1917 - 1919
(NOTE: McLellan wrote "all above apparently one lot" referring to the stones for ROYAL JONES, Laura JONES, Lawrence JONES, and Son of R. & A. JONES.)
JONES (Row 20-C)
Robert Son of R. A. JONES 1917 - 1981
Alanson W. KELLEY 1866 - 1931
Nellie E. JONES His Wife 1870 - 1908
Footstone: Father, Mother
Mother Ella ELLSWORTH Wife of A. W. KELLY 1866 - 1944
KELSEY (Row 14-F)
Sally Wife of Alpheus D. KELSEY Died Oct. 17, 1879 In Her 66th Year
Here rest Mother, we have laid you
in the cold and silent ground
But we trust we shall meet you
Where the righteous ones are found.
(NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 30 October 1879.)
KETCHAM (Row 11-I)
Wm. KETCHAM Died Aug. 13, 1855 AE 81
KETCHAM (Row 11-H)
Melicent KETCHAM Died May 3, 1866 AE 85 Y'rs.
KETCHAM (Row 11-G)
Phebe M. Daughter of Wm. & Milicent KETCHAM Died July 8, 1848 AE 32
KETCHAM (Row 11-F)
Harvey W. KETCHAM Died Oct. 18, 1883 In his 75th year (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
KETCHAM (Row 11-E)
Phidelia Wife of Harvey W. KETCHAM Died July 16, 1869 AE 65 Yrs.
KETCHAM (Row 11-C)
Franklin Died May 29, 1949 Aged 3 Yrs.
George B. Died Aug. 4, 1839 Aged 2 1/2 Yrs.
Children of Harvey W. & Phidelia KETCHAM
KETCHAM (Row 11-D)
Columbia KETCHAM Died Apr. 9, 1865 AE 23 y'rs. (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 20 April 1865.)
Phebe M. KETCHAM Died Feb. 5, 1864 AE 15 y'rs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 11 February 1864.)
KING (Row 4-O)
John S. KING Died April 22, 1865 AE 60 Yrs.
KING (Row 4-N)
Polly Wife of John S. KING died Dec. 23, 1845 AE 38 y'rs.
KING (Row 4-P)
Annis CHURCH Wife of John S. KING Died Feb. 27, 1883 Aged 75 Yrs.
KING (Row 2-M)
Willard KING Died June 21, 1887 AE 78 Yrs. 1 Mo. 25 Ds. At Rest (NOTE: McLellan wrote "down.")
KING (Row 2-L)
Sally Wife of Willard KING Died Nov. 7, 1883 AE 67 Yrs.
And this is the promise that he hath
promised us, even eternal life.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken.")
KING (Row 2-N)
Lewis L. Son of W. & S. KING Died Feb. 11, 1902 Age 52 Y'rs. Gone Home. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
KING (Row 2-R)
Harry L. KING Died July 25, 1883 AE 69 Y'rs.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
KING (Row 2-Q)
Betsey B. (?) Wife of Harry L. KING Died Jan. 7, 1866 Aged 19 Y'rs. & 9 mos. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken.")
Azariah G. died ____ Jan. 22, 1864 AE 23 Yrs.
Hayden D. died Sep. 1, 1865 AE 23 yrs.
Wilbert J. died Oct. 24, 1865 AE 17 yrs.
Children of H. L. & B. E. KING (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, very indefinite & indistinct.")
NOTE: The following information was found in local newspapers.
----------------- Frontier Palladium (Malone, N.Y.), 9 Jul 1863, page 3
Died, at Whitaken Hospital near Williamsburgh, Va., June [?], 1863, of Typhoid Fever, GEORGE A. KING, of the 142d N.Y.S.V., and son of Harry L. King, of this place. - funeral will be attended at the Methodist Church next [Sabath], at 1 o'clock P.M.
The Malone Palladium, 14 Sep 1865, page 2
Died. In North Bangor, Sept. 1st, HAYDEN D., son of Harry and Betsey KING, in the 23d year of his age.
The Malone Palladium, 26 Oct 1865, page 3
Died. In Bangor, Oct 20th, of Typhoid fever, LESLIE E. KING, in the thirteenth year of his age. Also of the same disease, Oct 24th, ALBERT M., in his tenth year of his age, and WILBERT J KING, in the seventeenth year of his age, sons of Harry and Betsey King.
