fi St. Alexander's Cemetery - Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York

St. Alexander's Cemetery

Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York


??   (Section 2B, #37)
(NOTE: This is an unmarked footstone between Lucy TRUDO CLINE and Peter JESSEY.)

??   (Section 2B, #43)
(NOTE: This is an unmarked footstone between John McCARTY and Clifford DUCATTE.)

??  (Section 1, Row 1, #11)
(NOTE: This stone is plain white marble with no inscription.)

??  (Section 1, Row 11, #10)
(NOTE: This stone is a cement slap with no inscription.)

??  (Section 1, Row 11, #22)
(NOTE: This is a small white marble block standing about 1 foot tall -- no inscription.)

??  (Section 1, Row 11, #30)
(NOTE: This is a small metal sign with no inscription on it.)

??  (Section 2, #12)
(NOTE: This is an unmarked footstone.)

?? (Section 1, Row 1, #9)
C & K (NOTE: This is a flat cement plaque in the ground next to Gary M. MOORE.)

AGONEY   (Section 2B, #27)
Napoleon F. / Navel Vet. W. W. I. / 1897 - 1971 /
Melvina M. SULIA / 1904 - 2003 /

ALEY - ABARE  (Section 1, Row 6, #3)
Richard M. / 1938 - 1974 /
His Wife / Barbara ABARE / 1941 -     /
Herbert ABARE / 1906 - 1979 /

ALLEN   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #8)
Joseph E. / 1927 - 1991 /
Military plaque on the back:
Joseph E. ALLEN / Cpl. US Army Air Corps / World War II / 1927 - 1991 /

ALLEN  (Section 1, Row 3, #4)
Dallas E. / 1917 - 1983 /
His Wife / Ruth E. ROCK / 1927 -     /
Their Son / PFC Bruce J. USMC / Died July 7, 1967 Vietnam / 1947 - 1967
Their Son / Travis F. / 1964 - 1981 /
Military Footstone:
Dallas E. ALLEN / Tech 4 US Army / World War II / Aug. 13, 1917 - May 22, 1983 /
Military Footstone:
Bruce J. ALLEN / PFC US Marine Corp / Vietnam / Dec. 20, 1947 - July 7, 1967 / Purple Heart /

AMELL  (Section 1, Row 10, #8)
Bernard C. AMELL / 1923 -    /
His Wife / Anna Mae ROCK / 1917 - 1992 /

AMELL  (Section 1, Row 7, #11)
Arthur J. / 1891 - 1960 /
His Wife / Cora E. STRACK / 1893 - 1958 /
Maynard J. / 1921 - 2003 /
Bronze plaque on back of headstone:
Maynard J. AMELL / Sgt. US Army / World War II / Jun. 6, 1921 - Nov. 14, 2003

ASHINE   (Section 2B, #56)
Bertha E. ASHINE / Nov. 3, 1963 - Feb. 22, 1970 /
Son / Lester  E. / Jan. 5, 1944 - Oct. 11, 1962 /

ASHLEY    (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #1)

ASHLINE   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #9)
1937 Helen E. 1976 /

ASHLINE   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #8)
Gertrude / 1935 - 2000 /
Carl Sr. / 1924 - 1975 /

AYOTTE  (Section 1, Row 8, #13)
Raymond / 1908 - 1979 /
His Wife / Mabel TAMER / 1908 - 1968 /
Brother / Norman E. TAMER / 1918 - 1960 /

BABICS   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #2)
Stephen J. / Sept. 7, 1914 / Sept. 18, 1998 /
Sophie / Apr. 23, 1915 /

BADGER   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #6)
Leon G. / July 30, 1937 /
Marion E. / Sept. 26, 1927 /

BADGER  (Section 1, Row 2, #2)
Arthur A. / 1907 - 1967 /
His Wife / Hattie A. TROMBLEY / 1916 - 1988 /
Brother / Lewis G. / 1915 - 1998 /
His Wife / Marion A. RIVERS / 1923 - 19   /
Military Footstone:
Lewis J. BADGER / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / Sep. 6, 1915 - Feb. 19, 1998 /
(NOTE: The middle initial for Lewis is definitely different between the headstone and footstone.)

BAKER    (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #6)
Harold J. / BAKER / August 27, 1939 /

BAKER   (Section 4-Back, Single lot between Row 7 & 8)
Lillian Helen / May 28, 1902 - Nov. 3, 1988 / Mother - Grandmother /

BAKER   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #4)
Raymond O. / Nov. 4, 1919 -     /
Irene R. / Feb. 1, 1922 - Feb. 10, 2004 /

BAKER   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #9)
Edward J. Jr. / 1937 -     /
Janice M. / 1944 -      /
Brent J. / (Brenster) / 1969 - 1992 /

BALKO   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #7)

BARBER   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #3)
Bernard A. / 1926 -      /
Dorothy COUTURE / 1921 -    /
Married Jan. 30, 1946 /

BARCLAY   (Section 3, #115)
Rose / 1904 - 1973 /

BARCOMB   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #4)
Married / June 27, 1959 /
Roger P. / 1937 - 1991 /
Bertha E. / 1939 -     /

BARCOMB  (Section 1, Row 2, #4)
Leonard F. / 1923 - 1988 /
His Wife / Irene M. MOQUIN / 1925 - 1996 /
Their Son / Allen C. / 1947 - 1967 /
Military Footstone:
Leonard F. BARCOMB / US Merchant Marine / World War II / May 30, 1923 - Dec. 21, 1988 /

BARCOMB  (Section 2B, #18)
Elmer C. / 1928 -      /
Nancy A. / 1938 -     /
Sharlene A. STOW / 1960 -     /

BARCOMB  (Section 2B, #19)
Henry G. Sr. / 1937 -     /
Connie M. / 1939 -     /

BARNARD   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #6)
Roma D. / 1914 - 1984 /
Ann QUINN / 1921 His Wife /

BAXTER   (Section 3, #85)
Henry L. / 1894 - 1974 /
His Wife / Norma  A. / 1901 - 1974 /

BEAUBRIAND  (Section 2B, #30)
Guy A. / 1908 - 1970 /
Margaret SEARS / 1916 - 1986 /

BEAUHARNOIS   (Section 3, #37)
Donald J. / 1918 - 1979 /
His Wife / Theresa LaMORA / 1921 - 2001 /
Lillian Mary LaMORA / 1878 - 1951 /

BECHARD  (Section 1, Row 11, #21)
Adam Daniel / BECHARD / May 25, 1992 /

BEDARD   (Section 3, #17)
1867 Oliver BEDARD 1947 /
His Wife / 1870 Mary FISHER 1939 /
1893 Emma G. BEDARD 1977 /
1900 John TROMLY 1978 /
His Wife / 1902 Mena BEDARD 1962 /

BEDARD   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #28)
Leo Paul / 1933 /
Virginia M. / 1937 /
Leo Joseph, Jr. / 1963 - 1997 /

BEDORE  (Section 2, #19)
Mosses / 1889 - 1964 /
His Wife / Dora E. / 1888 - 19   /

BELL   (Section 3, #114)
Clifton O. / 1938 -     /
Deanna M. / 1939 -     /

BELL   (Section 3, #69)
1870 Edmond 1934 /
His Wife / Delia DEFYETTE / 1869 - 1954 /
1897 Orville J. 1963 /
His Wife / Mildred RENADETTE / 1901 - 1984 /

BENTON   (Section 3, #8)
Clyde H. / 1923 - 1976 /
His Wife / Velma R. GONYEA / 1920 - 1997 /
Son / Larry R. / 1944 - 1945 /

BERGIN   (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #6)

BESHON   (Section 3, #47)
Peter / 1875 - 1946 /
Harriet M. SIDNEY / His Wife / 1878 - 1982 /

BISHOP    (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #5)
Herman H. / Jan. 2, 1922 - Mar. 21, 1991 /
Rita M. / Dec. 16, 1922 / Apr. 27, 1990 /
Military plaque on the back:
Herman BISHOP / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / 1922 - 1991 /

BLAIR   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #3)

BLEAU  (Section 1, Row 6, #10)
Ralph H. / 1934 - 1974 /
His Wife / Lorraine BECK / 1937 -     /

BODETTE   (Section 4-Front, Row 14, #2)
Linda REYELL /

BOISSEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #2)
Bernard / Feb. 15, 1922 /
Rita M. / Oct. 7, 1918 /

BOLAND  (Section 1, Row 11, #7)
Elon H. / 1903 - 1981 /
His Wife / Bertha P. / 1906 - 1967 /

BOMBARD   (Section 3, #111)
Bernard W. / 1905 - 1950 /
His Wife / Eileen A. McGIVNEY / 1903 - 1983 /
Robert B. / 1933 -     /

BONNIER  (Section 2, #21)
Maurice L.  1947 -    /
Colleen DUKETTE / 1950 - 1996 /
On the upper right corner of the stone:
In Loving Memory of Mother & Wife

BORDEAU  (Section 1, Row 11, #29)
John H. BORDEAU / September 19, 1973 /

BOSLEY  (Section 2B, #40)
Henry BOSLEY / 1878 - 1963 /

BOSLEY  (Section 2B, #41)
Caroline Minnie / 1884 - 1961 / Wife of / H. BOSLEY /

BOUCHER  (Section 1, Row 7, #10)
Alfred H. / 1911 - 1954 /
His Wife / Edith FARBER / 1914 -     /
Anthony R. / 1953 - 1959 /
Randall B. / 1958 - 1959 /

BOURNE   (Section 3, #28)
1889 Leon O. 1963 /
His Wife / 1899 Cora ROCK 1984 /
1924 Richard J. 2005 /
His Wife / 1928 Shirley A. BOURNE 1991 /

BOUSQUET    (Section 2B, #50)
Ernest G. BOUSQUET / 1904 - 1963 /
His Wife / Gertrude M. GADWAY / 1913 - 1963 /

BOUYEA    (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #1)
Francis G. / "Butch" / Feb. 4, 1959 / May 23, 1999 /
Michelle J. / "Pixie" / Nov. 29, 1960 / Nov. 23, 1991 /
Sis /
June 3, 1937 JoAnn M. BOUYEA Jan. 26, 2001 /