KING (Row 2-O)
Leslie L. died Oct. 20, 1865 AE 13 Yrs.
Albert M. died Oct. 24, 1865 AE 9 Yrs.
Children of H. L. & B. E. KING
NOTE: The following information was found in local newspapers.
The Malone Palladium, 26 Oct 1865, page 3
Died. In Bangor, Oct 20th, of Typhoid fever, LESLIE E. KING, in the thirteenth year of his age. Also of the same disease, Oct 24th, ALBERT M., in his tenth year of his age, and WILBERT J KING, in the seventeenth year of his age, sons of Harry and Betsey King.
KING (Row 2-S)
Susan Wife of Harry KING Died Dec. 1, 1903 Age 89 Y'rs. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
KING (Row 2-K)
Henry H. KING Died July 10, 1879 Aged 38 Y'rs. 5 Mo's.
When you unto my grave do go,
That gloomy place to see,
I say to you who stand in view:
Prepare to follow me. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
KING (Row 1-J)
Wallace W. 1843 - 1925
Mary L. His Wife 1857 - 1936
(NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 10 July 1873.)
KING (Row 4-M)
William A. KING 1852 - 1920
Hulda His Wife 1859 - 1923
Lewis E. 1832 - 1913 Priv. Co. D 142 N.Y.Vol.
Matilda BUELL His Wife 1837 - 1877 (NOTE: This is listed directly underneath Lewis E. LEARNED.)
Abbie M. Dau. of L. & M. LEARNED 1860 - 1874
Charlie O. Son of L. & M. LEARNED 1862 - 1880 (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated ????.)
Harry W. 1896 AE 1 Mo. 11 D'ys.
George M. 1887 - 1970
Lucy McLAIN Wife of 1890 - 1961
(NOTE: There is a marker placed by Ladies Auxiliary VFW.)
Myron W. 1857 - 1946
Rhoda M. 1863 - 1911
In memory of Samuel LOOMIS who died Dec. 11, 1831 aged 73 years
In memory of Jennet; wife of Samuel LOOMIS , who died July 10, 1825 aged 61 tears
LOOMIS (Row 13-A)
Esther STOWERS LOOMIS Died Mar. 6, 1850 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "Seems to be in Charlie COOK lot.")
LUTHER (Row 6-V)
Jenks LUTHER Died Sept. 25, 1858 AE 72 Y'rs.
Mary S. His Wife Died Apr. 22, 1847 AE 57 Y'rs. 9 M's. (NOTE: There seems to be some confusion over the surname on this stone. Wolfe recorded the name as Luther JENKS. Goddard / Tobias recorded the surname as JENKS or LUTHER? After looking at the stone, I concluded that the surname is LUTHER. See the photograph to decide for yourself.)
LUTHER (Row 6-W)
Electa A. LUTHER Died Dec. 13, 1843 AE 26 Y'rs. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
LUTHER (Row 14-G)
Charles S. LUTHER Died May 28, 1886 AE 75 Y'rs. 4 M's.
Betsey J. His Wife Died Dec. 14, 1884 AE 67 Y'rs. 4 M's.
Harry M. Son of C. S. & B. J. LUTHER Died Oct. 14, 1845 AE 4 Yrs. 4 Ms.
LYNN (Row 6-L)
Mother Father
William LYNN Died Dec. 17, 1870 AE 69 Y's. 10 m's. & 17 d's.
His Wife Nancy Died Dec. 24, 1871 AE 70 y's. 9 m's. & 7 d's. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down, broken.")
LYNN (Row 6-K)
Sarah Z. daughter of W. & N. LYNN died Aug. 22, 1848 AE 6 yr 5 mo
Slleep [sic] on sweet sister
and take thy rest
God called thee home
he thought it best.
LYNN (Row 6-J)
Thos L. LYNN Died Feb. 8, 1853 In his 18 Year
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "cracked." This stone appears to have been replaced with one inscribed "Thos. LYNNE 1805 - 1853".)
McCLANE (Row 8-M)
William McCLANE Died Sept. 12, 1874 Aged 6 Years
No more you'll hear the prattle
Of your little one below
For Jesus come and called him
And your Willie had to go
He went with shining angels
To live beside the throne
Along with that sweet Jesus
Who called your Willie home.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.")