BOUYEA   (Section 2B, #33)
Leo C. BOUYEA / Aug. 6, 1908 / July 12, 1953 / Vet. W. W. II /

BOUYEA   (Section 3, #38)
George / 1889 - 1962 /
His Wife / Helen Mae BAKER / 1889 - 1968 /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #2)
Frederick P. / 1901 - 1978 /
Rollia  / MITCHELL / 1905 - 1999 /
Married Oct. 19, 1922 /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #7)
Tyler C. / 1927 - /
Marie DISHAW / His Wife / 1936 - /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #2)
Wayne Joseph / May 31, 1935 / Mar. 29, 1995 /
Orva Mae / May 9, 1940 /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #9)
Carl E. / BOUYEA / 1919 - 1990 / In Loving Memory / Of Our Father /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #9)
Lawrence BOUYEA / 1898 - 1975 /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #5)
In Loving Memory of / Our Beloved Mother / Lorraine L. BOUYEA / 1929 - 2000 /

BOUYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #3)
Gerald E. / 1927 - 1977 /

BOUYEA  (Section 1, Row 9, #2)
George K. / 1894 - 1974 /
His Wife / Jennie ROCK / 1897 - 1999 /
Their Son / Emerson C. / 1934 - 1965 /

BRACKEN  (Section 1, Row 8, #11)
1908 Walter J. 1996 /
His Wife / 1908 Dorothy Ann SIMON / 1974 /
Mother / 1876 Julia Glenn BRACKEN 1955 /

BRADLEY    (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #2)
Norris M. Sr. / 1911 - 1983 /
Mary Lydia / 1915 wife 2001 /
Miles / 1955 Son /
Gordon P. / 1942 Son 1982 /

BRADLEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #8)
John G. / Sept. 13, 1950 / Apr. 27, 2000 /
Military plaque on the back:
John Girard BRADLEY / CPL US Marine Corps / Vietnam / Sept. 13, 1950 - Apr. 27, 2000 /

BRADLEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 18, #8)

BRAULT   (Section 3, #10)
1899 Wallace H. BRAULT 1969 /
His Wife / 1902  Delia RABIDEAU 1994 /
Their Son / 1920 Richard W. 1947 /

BRELIA   (Section 2, #64)
1882 Herbert B. 1948 /
His Wife / 1888 Alma L. SOULIA 1982 /
1905 Myron C. ASHLINE 1999 /
His Wife / 1911 Dorothy M. BRELIA 1994 /
On the side of the base:
Philip J. WOLFE / Feb. 23, 1969 /

BRELIA   (Section 3, #72)
Minnie L. BRELIA / His Wife / 1878 - 1956 /

BRELIA  (Section 2, #28)
Philip ASHLINE / Aug. 26, 1945 / Apr. 12, 1999 /
On the back:
Solomon BRELIA / 1850 - 1916 /
His Wife / Elizabeth DASHNAW /

BRESETTE  (Section 1, Row 1, #5)
Bernard P. / 1917 - 1988 /
His Wife / Iona M. SEARS / 1922 - 1973 /
Military Footstone:
Bernard P. BRESSETTE / PFC US Army / World War II / 1917 - 1988 /

BREWER   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #5)

BREYEA   (Section 3, #14)
1868 Fred A. 1928 /
His Wife / Carrie MARTIN / 1876 - 19    /
Fred J. / 1893 - 1939 /

BREYETTE   (Section 3, #66)
Fred N. / 1884 - 1963 /
His Wife / Rosetta RILEY / 1886 - 1961 /
Thomas P. QUINN / 1902 - 1936 /

BREYETTE   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #6)

BREYETTE  (Section 2, #44)
Oril J. / 1888 - 1972 /
His Wife / Dora J. DASHNAW / 1888 - 1983 /
Oril J. Jr. / 1921 - 1978 /
His Wife / Doris EGAN / 1922 -     /
On the back:

BRICKEY    (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #10)
Barney / 1925 - 1996 /
Military plaque on the back:
Bernard J. BRICKEY / CPL US Marine Corps / World War II / Feb. 25, 1925 - June 13, 1996 /

BRICKEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #3)
Robert W. / May 21, 1918 /
Mildred E. / Dec. 23, 1917 / June 18, 1994 /

BROOKS   (Section 3, #89)
Fred BROOKS / 1880 - 1959 /

BROOKS  (Section 2, #24)
1887 Jennie 1959 /
1913 Lloyd 1994 /
1884 Herbert FISHER 1950 /
1879 Medrick 1951 /
On the back:
Lloyd H. BROOKS / Pvt. U.S. Army / World War II / Oct. 25, 1913 - Feb. 13, 1994 /

BROWN    (Section 3, #15)
1886 Irving A. BROWN 1930 /
His Wife / 1883 Cora M. SIDDON 1971 /
1914 Clement A. 1963 /
His Wife / 1915 Doris M. MYERS      /

BROWN   (Section 3, #102)
Jefferson / Aug. 17, 1914 / Oct. 18, 1945 /
Morris J. / Feb. 28, 1912 / Mar. 8, 1974 /

BROWN   (Section 3, #62)
Ernest J. / 1885 - 1956 /
His Wife / Josephine DUQUETTE / 1889 - 1947 /

BROWN  (Section 2B, #4)
Edward A. / 1872 - 1942 /
Edwidge THIBAULT / His Wife / 1878 - 1925 /

BROWN  (Section 2B, #9)
Harold E. / 1920 - 1990 /
Ruth M. ROCK / 1922 -      /
Infant Son / Thomas Ernest / 1943 - 1944 /
Infant Daughter / Sue Ellen / 1948 - 1951 /
On the back:
Harold E. BROWN  / PFC US Army / World War II / Sept. 1, 1920 - Jan. 21, 1990 /

BRUETTE  (Section 2, #52)
Harold E. / 1901 - 1949 /
His Wife / Laura GREGWARE / 1905 - 1997 /

BRUNO  (Section 1, Row 8, #7)
Clarence C. / 1912 - 1985 /
His Wife / Florence A. BRELIA / 1913 - 2000 /
Grandson / Michael J. VARANO / 1964 -     /

BUCKLEY   (Section 2, #54)
Emmet J. / 1903 - 1996 /
His Wife / Eleanor MEYER / 1911 - 2002 /

BULLIS  (Section 2, #59)
1899 Bernard V. 1963 /
His Wife / 1901 Albina M. CARTER /
1925 Conrad E. 1937 /

BURDO   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #10)
Husband / Glenn R . / May 22, 1955 /
Wife / Jamie LAWLISS / November 17, 1954 /

BURDO  (Section 2B, #22)
Robert C. / 1933 -     /
His Wife / Patricia C. / 1933 - 2000 /

BURKE   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #9)
Harold M. / 1923 - 1991 /
Yvonne / 1928 - 1990 /
Military plaque on the back:
Harold M. BURKE, Sr. / PFC US Marine Corps / World War II / Oct. 14, 1923 - Aug. 17, 1991 /

BURL  (Section 1, Row 6, #4)
Louis O. BURL / 1926 - 2003 /
His Wife / Carmen J. ROCK / 1927 - 1975 /
Military Footstone:
Louis O. BURL / CPL US Marine Corp / World War II / Jun 6, 1926 - Nov. 23, 2003 /

BURNELL  (Section 1, Row 10, #7)
Earl G. / 1909 - 1985 /
Beloved Wife / Gladys H. FINK / 1911 - 1993 /
Their Son / Gilbert J. / 1933 - 2000 /

BUSHEY   (Section 3, #95)
Joseph BUSHEY / 1965 / (NOTE: This is a metal sign.)

BUSHEY  (Section 1, Row 11, #6)
Alex / 1900 - 1972 /
His Wife / Marjorie / 1912 - 1981 /
Small metal sign next to the stone:
Kimberly Ann / 1971 /

CANNING  (Section 1, Row 8, #10)
Harry T. / 1888 - 1960 /
His Wife / Frances M. EVERLETH / 1888 - 1959 /

CAREY  (Section 1, Row 1, #1)
William J. /
His Wife / Ruth M . KEARNEY /
Their Son / Jim / 1950 - 1967

CARL  (Section 2, #33)
1896 Nelson 1934 /
His Wife / Fannie MORROW / 1898 - 1964 /

CARL  (Section 2, #42)
Joseph W. / 1870 - 1946 /
His Wife / Sarah E. DASHNAW / 1875 - 1963 /
On the back:
1904 Walter H. 1971 /
His Wife / 1916 Wilma A. ASHLINE 1979 /
1900 David F. NISOFF 1988 /
His Wife / 1907 Dorothy S. CARL 1999 /
Infant / 1960 Elizabeth J. A. WINSER 1960 /

CARON   (Section 2B, #73)
Bernadette CARON / Nov. 13, 1921 - Apr. 3, 1939 /

CARON   (Section 4-Back, Row 8,  #7)
Aime P. / 1934 - 1992 /
Shirley E. / 1935 -
Military plaque on the back:
Aime P. CARON / US Air Force / Korea / 1934 - 1992 /

CARON / DESSO  (Section 1, Row 4, #2)
Felix / 1884 - 1963 /
His Wife / Parmelia M. / PLUMADORE / 1887 - 1962 /
Their Daughter / Ramona V. DESSO / 1929 -     /
Her Husband / Sheridan L. DESSO / 1922 - 1995 /
Military Footstone:
Sheridan L. DESSO / Tech 5 US Army / World War II / Nov. 15, 1922 - Jul. 22, 1995 /

CARTER   (Section 2, #57)
1872 Felix CARTER 1956 /
His Wife / 1873 Rose LAMORE 1957 /
1911 Ephraim Q. 1928 /
1895 Rudolph J. JACKSTADT 1949 /
His Wife / 1895 Elizabeth M. CARTER 1980 /

CARTER   (Section 2, #65)
1888 James J. 1967 /
His Wife / 1893 Mary E. JABAUT 1967 /
1918 Leon G. JACQUES    /
His Wife / 1919 Elizabeth M. CARTER 2002 /

CARTER   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #8)
In Loving Memory /
From Your Children /
Ellison R. / CARTER / Sept. 5, 1925 / Dec. 8, 1996 /