McGREGOR (Row 6-R)
Warren M. McGREGOR 1859 - 1939
McGREGOR (Row 6-Q)
Emma WESTCOTT McGREGOR 1874 - 1960
MASON (Row 4-K)
William MASON Born May 19, 1782 at Cheshire, Mass. Lived in Malone from 1803 to 1844 Died Aug. 23, 1846 Buried at Sheldon, Vt.
Hephzibah DUNNING Wife of William MASON Born Aug. 6, 1788 Died Mar. 8, 1836
Susannah SPENCER Wife of William MASON Born Sept. 10, 1778 Died Mar. 9, 1814
MILLER (Row 6-F)
George E. 1855 - 1929
Mary I. KERR His Wife 1855 - 1911
Footstones: Father, Mother
NORTON (Row 14-L)
Frank B. NORTON Died Nov. 13, 1909 Aged 78 Years
Elmira C. BEEBE His Wife Died June 11, 1895 Aged 63 Years
Footstones: Father, Mother
PARKS (Row 5-B)
Robert W. PARKS 1830 - 1919
PARKS (Row 5-CC)
Mary J. Wife of R. W. PARKS Died June 6, 1889 AE 54 Yrs.
PARKS (Row 5-GG)
Watson W. Son of R. W. & M. J. PARKS Died May 3, 1861 AE 1 yr. & 22 ds.
PECK (Row 5-B)
Harriet E. adopted daughter of R. A. & M. H. PECK died Aug. 17, 1860 AE 7 yrs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 23 August 1860.)
Susan M. daughter of R. A. & M. H. PECK died Apr. 9, 1854 AE 1 year & 3 mos.
Noah W. PERKINS Died Mar. 23, 1898 AE 28 Y'rs.
Footstone: Noah
PARLIN (Row 4-B)
Sacred to the memory of Franklin, son of Lemuel & Phebe PARLIN who died August 31, 1822 AE 1 Year & 10 months
PARLIN (Row 4-B)
In memory of David Son of Lemuel & Phebe PARLIN who died June 2, 1807 AE 8 years & 4 months
REED (Row 9-I)
Joseph REED 1856 - 1940
ROGERS (Row 7-B)
Polly Wife of L. C. ROGERS Died Aug. 3, 1872 AE 21 Y'rs. 1 Mo.
Clara B. Died Aug. 12, 1872
ROUSE (Row 8-L)
Elmina Dau. of John & Sally ROUSE died June 26, 1842 AE 1 year
ROWELL (Row 5-A)
Hiram D. ROWELL 1822 - 1904 Co. H 142 Reg. N.Y. Vol.
Eunice J. His Wife 1822 - 1894
Dana B. HAPGOOD 1870 - 1946
Ida His Wife 1872 - 1953
Howard H. 1904 - no date
Lawrence H. 1907 - no date
Footstones: Father, Mother
RUSSELL (Row 13-G)
Benjamin RUSSELL Died Aug. 22, 1824 Aged 69 Years
RUSSELL (Row 12-B)
F. E. RUSSELL Died Feb. 12, 1874 AE 46 Y'rs.
Orpha L. daughter of N. E. & H. RUSSELL Died Oct. 12, 1850 Aged 2 years 2 mo's & 5 days.
Alfred C. Died Apr. 10, 1851 Aged 6 months
Ella T. Died Oct. 21, 1855 Aged 6 y'rs. & 5 mo's.
Children of E. C. & H. M. RUSSELL
Chester RUSSELL Died Oct. 22, 1886 AE 78 Yrs.
Carah A. Wife of Chester RUSSELL Died Dec. 18, 1858 AE 48 Yrs.
Dexter E. RUSSELL Died Feb. 27, 1885 AE 29 Yrs.
Alvin H. RUSSELL Died Oct. 19, 1864 AE 28 Yrs.
SABIN (Row 6-G)
Sophia Daug'hr of W. & O. SABIN Died Jan. 18, 1849 AE 14 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest buried.")
Footstone: William SCHRYER 1828 - 1906
Footstone: Jane GRANT His Wife 1831 - 1912
SHERWIN (Row 10-D)
N. L. SHERWIN Died Apr. 9, 1905 AE 75 Yrs.
Arvilla A. His Wife Died July 19, 1901 AE 68 Y'rs.