CARTER   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #6)
Raymond C. / 1904 - 1990 /
Irene K. / 1905 - 1984 /
Married Oct. 20, 1924 /

CARTER   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #8)
Michael R. CARTER / 1959 - 1996 / Beloved Son of / Herbert & Katherine /

CARTER   (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #8)

CARTER  (Section 1, Row 6, #14)
Lewis O. / 1902 - 1996 /
His Wife / Rosamond CANNING / 1917 - 1995 /
Daughter / Eleanor M. / 1943 -     /

CASE   (Section 3, #73)
William CASE / 1872 - 1955 /

CHAMBERLAIN   (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #6)
Charles E. / Honey CC / 1931 - 1985 /
Jeanette / LAVARNWAY / 1932 -     /

CHAMPAGNE    (Section 3, #31)
Arthur D. Jr. / 1917 - 1998 /
His Wife / Sylvia TROMBLEY / 1919 - 1951 /

CHAMPAGNE   (Section 4-Back, Row 19, #6)
Vernon G. / Nov. 8, 1938 /
Joanne M. / Apr. 11, 1941 / Sept. 5, 2004 /
David V. / Nov. 20, 1963 /

CHAPPELL  (Section 1, Row 1, #17)
George L. / 1900 - 1972 /

CHAPPLE    (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #10)

CHAPPLE   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #9)
Fred CHAPPLE /  US Army / May 16, 1905 - May 14, 1994 /

CHAPPLE   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #8)
Nelson P. / 1915 - 1990 /
Margaret A. / 1920 -    /
Military plaque on the back:
Nelson P. CHAPPLE / Pvt US Army / World War II / Sep. 27, 1915 - Apr. 10, 1990 /

CHAPPLE  (Section 1, Row 2, #15)
James CHAPPLE / Pvt US Army / World War II / Jan. 3, 1900 - Nov. 20, 1972 /

CHAUVIN   (Section 1, Row 11, #35)
Irene Mary CHAUVIN (NOTE: This is a metal sign only.)

CHAUVIN   (Section 3, #109)
1906 Hebert E. 1992 /
His Wife / 1910 Helen DUROCHER 1991 /
1930 Jane M. TURNER CHAUVIN 1949 /

CHAUVIN   (Section 4-Front, Row 14, #5)
Martin B. / Feb. 22, 1955 - Apr. 12, 2001 /
Dorothy S. / Apr. 29, 1955 /

CHAUVIN  (Section 1, Row 4, #9)
Bernard M. / 1925 - 1999 /
His Wife / Bridget DEFONZO / 1926 -     /
Their Daughter / Irene Mary / 1963 - 1963 /

CHISHOLM    (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #4)
Benoit J. / 1916 - 1999 /
Military plaque on the back:
Benoit J. CHISHOLM / Tec 3 US Army / World War II / Oct. 2, 1916 - Dec. 25, 1999 /

CHRISTIAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #1)
Mark W. / Sept. 4, 1959 /
Mary GILLEN / Dec. 4, 1959 /
Our Son /
Mark Philip / Jan. 30, 1987 - Apr. 16, 1987 /

CLINE   (Section 2B, #35)
Ernest L. CLINE / 1883 - 1957 /

CLINE   (Section 2B, #36)
Lucy B. TRUDO / 1883 - 1950 /  Wife of E. L. CLINE /

COADY  (Section 1, Row 11, #26)
Denis K. COADY / T Sgt US Air Force / Vietnam / Nov. 9, 1977 - Aug. 6, 1982 /

COATES   (Section 3, #30)
Edith R. / 1902 - 1951 /
Raymond ROBARE / 1906 - 1968 /

COLEMAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 14, #3)
Donald P. / Feb. 8, 1926 /
Titus E. / May 18, 1928 - Dec. 11, 2000 /

COLLINS  (Section 2, #15)
Robert F. / 1929 - 2004 /
His Wife / Marion G. GOODWIN / 1929 - 1965 /
2nd Wife Blanche H. 1944 - 1995 /

COLLINS - GODDEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #2)
Our Little Angel /
Amanda Regina / COLLINS - GODDEAU / March 28, 1955 /

COMSTALL  (Section 1, Row 6, #8)
Footstone: COMSTALL  
(NOTE: This footstone is between Edmund SULLIVAN and Henry TURNER.)

CONNERS   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #2)
Kevin M. / Jan. 4, 1952 / Aug. 3, 1999 /
Michelle M. / Sept. 17, 1951 /

CONNERS   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #4)
Beverly A. / BARBARA / 1946 /
Robert W. / 1940 /

CONROY    (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #7)
Arnold R. / 1921 -     /
Marion V. / 1922 -     /

CONROY   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #7)
Married / July 11, 1970 /
A. John / 1947 -     /
Leona PERRY / 1951 -    /

COOK    (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #8)
(NOTE: There are no names or dates on this stone.)

COON   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #2)

CORRON  (Section 1, Row 1, #6)
Remie C. / 1915 - 1980 /
His Wife / Frances M. / 1919 - 1976 /
Scholastica / BABINEAUX / 1940 - 1980 /
Esther CORRON / 1942 -     /

CORYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #7)
Donald J. / June 7, 1931 / Feb. 19, 1999 /
Barbara M. / Dec. 3, 1935 /
Military plaque on the back:
Donald J. CORYEA / CPL US Army / Korea / Jan. 7, 1931 - Feb. 19, 1999 / Purple Heart /

COVEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #1)
Forever In Our Hearts /
Mahlon R. / Mar. 1, 1932 / Sept. 14, 2005 /
Jeanette MYERS / May 30, 1929 /

CRAIG   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #1)
Terry W. / May 15, 1952 / Dec. 3, 2002 /
Patricia A. / Oct. 10, 1962  /

CRINGLE  (Section 1, Row 11, #13)
The / CRINGLE / Children /
1969 Joseph 1969 /
1970 James 1970 /
1962 Laurie Ann 1982 /

CRISS   (Section 4-Back, Lot between Row 14-15)
Robert A. / 1929 - 1994 /
Myrtle / 1932 - 1996 /

CUMMINGS   (Section 3, #1)
1915 John A. 1998 /
His Wife / 1922 Marie C. 1982 /

CUMMINGS   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #3)
Beloved Mother / Alberta CUMMINGS / Jan. 8, 1926 / Oct. 27, 2001 /

CURRAN   (Section 3, #32)
Ernest CURRAN / 1890 - 19   /
His Wife / Margaret A.  RYAN / 1890 - 1948 /

CURTIN - ASHLAW  (Section 1, Row 5, #6)
Luva Peno ASHLAW / 1909 -     /
Daughter / Patricia Ann CURTIN / 1934 - 1959 /

DANDROW  (Section 2, #37)
John R. / 1874 - 1957 /
His Wife / Martha M. / 1874 - 1945 /

DAPO  (Section 1, Row 5, #10)
George A. Sr. / 1896 - 1955 /
His Wife / Sadie M. MINER / 1902 -      /

DARRAH   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #6)
Scott R. / Oct. 20, 1960 /
Penny MITCHELL / July 16, 1962 / Nov. 18, 2000 /
Married Aug. 15, 1960 /

DARRAH   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #9)
Roy / 1924 - 1985 /
Pauline / 1922 -    /

DARRAH   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #4)
Edward W. / 1924 -    /
Edna / 1927 -    /

DARRAH  (Section 1, Row 7, #7)
John H. 1904 - 1961 /
His Wife / Grace LAUNDRY / 1906 - 1983 /
Clarence P. / 1907 - 1963 /
His Wife / Geraldine MONTY / 1914 - 1959 /

DARRAH  (Section 1, Row 8, 35)
Victor W. / 1894 - 1975 /
His Wife / Ethel WILLETT / 1902 -     /
Her Mother / Nellie B. WILLETT / 1875 - 1964 /

DARRAH  (Section 2, #53)
William I. / 1892 - 1949 /
His Wife / Jennie GUYETTE / 1897 - 1973 /
On the back:
Benard DUCAT / 1922 - 1952 /
Dorothy COOK / 1924 -     /

DASHNAW   (Section 2, #45)
Reynold J. / 1892 - 1970 /
His Wife / Flossie A. FAVARO / 1898 - 1966 /
On the back:
Footstone nearby:
Oril J. BREYETTE Jr. / AVN Cadet US Army Air Corps / World War II / July 6, 1921 - May 1, 1978 /

DASHNAW   (Section 3, #12)
Norman / 1885 - 1961 /
Alma J. / 1898 - His Wife 1948 /

DASHNAW   (Section 3, #20)
Raymond E. / 1908 - 1991 /
His Wife / Mary RABIDEAU / 1903 - 1988 /
On the back:
Floyd /  1885 - 1948 /
Sophia POCKETTE / 1887 - 1961 /

DASHNAW   (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #3)

DASHNAW   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #6)
Francis / 1927 - 1979 /
Married / 11-10-47 /
Charlotte / 1931 -     /

DAUST   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #2)
Russell J. / Apr. 4, 1928 /
Beulah E. / Jan. 21, 1933 / Feb. 1, 1985 /

DAVIE   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #7)

DAVIES  (Section 1, Row 3, #10)
1900 Lewis W. 1975 /
1903 Genevieve R. RILEY 1997 /
Sons /
1936 David T. 1957 /  PFC 3rd Marine Div /
1931 William E. 1996 / Cpl US Army /
Military Footstone:
Lewis W. DAVIES / Pennsylvania / Pvt US Army / World War I / Jul 3, 1900 - Aug. 30, 1973 /

DeCLARK   (Section 2B, #64)
Frank DeCLARK / Feb. 11, 1879 / Jan. 17, 1952 / Served 30 Years U.S. Army / Phillipine Insurrection / And France World War I /
Myra ROCK / wife / Aug. 7, 1884 / Oct. 29, 1942 /

DEFAYETTE    (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #6)
Ephraim R. / 1919 - 2002 /
Carmela R. / 1927 - 2003 /
Military plaque on the back:
Ephraim R. DEFAYETTE / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / Sep 1, 1919 - Jan. 14, 2002 /

DEFAYETTE   (Section 2B, #66)
Travis DEFAYETTE / 1963 - 1963 /

DEFAYETTE   (Section 3, #113)
Remie J. / 1925 -     /
Dora L. / 1928 -     /

DELISLE   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #4)
Stanley F. / Feb. 20, 1926 - 1979 /
Eleanor WELLS / Jan. 10, 1935 / Apr. 12, 1997 /

DELORM  (Section 1, Row 10, #9)
Donald A. / 1921 - 1996 /
His Wife / Catherine LADUE / 1923 - 2005 /

DELORM - LADUE  (Section 1, Row 5, #4)
Underneath DELORM:
Oscar C. 1894 - 1961 /
His Wife / Elizabeth L. WEBB / 1894 - 1968 /
Underneath LADUE:
Clarence E. / 1895 - 1962 /
His Wife / Sarah I. DASHNAW / 1895 - 1977 /

DERMODY  (Section 2, #32)
1892 Edward M. DERMODY 1946 /
Wife / 1898 Christiana TROMBLEY 1984 /
Son / 1918 Dellas DERMODY 1932 /
1935 Reginald DERMODY    /
His Wife / 1937 Patricia TIERNEY    /
On the back:

DERMODY  (Section 2, #43)
Thomas J. / 1903 - 1968 /
His Wife / Dorothy E. DASHNAW / 1914 - 2000 /
Leslie Ann / 1960 - 1979 /
Lester E. / 1935 -     /
Joanne E. GIBEAU / 1935 -     /
On the back:

DEROCHER   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #10)
Cheryl Ann / 1966 - 1981 /
Raymond F. / 1940 - 1997 /

DEROCHER  (Section 2, #34)
PFC Raymond F. DEROCHER / 9th Army C.O.D. 335 Inf. / 1919 - 1945 /
His Wife / Dorothy BRUNELL / 1922 - 2004 /
On the back:

DEROCHER  (Section 2, #35)
Fred J. / 1897 - 1950 /
His Wife / Anna M. DARRAH / 1901 - 1969 /
Donald K. / 1922 - 1988 /
His Wife / Marjorie C. MACEY / 1921 - 1976 /
On the back:
Military Footstone:
Donald K. DEROCHER / Pvt. US Army / World War II / May 2, 1922 - Jan. 4, 1988 /

DEVOE  (Section 1, Row 11, #31)
April Ann / Dau. of / Mr. and Mrs. Neil DEVOE / 1967 /

DIORIO   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #4)
Louis / 1924 - 1987 /
Virginia / 1926 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Louis L. DIORIO / PFC US Army / World War II / Jul 12, 1924 - Dec. 15, 1987 /

DISQUE  (Section 1, Row 11, #34)
Daniel G. DISQUE / 1966 / (NOTE: This is a metal sign only.)

DIVELY   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #3)
Melvin C. / 1918 - 1985 /
Doris DUCATTE / His Wife / 1925 - 2004 /

DODDS   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #11)
Mother / Ronella DODDS / Apr. 1, / 1920 - Feb. 23, / 1996 /

DONAH  (Section 1, Row 6, #5)
Richard J. / 1913 -     /
His Wife / Marie MYERS / 1914 - 1996 /
Their Son / Roger L. / 1947 - 1998 /

DOUGHERTY    (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #10)
Husband / Hugh E. / 1909 -    /
Wife / Eunice M. / 1917 -    /
Daughter / Maureen A. / 1957 -    /

DROLLETTE   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #9)
Leo W. / Jan. 10, 1934 /
Harriet / BANKER / May 1, 1939 /
Married Nov. 27, 1958 /

DROLLETTE  (Section 1, Row 11, #1)
Henry J. / 1906 - 1974 /
His Wife / Alice M. BEDORE / 1916 - 1966 /

DROLLETTE  (Section 1, Row 8, #14)
Edgar / 1904 - 1993 /
His Wife / Helen BATES / 1912 - 1985 /
Daughter / Jean SORRELL / 1930 - 1971 /
Mother / Margaret BATES / 1885 - 1954 /

DROLLETTE + HOWARD  (Section 2, #3)
Underneath DROLLETTE:
Walter J. / 1907 - 1933 /
His Wife / Maybelle JACQUES / 1908 - 1997 /
Underneath HOWARD:
Robert C. / 1928 - 1997 /
His Wife / Kathryn DROLLETTE / 1930 -     /

DUCAT  (Section 2, #38)
1858  Michael 1934 /
His Wife / Lena RIVERS / 1859 - 1935 /

DUCATTE   (Section 2B, #44)
Clifford J. / 1913 - 2001 /
His Wife / Ethel E. / 1912 - 1987 /

DUCATTE  (Section 1, Row 3, #15)
Mose W. / 1911 - 1984 /
Beatrice M. SMART / 1913 - 2000 /
William A. / 1887 - 1958 /
His Wife / Vina M. BROWN / 1890 - 1971 /

DUCATTE  (Section 1, Row 4, #15)
Frank C. / 1922 - 1985 /
His Wife / Beulah R. GENO / 1925 - 2004 /
Frank C. Jr. / 1944 - 1958 /

DUCATTE  (Section 1, Row 8, #8)
William M. / 1891 - 19  /
Esther K. REYELL / His Wife /  1903 -    /
Anthony SKRABUT / 1914 - 1988 /
Veronica E. DUCATTE / His Wife / 1924 -     /
James REYELL / 1894 - 1976 /

DUESBERG   (Section 3, #107)
1888 William 1948 /
His Wife / 1889 Beatrice L. BLOW 1961 /

DUESBERG   (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #4)
Harold G. / 1915 - 1999 /
Leona M. / 1922 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Harold G. DUESBERG / US Army Air Force / World War II / Mar. 2, 1915 - Feb. 5, 1999 /

DUKETTE   (Section 2B, #51)
Irving J. / 1903 - 1963 /
His Wife / Clarice / 1905 - 1988 /

DUKETTE  (Section 1, Row 1,  #14)
Frank Paul DUKETTE / Pvt. US Army / World War I / Jan. 17, 1984 - Jun 15, 1974 /
Mae SEARS / 1902 / Wife / 1989 /

DUKETTE  (Section 1, Row 5, #7)
Norman F. / 1930 -     /
His Wife / Catherine F. CARSTENS / 1929 - 1959 /

DUKETTE  (Section 2, #26)
USAF SMS 1943 - 1968  /
Philip Z.  1910 -     /
His Wife / Bertha M. / 1908 - 2004 /

DUKETTE  (Section 2, #27)
Jefferson E. / 1901 - 1949 /
His Wife / Elizabeth C. EWALD / 1906 - 1982 /
Great Grandson / Maurice L. BONNIER Jr. 09 / 1970 - 1987 /
On the back:
Jefferson E. DUKETTE Jr. / 1925 - 2001 /
His Wife / Gabrielle E. LeCUYER / 1930 -     /

DUPELL  (Section 1, Row 6, #13)
Edmund J. / 1919 - 1973 /
His Wife / Elizabeth SEARS / 1930 -     /
Brent A. HOUSE / 1975 - 1975 /

DUPREY   (Section 2B, #67)
Aldaw DUPREY / 1905 - 1926 /

DUQUETTE    (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #6)
Robert J. / 1932 -     /
Joyce / TETREAULT / 1938 - 1994 /
Robert W. / 1957  - 1984 /

DUQUETTE   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #19)

DUQUETTE   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #21)

DUQUETTE  (Section 1, Row 9, #11)
1893 Ernest W. 1956 /
His Wife / 1895 Mary E. WILLETE 19  /
1902 Fred U. 1956 /

DUQUETTE  (Section 2, #50)
Erving J. / 1902 -     /
His Wife / Mabel GARRAND / 1903 - 1937 /

EVERLETH   (Section 2B, #68)
July 10, 1962 / Infant Son /
Gerald, Shirley EVERLETH /
Shawn EVERLETH / 1966 /

EVERLETH   (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #5)

FARRELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #8)
Herbert C. / 1909 - 1998 /
Rita M. / 1915 - 2001 /
Sue E. GONYEA / 1947 - 1986 /

FEGAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #3)
William F. / 1908 - 1997 /
Violet / TROMBLEY / 1908 - 1992 /

FENWICK   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #8)
Guy B., III / July 14, 1943 / Aug. 15, 2000 /
Bonnie H. / June 11, 1941 /

FIFIELD   (Section 2B, #39)
Carlton A. FIFIELD / 1887 - 1948 /
Adeline E. ROCK / 1894 - 1981 /

FILION   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #5)
Frances E. / 1937 /
Elizabeth S. / 1945 /

FISHER   (Section 3, #16)
Tech Sgt. Donald G. FISHER / HQ Co. 1 Bn. 179 Inf. 45 Div. / Killed in Germany, World War II / 1918 - 1945 /
On the back:
John FISHER / 1877 - 1933 /
Wife / Elmira SIDDON / 1878 - 1947 /
Rose May / 1904 - 1979 /
Clarence J. / 1911 - 1953 /

FISHER - BOYEA  (Section 1, Row 5, #1)
Edward T. / 1912 - 1998 /
His Wife / Adelaide M. BOYEA / 1917 - 1973 /
George E. Jr. / 1893 - 1982 /
Agnes LECLAIRE / 1895 - 1972 /

FITZPATRICK   (Section 2, #46)
Charles E. / 1904 - 1974 /
Inez WILLETT / 1903 - 2004 /
On the back:

FITZPATRICK   (Section 2B, #12)
Lucille / 1877 - 1953 /
1874 Lawrence 1930 /
1898 Wilmera 1967 (NOTE: not sure on this name)
Louise GRATTON DUQUETTE / 1865 - 1928 /

FITZPATRICK   (Section 3, #98)
(NOTE: This is a metal sign.)
FITZPATRICK TWINS / 1958 + 1958 /

FITZPATRICK  (Section 1, Row 3, #6)
Lawrence W. / 1908 - 1990 /
His Wife / Mary AUBIN / 1913 -     /
Infant Brett L. / 1973 /
Thomas J. / 1944 - 1989 /

FLICK   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #2)
Husband / Paul A. Sr. / 1921 - 1974 /
Wife / Norma I. / 1926 - 2002 /
On the back:
Herbert K. DEWEY / 1919 - 1990 /
Eleanor J. DEWEY / 1923 -     /