Ida M. Dau. of N. L. & A. A. Died May 11, 1889 In her 31 year
Edna M. Died Apr. 20, 1901 AE 31 Y'rs.
Footstones: Ida, Mother, Father
Addie E. Wife of W. S. SHERWIN Died Aug. 4, 1866 AE 28 Yrs. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 9 August 1866.)
Hannah H. Wife of Wm. SHIPMAN Died Oct. 2, 1857 AE 31 y'rs. & 3 mos.
Olive L. Daughter of Wm. & Hannah H. SHIPMAN died Apr. 8, 1852 Aged 1 y'r. 9 mo's. & 2 days
Ella Maria Daughter of Wm. & Hannah H. SHIPMAN died Feb. 6, 1854 AE 1 yr. 3 mos. & 14 ds.
Freddie A. Son of Wm. & Susan A. SHIPMAN Died Mar. 27, 1860 AE 6 ms. & 11 ds.
In Memory of Clinton W. Son of Wm. & Hannah SHIPMAN
Killed in battle at Cedar
Run Va. and burried [sic] there
Oct. 19, 1864
AE 16 ys. & 3 ms.
Battery D, 1st N.Y. Lt. Artillery
He died in defence [sic] of his country dear,
Yet we do mourn and miss him here.
SHUTTS (Row 12-D)
Simon SHUTTS Died April 30, 1880 AE 81 Y'rs. 11 Mo's. (NOTE: For his death notice , see The Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated Thursday, May 6, 1880.
Rachal [sic] M. His Wife Died Feb. 1, 1880 AE 79 Y'rs. 3 Mo's. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 12 February 1880.)
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down." )
SHUTTS (Row 12-C)
Hellen I. Dau. of S. & P. SHUTTS Died Dec. 20, 1868 AE 37 Y'rs.
SHUTTS (Row 12-E)
Richard M. SHUTTS 1838 - 1919
Edna His Wife 1845 - 1932
Footstones: Richard M., Edna
Joseph SPENCER Died July 31, 1851 Aged 69 Years (NOTE: For his death notice , see The Frontier Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated Thursday, Aug. 7, 1851.)
Lydia Wife of Joseph SPENCER Died Sept. 12, 1860 Aged 69 Years
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down.". For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 20 September 1860.)
Mason SPENCER 1811 - 1874 (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 27 August 1874.)
M. Fidelia FOOTE His Wife 1816 - 1909
Meribah Daughter of M. & M. F. SPENCER 1838 - 1861
Angeline Daughter of M. & M. F. SPENCER 1842 - 1919 (NOTE: This name is not listed in McLellan's transcription.)
Footstones: Father, Mother, Meribah, Angeline
Meribah Daughter of M. & M. F. SPENCER Died July 14, 1861 AE 23 Y'rs. & 2 m's.
Gone but not forgotten.
William SPENCER Died Dec. 23, 1912 Aged 93 Yrs.
Julia His Wife Died July 24, 1893 Aged 71 Yrs.
Orinda WAIT His Wife Died Mar. 21, 1898 AE 76 Yrs.
Harmon W. 1854 - 1927
Minnie E. His Wife 1862 - 1934
Mother Helen M. SPENCER Born Nov. 8, 1829 Died May 17, 1879 (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 29 May 1879.)
Nellie M. Daugh. Of N. W. & H. M. SPENCER Died Aug. 9, 1864 AE 7 mo's.
Peace to thy dreams. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 18 August 1864.)
Ella Dau. of N. W. & H. M. SPENCER Died Oct. 24, 1867 AE 1 Year (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 14 November 1867.)
Newell W. SPENCER 1832 - 1918
Malinda SCHRYER His Wife 1855 - 1904
Geo. D. SPENCER Died June 17, 1902 AE 66 Y'rs.
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "down." However, when I checked the stone it is once again standing! For his marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y., dated 12 January 1860.)
SPENCER (separate stone also listed as 7-R)
Elma Wife of Geo. D. SPENCER Died June 18, 1888 AE 44 Y'rs.
SPENCER (Row 15-D)
Byron M. SPENCER Aug. 18, 1840 - May 8, 1927
Olive E. SPERRY His Wife Apr. 6, 1843 - Sep. 7, 1915 (NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 18 November 1869.)
Harry M. SPENCER June 27, 1875 - Mar. 29, 1880 (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 1 April 1880.)
Footstones: Father, Mother, Harry
Edmund W. SPENCER 1845 - 1906
Oldis A. ROACH His Wife 1847 - 1920
(NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 17 August 1865.)
Footstones: Edmond, Oldis
Nettie SPENCER 1866 - 1940
SPENCER (Row 17-B)
Leslie W. 1862 - 1936
Alice B. TAYLOR His Wife 1862 - 1940
Separate stone in the same lot:
Mother Flora SPENCER MARTIN 1864 - 1948
SPERRY (Row 4-F)
Sacred to the memory of Deac. David SPERRY who died Dec. 9, 1845 AE 67 yrs.
Remember the word that I spake unto
you while I was yet with you.
SPERRY (Row 4-E)
Dea. David SPERRY died Dec. 9, 1845 AE 67 y'rs.
Rebecca Wife of Dea. David SPERRY died April 16, 1862 AE 79 y'rs.
Removed from Cornwall Vt. To Malone in 1804.
Remember the word that I spake
unto you while I was yet with you.
SPERRY (Row 4-I)
In memory of Elizabeth, wife of David SPERRY who died April 18th 1806 in the 25th year of her age.
She has gone we hope to rest.
To live forever with the blest.
SPERRY (Row 4-H)
In memory of Elizabeth, daughter of David & Elizabeth SPERRY; who died Aug. 28, 1821 AE 18 years
The sweet remembrance of the just,
Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
SPERRY (Row 4-G)
In memory of David, son of David & Rebecca SPERRY, who died March 7, 1823 AE 8 years
SPERRY (Row 8-X)
In Memory of Lyman SPERRY, who died March 8, 1857 Aged 77 Years
SPERRY (Row 8-W)
In mem'ry of Mary, wife of Lyman SPERRY, who died June 18, 1819, in the 36th year of her age.
Behold me dust,
Where death will bring
You all at last.
SPERRY (Row 8-V)
In memory of Levi S. Son of Lyman and Mary SPERRY who died June 18, 1819, aged 5 years.
In memory of Eliza, daughter of Lyman and Mary SPERRY, who died June 18, 1819 aged 3 years
Lovely and pleasant were they
In their lives, and in their
Death they were not divided.
SPERRY (Row 8-U)
David Son of Lyman & Polly SPERRY died Feb. 7, 1845 AE 41 years
SPERRY (Row 8-T)
Samuel SPERRY Died Apr. 4, 1849 Age 39 Y'rs.
Polly H. His Wife Died Nov. 2, 1904 Age 90 Y'rs.
Footstones: Father, Mother
SPERRY (Row 8-P)
Adaline E. Wife of H. P. SPERRY Died Jan. 25, 1890 In her 54 Year
H. P. SPERRY died July 16, 1919 AE 83 Y'rs. (Row 8-A) (NOTE: For their marriage announcement, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 1 March 1860.)
Melvin D. Their Son Died Feb. 18, 1891 AE 30 Yrs. 3 Mos. (Row 8-R)
Lois died July 19, 1870 AE 6 Y'rs. 9 D's (Row 8-S) (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 21 July 1870.)
Howard died Dec. 19, 1879 AE 1 Y'r 8 m's ) (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y dated 25 December 1879.)
Children of H. P. & A. SPERRY
Footstones: Father, Mother, Melvin D., Lois, Howard
SPERRY (Row 10-G)
Eugene SPERRY 1871 - 1949
His Wife Polly SOUTHWORTH 1874 - 1942
SPERRY (Row 9-H)
Angeline J. SPERRY Died May 29, 1889 Aged 70 Y'rs.
SPERRY (Row 16-B)
Lyman B. SPERRY 1838 - 1920 From Private to Capt. Co. B 98 Reg. N.Y.V.L.
Ellen A DUSTON His Wife 1838 - 1911
Alfred T. 1873 - 1916
Footstones: Father, Mother, Alfred
SPERRY (Row 3-B)
Infant children of D. K. & M. L. SPERRY
SPERRY (Row 10-F)
Lilah 1896 - 1962
Rebekah M. Wife of P. R. STAPLES & Daut. of D. & R. SPERRY died Jan. 12, 1846 AE 27
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.