FOLEY  (Section 1, Row 1, #13)
Rose Anna Eva / 1920 - 1972 /
Linda Lee / 1953 -     /

FORBES  (Section 1, Row 6, #2)
Harold W. / 1911 - 2002 /
His Wife / Margaret B. GOLDEN / 1916 - 1991 /
Their Daughter / Mary E. / 1950 -     /
His Mother / Lillian F. CASS / 1879 - 1973 /

FORKEY   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #7)
Adrian M. / 1926 - 1985 /
Mildred M. / 1928 -    /
He Was A Man of Faith /
Military plaque on the back:
Adrian Merrit FORKEY / US Navy / World War II / Oct. 12, 1926 - Jan. 19, 1985 /

FOUNTAIN  (Section 1, Row 7, #2)
M. Armand FOUNTAIN / 1917 - 1985 /
His Wife / Elizabeth M. FORKEY / 1918 - 1998 /
Daughter / Diana Marie / 1941 - 1961 /

FOURNIER  (Section 1, Row 6, #11)
Bernard E. / 1921 - 2001 /
His Wife / Evylena MACEY / 1923 - 2004 /
His Father / Earl D. / 1897 - 1973 /
Their Son / Bernard Lee / 1954 - 1998 /
On the base:
Jeffrey Lee / 1974 /
Chad Matthew / 1977 /

FREDENBURG   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #5)
James A. / 1933 - 1996 /
Phyllis L. / 1935 -      /
Military plaque on the back:
James A. FREDENBURG / SP 3 US Army / 1933 - 1996 /

FREDERICK  (Section 2, #13)
Dewey G. / 1912 - 19   /
His Wife / Marie  T. / 1915 -  19   /

FREDERICKS   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #8)

FRENYEA    (Section 2B, #28)
Clayton F. / 1905 - 1971 /
Myrtle E. FIFIELD / 1910 - 1982 /

FRENYEA   (Section 2B, #54)
Malcolm W. FRENYEA / 1907 - 1962 /
His Wife / Wanita B. / 1904 - 1968 /
Together at Last /

FRENYEA   (Section 3, #51)
Arthur N. / 1907 - 1974 /
His Wife / Bernadette C. TURCOTTE / 1913 - 1985 /
Harold J. / His Wife / Nancy E. DUQUETTE / 1949 - 1972 /

FRENYEA   (Section 3, #74)
Armand E. FRENYEA / Feb. 14, 1925 - Oct. 14, 1983 /

FRENYEA   (Section 3, #94)
Napoleon FRENYEA / 1872 - 19    /

FRENYEA   (Section 3, #96)
Rose GONYEA / 1880 - 1948 / Wife of / N. FRENYEA /

FRENYEA   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #5)

FRENYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #1)
Thomas J. / 1964 -     /
Lynda A. / 1965 - 1996 /

FRENYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #2)
Herman J. / Aug. 17, 1928 - Oct. 14, 1997 /
Joan M. / July 14, 1931 /

FRENYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #9)
Edward E. / 1920 - 1980 /
Alice M. / 1904 - 1988 /

FRENYEA  (Section 2, #29)
Frank FRENYEA / 1877 - 1945 /
His Wife / Delphine LAVARNWAY / 1878 - 1958 /
Son / Harold J. / 1926 - 1961 /
Son / Clarence H. / 1917 - 1998 /
On the back:

FRENYEA  (Section 2, #30)
Joseph FRENYEA / 1899 - 1984 /
Anna Exilda SEARS / His Wife / 1901 - 1986 /
Dames J. PHANEUF / 1928 -     /
On the back:

GADWAY   (Section 2, #51)
Fred GADWAY / 1888 - 1955 /
His Wife / Josephine SINNON / 1889 - 1944 /
Leon W. BOUSKEY / 1934 - 1944 /
P. Eugene / 1908 - 1986 /

GADWAY   (Section 3, #39)
Orville G. / 1905 - 1981 /
His Wife / Mary T. BLAISE / 1912 - 1985 /
David S. / 1961 - 2003 /
Our Beloved Parents / We Loved you Then / We Love You Now /

GADWAY   (Section 3, #49)
Hebert G. / 1876 - 1958 /
His Wife / Mary ROCK / 1880 - 1955 /
Clarence W. / 1900 - 1981 /

GADWAY   (Section 4-Front, Row 2 #6)
Leonard S. / 1911 - 1966 /
Mayford ROCK / 1913 -     /
Military Footstone:
Leonard S. GADWAY / Y1 US Navy / World War 2 / Mar. 14, 1911 - Dec. 1, 1996 /

GAGNON   (Section 3, #78)
Orel D. / June 19,  1920 -     /
Rose E. / Aug. 14, 1921 - His Wife - Jan. 10, 1985 /

GAGNON   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #4)
Paul E. / Apr. 28, 1915 / May 26, 1998 /
Beulah I. / Mar. 27, 1922 / Mar. 21, 1993 /

GALOVACH   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #3)
Robert J. (Gabby) / May 13, 1944 /
Elsie M. HENAGHAN / March 1, 1948 /

GARRAND  (Section 1, Row 4, #8)
Carson C. / 1916 - 1964 /
Helen T. GARROW / His Wife / 1921 -     /
Delphine / His Mother / 1875 - 1967 /

GARROW   (Section 3, #90)
William E. GARROW / 1896 - 1958 /

GARROW   (Section 3, #91)
Velma BARBER / His Wife / 1916 -     /

GARROW  (Section 2, #7)
William / 1910 - 1944 /
Marie LeCLAIR / 1913 His Wife 1983 /
Scott J. CORYEA / May 31, 1963 / July 16, 1963 /

GEBO    (Section 3, #57)
Eugene / 1869 - 1948 /
His Wife / Nora MILO / 1874 - 1950 /
Wilfred W. / 1905 - 1976 /
Vivian HACKETT / 1921 -      /

GEBO   (Section 3, #58)
Ernest E. / Veteran World War One / 1894 - 1943 /
His Wife / Leona WOOD / 1899 -     /
Ernest Jr. / 1922 -     /

GEBO   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #10)
Francis J. / 1892 - 1978 /
Lydia M. / CARTER / 1897 - 1976 /

GEBO   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #3)
Husband / Raymond A. / 1909 - 1990 /
Wife / Marie L. / 1913 - 1995 /
Wife / Lillian A. / 1907 - 1991 /
Husband / Isadore O. / 1907 - 2000 /

GEBO  (Section 2B, #14)
1867 David 1926 /
His Wife / 1857 Ida DELORME 19  /
1895 Frank ST. LOUIS 19  /
His Wife / 1897 Helen GEBO 19  /

GERHARDT    (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #4)
Robert N. / Nov. 15, 1934 / Nov. 28, 2000 /
Margaret  A. /
Military plaque on the back:
Robert N. GERHARDT / US Navy / MSGT US Air Force / Korea / Vietnam / Nov. 15, 1934 - Nov. 28, 2000 /

GERHARDT   (Section 4-Back, Single lot between Row 8)
Donald O. / GERHARDT / 1933 - 1985 /

GERRY   (Section 4-Back, Stone between Row 15 & 16)
Robert T. / GERRY / Mar. 26, 1918 / June 14, 2000 /

GIANNONE   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #6)
Joseph J. / Mar. 9, 1949 /
Kathleen A. / July 15, 1946 / May 20, 1995 /

GIBBS   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #7)
Richard B. / 1937 -     /
Janet ROCK / 1940 - 1975 /

GIGUIERES   (Section 2B, #59)
John / 1853 - 1937 /
Herbert / 1882 -     /
His Wife / Jennie / 1886 -     /

GILLEN   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #2)

GOBET   (Section 3, #116)
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Claude GOBET, P.A. / 1875 + 1961 / Ordained June 28, 1899 / Beloved Pastor of St. Alexander's Parish / From September 29, 1924 Until Death / Founder and Designer of Magdala / Solitude Cemetery / Behold I am With You All Days / Matt. C. 28 - V. 20 /

GODDEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #2)
Henry A. / 1917 - 1978 /
Jane BOUYEA / 1928 - 1999 /
Married June 29, 1946 /

GODDEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #9)
Clifton H. / 1935 - 1991 /
Shirley B. / 1939 -    /
Married Apr. 28, 1962 /
Military plaque on the back:
Clifton H. GODDEAU / SP 5 US Army / June 4, 1935 - Aug. 22, 1991 /

GODDEAU  (Section 1, Row 1, #4)
George L. Jr. / 1911 - 1987 /
His Wife / Dorothy RABIDEAU / 1914 - 1999 /

GODDEAU  (Section 1, Row 2, #3)
Clarence R. / 1920 - 1995 /
His Wife / Gladys D. FAVARO / 1924 - 1990 /
Their Sons /
Cpl. Thomas A. UMC / 1944 - 1967 /
Peter B. / 1958 - 1991 /
Military Footstone:
Clarence R. GODDEAU / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / Nov. 11, 1920 - Jan. 25, 1995 /
Military Footstone:
Thomas A. GODDEAU / Cpl. US Marine Corp / Vietnam / Oct. 31, 1944 / Jun 30, 1967 /

GOLDEN   (Section 3, #112)
Frank / 1885 - 1951 /
Jennie CONWAY / His Wife / 1893 - 1984 /
Dorothy / Daughter / 1919 - 2001 /

GOLDEN   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #2)
Richard A. / Nov. 2, 1926 /
Beverly A. / July 27, 1927 / Apr. 25, 1998 /

GOLDEN  (Section 1, Row 8, #15)
Raymond L. / 1923 - 1984 /
His Wife / Janet ROCK / 1927 -     /
Their Son / Daniel F. / 1954 /

GOLOVACH   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #3)
Todd M. / November 1, 1974 / April 24, 1999 /

GONYEA   (Section 3, #11)
Abraham J. / 1902 - 1983 /
His Wife / Blanche CASAGRAIN / 1905 - 1972 /
Michael VanVALKENBURG / 1937 -     /
Regina GONYEA / His Wife / 1929 -     /

GONYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 1 #1)
Mahylon A. / 1925 - 1986 /
Rose Marie / His Wife / 1936 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Mahylon A. GONYEA / PFC US Army / Korea / Feb. 14, 1925 - Feb. 14, 1986 /