STEVENS (Row 16-A)
Alfred M. STEVENS Died July 26, 1930 AE 81 Yrs.
Hartie C. His Wife Died April 7, 1935 AE 78 years (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "Hattie?")
Clarence B. Died Mar. 26, 1888 AE 6 Yrs. 7 Ms.
Myron C. Died Apr. 6, 1888 AE 5 Yrs. 3 Ms.
Children of A. & H. STEVENS
Bert 1894 - 1979
Footstones: Clarence, Myron
Orvis March 28, 1841 Age 12 days
Haden July 25, 1812 Age 23 days
Children of Ezmund & Caroline STOWELL
(NOTE: Wolfe records the stone as follows:
"Orvis March 28, 1841 Age 12 days
Haden July 25, 1842 Age 1 month 23 days.
Children of Ezra & Cornelia STOWELL."
This would make more sense as the children would be a little over a year apart instead of 29 years apart.)
David Died May 17, 1867 Age 95 years (NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 30 May 1867.)
Mary Wife of David STOWELL Died December 19, 1838 Age 64 years
SWEET (Row 2-MM)
Lydia Marie Died Sept. 15, 1850 Aged 11 months
Mary Emeline Died Sept. 17, 1850 AE 3 y'rs. 5 mos.
Children of Noah & Emaline SWEET
SWEET (Row 2-OO)
Mercy Carpenter Died July 24, 1851 AE 11 y'rs. & 8 mos.
Jesse Died July 5, 1851 Aged 7 mo'ths.
Children of Noah & Emaline SWEET
TAYLOR (Row 8-I)
Elisha TAYLOR Died Sept. 5, 1852 Aged 65 Years
TAYLOR (Row 8-H)
Lucinda Wife of Elisha TAYLOR Died Feb. 16, 1859 AE 70 Yrs.
TAYLOR (Row 8-F)
Robert D. TAYLOR Died Oct. 24, 1883 E 64 Yrs.
Caroline Died Mar. 21, 1894 AE 77 Yrs.
John E. TAYLOR Died Sep. 22, 1886 AE 25 Yrs.
Footstones: Father, Mother, John
TAYLOR (Row 8-E)
Elizabeth S. daughter of R. D. & C. E. TAYLOR Died Jan. 15, 1855 Aged 10 Years
TAYLOR (Row 8-D)
Alice E. daughter of R. D. & C. E. TAYLOR Died Dec. 8, 1854 Aged 14 Mo's.
TAYLOR (Row 9-E)
Joel C. TAYLOR 1824 - 1907
Dimmis HAPGOOD His Wife 1826 - 1900
Footstones: Father, Mother
TAYLOR (Row 8-G)
Lovisa P. TAYLOR Sept. 2, 1827 - Feb. 9, 1899
TAYLOR (Row 8-J)
Newton W. TAYLOR 1857 - 1929
Separate stone in the same lot: (Row 8-K)
Hattie BROUGHTON His Wife 1857 - 1934
Laura D. Wife of John M. TAYLOR Died April 21, 1890 Age 25 yrs. & 5 mos.
In hope of eternal life.
TURNER (Row 2-E)
Hannah E. VANDERHOOF Wife of Nicholas TURNER Died May 4, 1889 AE 45 Y'rs.
Nicholas TURNER Died Dec. 14, 1903 AE 69 Y'rs.
Mettie I. Dau. of Nicholas & Hannah TURNER Died Feb. 5, 1903 AE 34 Y'rs.
We miss thee at home Libbie
Libbie Marie, Dau. of Nicholas & Hannah TURNER died Mar. 23, 1878 AE 4 Y'rs. 6 Mo's.
Footstones: Father, Mother, Mettie
(NOTE: McLellan wrote: "284 GAR also on front base.")
Libbie Marie Dau. of Nicholas & Hannah TURNER Died Mar. 23, 1878 AE 4 Y'rs. & 6 mo's.
Thomas VANDERHOOF 1811 - 1846
Melissa His Wife 1816 - 1896
Florence E. daughter of F. M. & C. A. WAKEFIELD Died March 27, 1859 AE 2 y. & 1 m.