GONYEA   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #9)
Wilfred M. / "Fred" / 1955 - 1976 /
Married Jan. 5, 1975 /
Cathy A. / 1956 -     /
We've only just begun. /

GONYEA  (Section 2B, #25)
Victor A. / 1916 - 1971 /
His Wife / Helen C. FACTEAU / 1920 - 1984 /

GOOD   (Section 3, #93)
Jos. H. GOOD / Co. L. / I.N.Y. Engrs. /

GOOD  (Section 2, #47)
Joseph / Co. L. 1st N.Y. Engrs. / 1848 - 1924 /
His Wife / Adeline MILO / 1869 - 1934 /
Homer H. / 1885 - 1940 /
His Wife / Nathalie GEROUX / 1896 - 1954 /

GOODMAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #10)
Herbert J. / July 24, 1908 - July 7, 1978 /
Haley /
Mary H. GOODMAN / Aug. 27, 1906 - Nov. 30, 1981 /

GORDON    (Section 2B, #60)
David / 1865 - 1937 /
His Wife / Olive ROCK / 1874 - 1956 /
Son / Joseph Albert / 1892 - 1956 / World War I / 1917 - 1919 /

GORDON   (Section 2B, #61)
D. Abraham / 1897 - 1985 / World War I /
William O. / 1902 - 1962 / World War II /
Priscilla M. BARGER / 1900 - 1996 /

GORDON   (Section 3, #86)
Kenneth R. / 1917 - 1962 /
His Wife / Alfreda B. / 1923 -     /

GORDON   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #9)
Lee L. / May 9, 1944 - Aug. 7, 1997 /
Diana M. / Mar. 2, 1943 /

GOSLOW    (Section 3, #84)
John / 1905 - 1970 /
His Wife / Marion E. / 1913 - 1993 /

GOSSELIN    (Section 2B, #53)
Gordon J. GOSSELIN / 1901 - 1962 /
His Wife / Hazel E. ST. GERMAIN / 1904 - 1985 /

GOWETT   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #1)
Walter / 1925 - 1985 /
Joyce / 1932 /

GROUSE   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #6)
Sister / Sue Ellen M. / June 22, 1991 / May 7, 1993 /
Brother / Nicholas Andrew / June 1, 1993 / Jan. 29, 1994 /

GRUETZMACHER   (Section 2B, #24)
Milford W. / 1914 - 2002 /
Helen ELLSWORTH / 1921 - 1971 /
On the back:
Milford W. GRUETZMACHER / Sgt. US Army Air Forces / World War II / Sept. 7, 1914 - Sept. 24, 2002 /

GUYNUP    (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #4)
Donald H. / Jan. 27, 1927 /
Geraldine JESSEY / Oct. 22, 1930 /

HAARSCH   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #5)

HALE   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #6)
Kenneth Claude / Feb. 1, 1952 /
Paulette Mary / March 10, 1952 / Nov. 5, 1989 /

HALE   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #7)
Edward "Ray" / Feb. 11, 1925 / Mar. 24, 2002 /
Barbara R. / Nov. 12, 1923 / May 2, 1999 /

HAMELIN   (Section 3, #52)
Amos B. / 1865 - 1949 /
His Wife / 1869 - 1945 /
Thomas G. / 1900 - 1951 /

HAMILTON   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #8)
Love You Always /
Chris A. / Dec. 15, 1962 - Sept. 26, 2001 /

HATHAWAY    (Section 3, #56)
Russell H. / 1893 - 1962 /
His Wife / Elizabeth M. GEBO / 1896 - 1997 /
Alburn / 1923 -     /
His Wife / Ruth HORAN / 1928 - 2002 /

HAYES     (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #4)
Husband / Floyd "Don" / 1933 - 1980 /
Wife / Catherine E. / 1934 - 1981 /
Military plaque on the back:
Floyd Don HAYES / US Marine Corps / Korea / Aug. 21, 1933 - Nov. 6, 1980 /

HAYES   (Section 2B, #55)
1912 Edward C. 1981 /
His Wife / 1916 Rose Ann 1962 /

HAYES   (Section 3, #79)
Daniel D. Sr. / Oct. 18, 1932 / Aug. 28, 1994 /
Mildred M. WOOD / Jan. 8, 1933 /

HAYES   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #7)
Arthur L. / 1919 - 2004 /
Margaret / RIVERS / 1917 - 1977 /
Married June 17, 1940 /

HAYES   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #1)
Jerry Allen /
Malcolm / 1928 - 1980 /
Genevieve CARROW / 1928 -     /
Married June 3, 1950 /
Military plaque on the back:
Malcolm W. HAYES / Pvt. US Marine Corps / 1928 - 1980 /
Military plaque:
Jerry Allen HAYES / Pvt US Marine Corps / Aug. 16, 1966 - Dec. 22, 2004 /

HAYES  (Section 1, Row 11, #5)
Grace GARROW / HAYES / 1908 - 1968 /

HAYES  (Section 1, Row 5, #8)
Elmer E. / 1901 - 1959 /
His Wife / Doran GARRAND / 1906 - 1975 /

HEBERT  (Section 1, Row 11, #19)
Jay Ryan HEBERT / June 1993 / Son of Ragan PELLETIER / and Michael HEBERT /

HELMER  (Section 1, Row 5, #15)
Paul A. / 1938 - 1985 /
Joanne G. / 1932 - 1982 /

HEMINGWAY    (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #1)
Ronald Junior / Dec. 29, 1948 / June 29, 1995 /

HENAGHAN    (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #3)
Joseph / Sept. 30, 1920 /
Mable RABIDEAU / July 9, 1919 /

HENAGHAN   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #3)
Clifford / 1955 - 1996 /
Beverly / GONYEA / 1950 -    /

HENDERSON   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #12)
Bernice A. / HENDERSON / Nov. 28, 1942 /

HOBBS   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #8)
Darrell H. / 1925 - 1982 /
Theresa C. / 1929 - 1988 /

HODGINS   (Section 3, #29)
Walter M. / 1896 -     /
His Wife / Virginia JESSEY / 1893 -     /
On the back:
Alfred A. / 1894 - 1968 /
His Wife / 1900 - 1975 /
Her Mother / Vina SIDDON JESSEY / 1875 - 1953 /

HOGAN  (Section 1, Row 11, #12)
William J. / 1894 - 1969 /
Margaret CONNERS / 1898 - 1970 /

HOLLAND   (Section 3, #76)
1910 Robert E. 1953 /
His Wife / 1910 Mary E. 1994 /

HOLLAND   (Section e, #61)
Merritt L. HOLLAND / 1908 - 1948 /
Frank D. DARRAH / 1908 - 1977 /
Ruth M. / 1914 - 1998 /

HUBERT   (Section 2B, #45)
Arnold Sr. / 1930 - 1972 /

HUBERT  (Section 2, #17)
Frank G. / 1908 - 1964 /
His Wife / Esther L. ROCK / 1912 - 1999 /
Eternal Peace /

HUCKEBA   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #7)
Jarrell J. / 1919 - 1992 /
Madeline FRENYEA / 1920 -    /
Military plaque on the back:
Jarrell J. HUCKEBA / Sgt. US Army / World War II / Nov. 5, 1919 - Mar. 26, 1992 /

HUCKEBA   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #7)
Bryan J. / HUCKEBA / 1946 - 1999 / Beloved Father /
Military plaque on the back:
Bryan J. HUCKEBA / PVT US Marine Corps / Vietnam / Sep. 12, 1946 - Sep. 15, 1999 /

JABAUT    (Section 2B, #10)
Fred G. JABAUT / 1898 - 1971 /
His Wife / Edna M. SMART / 1898 - 1971 /
Son / Robert D. / 1918 - 1952 /
Daughter / Vada M. JABAUT BAKER / 1921 - 1991 /
1923 Carlotte P. STELTZER /

JACKSON   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #8)
Bernard J. / 1903 - 1980 /
Anita B. / 1905 - 1979 /

JACKSTADT   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #8)
Karl P. / Feb. 27, 1913 / May 6, 1988 /
Lillian / MAYNARD / Apr. 28, 1913 / May 2, 1993 /
Married / Mar. 5, 1935 /

JACKSTADT   (Section 1, Row 11, #33)
Todd R. JACKSTADT / 1966 / (NOTE: This is a metal sign only.)

JACQUES   (Section 3, #21)
George W. / 1890 - 1971 /
His Wife / Lena CARY / 1893 - 1975 /

JACQUES   (Section 3, #71)
Alfred E. / 1880 - 1973 /
Cora GONYEA / His Wife / 1883 - 1978 /
Richard / Their Son / 1919 - 1919
Rita / Their Daut. / 1919 - 1919 /
Archie BORDEAU / 1900 - 1998 /
His Wife / Evah JACQUES / 1914 - 1997 /

JACQUES  (Section 2B, #13)
Fayette E. / 1870 - 1926 /
His Wife / Anna DASHNAW / 1873 - 1937 /
Walter E. / 1903 - 1963 /
His Wife / Lillian FISHER / 1906 - 1973 /
1928 Robert K. JOCK 1971 /

JARVIS   (Section 4-Back, Row 8, Lot #2)

JAUBAUT   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #10)
Norman C. JAUBAUT / PFC US Army / Aug. 16, 1934 - Jan. 24, 1993 / Purple Heart
Footstone: Norman

JENNETTE   (Section 3, #81)
Michael J. / 1951 - 1973 /
His Wife / Cheryl A. SEYMOUR / 1953 -     /

JENNETTE - SEYMOUR    (Section 3, #80)
Underneath JENNETTE:
Kenneth F. / 1912 - 1998 /
Gladys M. MORGAN / 1917 - 1989 /
Underneath SEYMOUR:
Dennis G. / 1915 - 1991 /
Katherine M. FIFIELD / 1918 - 1990 /

JERSEY - SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 1, #2)
Emmett L. JERSEY / 1911 - 1973 /
His Wife / Marie H. / 1918 -     /
Albert SORRELL / 1892 - 1937 /
His Wife / Nora / 1895 - 1985 /