WALKER (Row 4-J)
Amasa Son of David & Anna WALKER died Sept. 9, 1839 aged 28 years
His ashes rest, in yonder urn.
I saw his death, I closed his eyes.
Wait H. WARNER died Jan. 26, 1857 AE 76 Yrs. & 10 Mos.
Olive Wife of Lyman WARNER died June 4, 1851 Ae 42 Y'rs. (NOTE: Wolfe lists the date as June 4, 1861. Goddard / Tobias list the date as June 4, 1831. The stone is extremely worn and difficult to read.)
Elvira M. daughter of Lyman & Olive WARNER died Feb. 16, 1851 AE 17 Yrs.
Charles H. Son of L. & L. WARNER Died Dec. 1850 Aged 3 months
Truman WESTCOTT 1827 - 1912
His Wife Sarah A. BROWN 1832 - 1912
Footstones: Father, Mother
Asa WHEELER Died May 19, 1840 Aged 74 Years
Strive to enter in at the strait [sic] gate.
Anna Wife of Asa WHEELER Esq., Died Sept. 27, 1845 Aged 76 years
Go home my friends
Dry up your tears
I must lie here
Till Christ appears.
John WHEELER died Jan. 28, 1844 AE 52 Yrs.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Dewitt C. Son of John & Rhoda WHEELER died Oct. 30, 1844 aged 20 years
The hope of the righteous shall be gladness.
Orpha A. daughter of J. & R. WHEELER died Dec. 15, 1847 AE 26
Truman WHEELER Died Sept. 1, 1816 Aged 54 yrs.
Anna H. Wife of Truman WHEELER Died Sept. 23, 1844 Aged 80 yrs.
Asleep in Jesus
Samuel WHEELER Died Mar. 13, 1831 AE 30 yrs. & 3 mo.
Gone but not forgotten.
Juliana WHEELER Died June 2, 1884 Aged 81 Y'rs.
Truman WHEELER Died Dec. 5, 1855 AE 65 Y'rs.
Polly Wife of Truman WHEELER Died (blank) 1833 AE 42 Y'rs.
Ashbel Son of T. & P. WHEELER Died Sept. 1843 AE 16 Y'rs.
Sophronia Dau. of T. & P. WHEELER Died Nov. 1846 AE 14 Y'rs.
A. Judson WHEELER Died Mar. 20, 1894 AE 64 Yrs. 3 Mos.
Diadamia E. WHEELER 1835 - 1910
Hamlet A.
Only son of A. J. & D. E. WHEELER
Died Dec. 1, 1877 AE 17 Y'rs. & 3 mo's.
(NOTE: For his death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 6 December 1877.)
WILCOX (Row 4-Y)
Lilly H. WILCOX Died Feb. 12, 1894 Age 83 Yrs.
Asleep in Jesus (NOTE: This is a male.)
WILCOX (Row 4-X)
Our Mother
Miriam M. Wife of Lilly H. WILCOX Died Dec. 12, 1881 AE 69 Y'rs.
We miss thee at home. (NOTE: For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 27 December 1881.)
WILCOX (Row 4-V)
Lydia M. Dau. of L. H. & M. WILCOX Died Oct. 12, 1853 AE 6 mos.
WILCOX (Row 4-W)
Ada Dau. of L. H. & M. WILCOX Died Jan. 27, 1872 (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest buried." For her death notice, see the Malone Palladium, Malone, N.Y. dated 5 February 1872.)
WILCOX (Row 2-U)
Josiah M. WILCOX Died Feb. 22, 1885 AE 62 Yrs.
F. Adelia HUBBARD Wife of J. M. WILCOX (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "rest blank.")
Lucy O. WILCOX Wife of Elmer E. CHASE Died Aug. 31, 1883 AE 18 Yrs. 5 Mos. (NOTE: McLellan wrote: "Also on stone of Elmer Chase.")
A. Alberta WILCOX Wife of Henry BELKNAP Died Oct. 18, 1888 AE 21 Yrs. 4 Mos.
WILSON (Row 6-I)
Arthur J. 1873 - no date
Addie M. His Wife 1877 - 1946
Fred H. WING 1868 - no date
Sadie A. AVERY 1867 - 1933
WRIGHT (Row 1-K)
Willmoth W. WRIGHT Died Apr. 28, 1883 Age 32 Y'rs.
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