JESSEY    (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #8)
Harold Francis JESSEY / Apr. 19, 1932 - June 30, 1982 /
Bertha JESSEY GODDEAU / July 9, 1928 -      /
Military plaque on back:
Harold Francis JESSEY / PFC US Army / Korea / Apr. 19, 1932 - June 30, 1982 /

JESSEY   (Section 2B, #38)
Peter JESSEY  / Dec. 26, 1869 - Jul. 27, 1949 /

JESSEY   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #1)
Oliver Roy / 1909 - 1974 /
Cecile M. / His Wife /

JESSEY   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #8)
1905 Arthur G. 1976 /
His Wife / 1903 Florence E. 1977 /

JESSEY  (Section 1 Row 11, #8)
Leon / 1907 - 1981 /
His Wife / Ursula CORYER / 1904 - 1983 /

JESSEY  (Section 1, Row 4, #11)
Alfred / 1896 - 1969 /
His Wife / Catherine I. COLLIGAN / 1896 - 1956 /
Frank / 1898 - 1960 /
His Wife / Dorothy M. BASSETT / 1911 - 2004 /
1963 Todd Robert 1963 /  Son of Robert and Jo Ann JESSEY /

JESSEY  (Section 2B, #3)
George / 1873 - 1958 /
Richard / 1901 - 1940 /
Edward / 1897 - 1991 /
Sarah GADWAY / 1877 - 1921 / Wife of George /

JETTE  (Section 1, Row 5, #2)
Ernest W. JETTE Jr. / 1923 - 1961 /
His Wife / Veronica H. GILMET / 1922 - 2004 /
Their Son / Gerard E. JETTE / 1958 - 1986 /

JETTE  (Section 1, Row 7, #8)
Ernest  W. Sr. / 1894 - 1974 /
His Wife / Ruth DOLAND / 1897 - 1990 /

JOCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #6)
Son / Randy J. / 1959 - 1983 /
Mother / Gladys / 1932 -    /

JOHNSON   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #1)
Richard J. / 1932 - /
Rita M. / 1935 - /

JUNEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #3)
Richard H. / Apr. 9, 1944 /
Dianne G. / Mar. 14, 1944 /
Married Oct. 26, 1963 /

KELLEY  (Section 1, Row 3, #1)
James E. / 1902 - 1988 /
Ruth L. LAWLISS / 1914 - 1965 /
Son / John J. / 1934 - 2002 /
His Wife / Joyce M. HEMINGWAY / 1935 -     /

KELLY   (Section 3, #55)
Wayne G. / 1927 - 1982 /
Ethel E. / 1934 -      /

KELLY   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #3)
Linda BOULRICE / Mar. 19, 1945 /
Carlton F. / May 9, 1941 /
Married Nov. 19, 1966 /

KELLY   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #5)
Donald J. / 1924 - 1989 /
Veronica C. / 1926 - 2001 /
Military plaque on the back:
Donald J. KELLY / BM2 US Navy / World War II / Apr. 13, 1924 - Aug. 2, 1989 /

KELLY  (Section 2, #20)
William G. / 1899 - 1963 /
His Wife / Mary DUCATTE / 1906 - 1987 /

KELLY  (Section 2, #49)
1852 James H. 1937 /
His Wife / 1860 Ellen K. 1932 /
1895 Timothy 1937 /
1890 Michael 1967 /
1891 Hugh E. 1947 /
1898 Winifred E. 1979 /
1901 James F. 1951 /
Anna /

KELLY  (Section 2, #61)
1891 Hugh 1947 / Enl. May 27, 1918 / Disch. April 19, 1919 / Co. G. 52ND. Pioneer Inf. /

KILROY    (Section 2B, #15)
Thomas F. / 1874 - 1925 /
His Wife / Leona WOOD / 1890 - 1954 /

KING   (Section 2B, #62)
Alexander / 1861 - 1945 /
His Wife / Leona BOUYEA / 1862 - 1939 /

KING  (Section 1, Row 7, #4)
Enos B. / 1897 - 1982 /
His Wife / Aileen A. SULLIVAN / 1895 - 1998 /
Daughter / Barbara A. EVANS / 1923 - 1990 /

KING   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #8)
In Loving Memory /
Francis L. / 1929 -    /
Ruth T. / 1932 - 1999 /

KING   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #2)
Paul P. / 1902 - 1985 /
Dora SEYMOUR / 1903 - 1994 /

KING  (Section 1, Row 11, #3)
Filmore W.  / 1896 - 1975 /
His Wife / Gladys C. BRAGG / 1901 - 1993 /

KING  (Section 1, Row 3, #14)
Howard J. / 1898 - 1964 /
His Wife / Delia HAYES / 1898 - 1995 /
Donald P. SENECAL  / 1927 -     /
His Wife / Theresa KING / 1927 -     /

KING  (Section 1, Row 8, #4)
Napoleon / 1887 - 1963 /
His Wife / Amelia AGONEY / 1896 - 1970 /
Their Son / Joseph L. / 1915 - 1993 /
Their Daughter / Violet / 1923 - 1996 /

KING  (Section 1, Row 9, #4)
Exford L. / 1900 - 1970 /
His Wife / Catherine J. KUHN / 1908 - 1978 /
Daughter / Valeda L. TAVERNIER / 1926 - 2001 /
Son / Donald S. / 1947 -     /

KRIPLIN  (Section 1, Row 8, #1)
George P. / World War I Vet / 1893 - 1962 /
His Wife / Della M. RIVERS / 1899 - 1982 /

KUFLER   (Section 3, #48)
William / Vet. of Spanish Am. War / Co. B. 21 U.S. Inf. / 1882 - 1960 /
His Wife / Mary E. MONTVILLE / 1872 - 1961 /
Daughter / Pauline M. / 1907 - 1998 /

LABARGE  (Section 1, Row 9, #6)
Owen S. / 1918 - 1992 /
His Wife / Shirley M. TROMBLEY / 1925 -     /

LABIER - HAYES - SKINNER   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #23)
Father / Donald S. / 1936 - /
Daughter / Tammy / 1964 -
Mother / Elizabeth / 1938 -
Daughter / Elizabeth / 1962 /
Grandson / Edward G. K. / 1986 -

LABOMBARDE   (Section 1, Row 4, #14)
Walter F. / 1897 - 1958 /
His Wife / Mary MURTAUGH / 1905 -     /

LACHAUNCE   (Section 2B, #49)
Sylvia MITCHELL / LACHAUNCE / Love Mom / 1927 - 1963 /

LaFOUNTAIN   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #4)
E. Joseph / Sept. 6, 1911 - Dec. 24, 1988 /
Hazel E. / BOUYEA / His Wife / July 19, 1912 - Nov. 5, 2001 /

LAGOY   (Section 2B, #69)
Mr. Mose LAGOY / Born November 1, 1852 / Died December 6, 1916 / Age 84 /

LAMAR  (Section 1, Row 4, #12)
George / 1873 - 1961 /
His Wife / Nettie RIVERS / 1891 - 1978 /
Rose MARTINEAU RIVERS / 1865 - 1961 /

LAMAR  (Section 2, #40)
Abraham  / 1884 - 1968 /
Ida RIVERS / His Wife / 1888 - 1983 /
Ruth Ann / Their Daughter / 1931 - 1932 /
Leonard Henry / Their Son / 1916 - 1946 /
On the back:

LAMBERT   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #4)
Joan E. HENAGHAN / May 31, 1951 /
Gary P. Sr. / Sept. 2, 1944 /

LaMOUNTAIN   (Section 3, #97)
Albert LaMOUNTAIN / 1879 - 1957 /
His Wife / Mary P. / 1877 - 19     /

LANCTO   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #9)
Arthur G. / 1911 - 1985 /
Geraldine JETTE / 1915 - 2000 /

LAPHAM    (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #17)

LAPHAM   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #15)
Lloyd G. / Aug. 31, 1924 /
Bernice REED / Nov. 15, 1926 /
Evelyn M. / Sept. 15, 1954 / Mar. 14, 2003 /
Danny F. / Feb. 5, 1958 /

LAPIER  (Section 1, Row 9, #13)
Walter L. / 1894 - 19   /
His Wife / Josephine MATHEWS / 1872 - 1956 /
Chester C. BOUYEA / 1930 -     /
His Wife / Audrey LaPIER / 1928 -     /

LAPIERRE  (Section 2, #62)
1889 Edward E. 1954 /
His Wife  / 1888 Cora LAROCQUE 1935 /
1948 Mary Anne 1948 /
1913 Lawrence E. W. 1996 /
1915 Sylvia BREYETTE     /

LAPLANTE   (Section 2B, #47)
Edgar J. / LAPLANTE / 1890 - 1968 /

LAPLANTE   (Section 2B, #48)
Anna GEBO / LAPLANTE / His Wife / 1898 - 1985 /

LAPLANTE  (Section 2, #14)
William H. / 1892 - 1965 /
His Wife / Nettie E. TAYLOR / 1894 - 1991 /

LaPORTE   (Section 3, #104)
William / 1879 - 1957 /
His Wife / Julia LAWLISS / 1874 - 1962 /
Minnie L. / 1872 - 1943 /

LAPORTE   (Section 3, #63)
Charles Sr. / 1882 - 1943 /
His Wife / Marlia RILEY / 1870 - 1953 /
Adolphus / 1908 - 1983 /  Member Co. I, 414 Inf. 104 Div. / World War II /
Military Footstone:
Adolphus LAPORTE / PFC US Army / World War II / Jun 18, 1908 - Nov. 12, 1983 /

LaPORTE   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #5)
Gasper A. / Mar. 22, 1929 / July 6, 1994 /
Veronica K. / Sept. 18, 1935 / Oct. 31, 1998 /

LaPORTE   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #4)

LaROCK    (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #8)
Russell H. / 1931 - 2003 /
Marie HERMAN / 1934 -    /
May 8, 1951 /
On the back:
Our Children
Linda M. /
Ricky D. /
Bonnie Lee /
Angela Ann /

LaROCK   (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #2)

LAROCK  (Section 2, #39)
Herbert H. / 1882 - 1951 /
His Wife / Anna R. GUMLAW / 1885 - 1960 /
Grandchild / Anna TRIPP / 1927 /
Angela Ann / 1856 - 1966 /
Bonnie Lee / 1954 - 1954 /
On the back:

LAROCQUE (Section 2, #8)
Eugene / 1876 - 1949 /
Aurelia TERRY / His Wife / 1880 - 1962 /
Delia LAROCQUE BOUYEA / 1903 - 1991 /

LARRABEE   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #10)
Frederick W. / 1941 - 1990 /

LASHWAY   (Section 2B, #72)
Charles LASHWAY / 1855 - 1938 /

LATREMORE   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #10)

LATRIMORE   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #5)
Brooks W. Sr. / 1920 -     /
Alice G. / 1920 - 2001 /
Married June 28, 1941 /

LAVARNWAY   (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #5)
Floyd A. / 1927 + 1983 /
Margaret T. / 1924 +    /
Military plaque on the back:
Floyd A. LaVARNWAY / Sgt US Army / World War II / 1927 - 1983 /

LAVARNWAY  (Section 1, Row 10, #16)
Samuel L. / 1899 - 1980 /
His Wife / Emma RASCOE / 1901 - 1982 /
Their Son / Lloyd J. / 1939 - 1958 /

LAVARNWAY  (Section 1, Row 3, #11)
Henry / 1891 - 1967 /
His Wife / Edith A. GEBO / 1894 - 1958 /

LAVARNWAY  (Section 2, #41)
Fred LAVARNWAY / 1884 - 1968 /
His Wife / Laura SEARS / 1897 - 1946 /
Augustus LAVARNWAY / 1882 - 1976 /
Lillian FOY / 1886 - 1983 /
On the back:

LAVENE    (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #7)
Norman J. / 1925 - 1997 /
Margaret B. / 1920 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Norman J. LAVENE / PFC US Army / World War II / Mar. 3, 1925 - Sep 7, 1997 /

LAVENE   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #9)
Mary Ann CHARTIER / LAVENE / Sept. 2, 1942 - May 9, 1990 /

LAVENE  (Section 2, #60)
1885 Fred 1941 /
His Wife / 1888 Anna ROBARE 1972 /
1911 Roy C. 1992 /

LAVENE   (Section 2, #16)
James L. / 1928 - 1965 /
His Wife / Margaret M. RYAN / 1929 - 19  /

LAVIGNE   (Section 2, #2)
1878 Ira 1930 /
His Wife / 1885 Minnie JERSEY 1960 /
Their Daughter / 1903 Lillian 1954 /
Their Son / 1906 Dennis A. 1972 /
His Wife / 1914 Rita F. CANNING 1998 /
On the back:

LAVIGNE   (Section 3, #65)
Bernard / 1902 - 1989 /
His Wife / Edith RITCHIE / 1902 - 1995 /
Jean E. / 1930 - 1933 /
1873 Napoleon M. 1947 /
1874 Genevieve SIDDONS 1952 /

LAVIGNE  (Section 1, Row 9, #16)
Clifford S. / 1902 -    /
His Wife / Rose LAWLESS / 1896 - 1953 /
Her Father / John L. LAWLESS / 1856 - 1955 /
Joseph CURRIER / 1881 - 19  /
Ruth M. GONYEA /

LAVIGNE  (Section 2, #11)
Donald P. / 1911 - 1966 /
His Wife / Mildred DUESBERG / 1913 - 1983 /

LAVIGNE  (Section 2, #22)
Claude A. / 1910 - 1977 /
Elsie FINNAN / 1922 - 1982 /
1905 Reginald A. 1965 /
His Wife / 1907 Rose B. SMITH    /

LAWLISS    (Section 3, #4)
1868 John H. 1943 /
His Wife / Josephine LaGOY / 1877 - 1939 /
Frank L. GOODWIN / 1903 - 1932 /
Rita B. COOK / 1919 - 1971 /
Agnes HOLDEN / 1901 - 1972 /

LAWLISS   (Section 3, #27)
Mary J. LAWLISS / Aug. 31, 1933 / Feb. 13, 1988 / Beloved Sister /

LAWLISS  (Section 1, Row 10, #14)
Oswald Lawrence Sr. / 1907 - 1957 /
His Wife / Lina Minnie PHANEUF / 1908 - 1999 /
Kevin Oswald SNOW / 1958 -    /

LAWLISS - LeBLANC  (Section 1, Row 6, #12)
Bernard J. / 1905 - 1990 /
His Wife / Dora R. / 1912 - 2005 /
Charles J. / 1908 - 1989 /
His Wife / Genevieve L. / 1911 - 2002 /

LEARY - BOUYEA  (Section 1, Row 6, #6)
William M. / 1904 - 1985 /
His Wife / Hazel M. BOUYEA / 1912 -     /
Minnie BOUYEA / 1915 - 1996 /

LECUYER  (Section 1, #18)
Marvin LECUYER / 1934 - 1972 /
His Sister / Joan MARTIN / 1936 - 1982 /

LEFAVE  (Section 1, Row 10, #15)
Delor J. / 1888 - 1972 /
His Wife / Elizabeth M. LAGOY / 1894 - 1957 /

LEFEVE  (Section 1, Row 5, #9)
Arthur S. / 1884 - 1959 /
His Wife / Eva LAPORT / 1884 - 1972 /
Leonard / 1920 -     /

LeFEVRE   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #4)
Married 6-20-59 /
Eugene Stephen / Dec. 4, 1931 /
Margaret OROS / Dec. 3, 1932 /

LEFEVRE   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #6)
Eugene J. / "Gene" / 1899 - 1977 /
Married / April 8, / 1918 /
Anna M. / LAVARNWAY / 1898 - 1986 /

LEFEVRE   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #5)
Husband / Gerald D. / Nov. 18, 1935 /
Wife / Anna R. DURANT / Dec. 23, 1951 /

LEFEVRE   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #6)
Arthur L. / May 7, 1928 /
Marielle P./ March 9, 1929 /

LEWIS   (Section 3, #18)
Seth J. / 1885 - 1957 /
Wife / Victoria M. ROCK / 1887 - 1975 /
On the back:
Francis R. / 1908 - 1985 /
Wife / Velma F. LEWIS / 1909 - 1978 /

LIGHT   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #5)
William / "Bill" / 1942 -    /
Eleanor / LaPORTE / 1944 -    /

LIGHT   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #2)
William J. / May 22, 1908 / Oct. 18, 2002 /
Anna L. / Feb. 1, 1915 /
Military plaque on the back:
William J. LIGHT / Sgt US Army Air Force / World War II / May 22, 1908 - Oct. 18, 2002 /

LIGHT  (Section 1, Row 7, #1)
Leon E. / 1898 - 1974  /
His Wife / Nellie M. ASHLINE / 1900 - 1984 /
Daughter / Eileen J. / 1924 - 1995 /

LOBDELL  (Section 1, Row 11, #9)
Kenneth R. / 1913 - 1969 /
His Wife / Winnifred WEIR / 1918 -      /

LOSO  (Section 1, Row 4, #3)
Oscar J. / 1906 - 1969 /
His Wife / Evelyn M. HERLING / 1906 - 1962 /

LUCIA   (Section 2, #63)
1897 Charles B. 1978 /
His Wife / 1911 Ella Mae SEYMOUR 2004 /
Son / 1931 Carlton C. 1985 /

LUCIA - SMITH   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #5)
Husband / James V. / 1927 - 2004 /
Wife / Constance M. / 1928 -    /
Her Mother / Ina M. SMITH / 1906  - 1997 /
Military plaque on the back:
James V. LUCIA / S1 US Navy / World War II / Sept. 5, 1927 - May 26, 2004 /

LUCK   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #5)
James K. / July 29, 1927 /
Marilyn / LACHANCE / Jan. 6, 1927 / May 5, 1996 /

LUCK  (Section 2, #23)
Henry James / 1884 - 1951 /
His Wife / Mabel M. TROMBLEY / 1888 - 1980 /
Albert Francis / 1908 - 1998 /
His Wife / Agnes F. POWERS / 1904 - 1982 /

LYMAN   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #1)
Married July 20, 1954 /
Arthur L. / 1933 - 1992 /
Barbara J. / REYELL / 1933 /
Military plaque on the back:
Arthur L. LYMAN / A2C US Air Force / Jan. 5, 1933 - Jul 28, 1992 /

LYMAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #2)
Arthur / 1912 - 1980 /
Anita / TROMBLEY / 1913 -    /

MACEY  (Section 1, Row 11, #25)
Jessica Lee Anne / MACEY / 1984 /

MACEY  (Section 2B, #8)
Fred / 1882 - 1950 /
His Wife / Rose SIDNEY / 1882 - 1974 /
Everest / 1908 - 1961 /

MACEY  (Section 2B, #20)
Augustine W. / 1917 - 1995 /
His Wife / Lucy E. CASSAVAUGH / 1918 -      /
On the back:
Augustine W. MACEY / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / Jul 30, 1917 - June 6, 1995 /

MAGLIENTI   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #1)
Daniel / 1917 - 1995 /
Stephanie A. / KONDREC / 1913 - 2004 /
Military plaque on the back:
Daniel MAGLIENTI / SM3 US Coast Guard / World War II / Sept 16, 1917 - Aug. 19, 1995 /

MAILLE   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #9)
Giles H. / Nov. 11, 1941 / July 31, 2004 /
Shawn C. / June 13, 1980 / Sept. 28, 1995 /
Linda A. / Apr. 9, 1948 /
On the back:
Some people come / into our lives and / are quickly gone / leaving footprints on / our hearts that last / forever. /

MANEELEY  (Section 1, Row 11, #16)
Harley Jo MANEELEY / Aug. 4, 1995 /

MANION   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #7)
Kenneth C. / Oct. 19, 1947 / Apr. 14, 1995 /
Betty L. / Aug. 8, 1949 /
Military plaque on the back:
Kenneth C. MANION / AE 2 US Navy / Vietnam / Oct. 19, 1947 / Apr. 14, 1995 /

MANION  (Section 2, #18)
Ernest W. / 1912 - 1964 /
His Wife / Elizabeth A. / 1915 - 1988 /

MANOR  (Section 1, Row 2, #10)
John W. / 1881 - 1958 /
His Wife / Ida  E. JACQUES / 1886 - 1976 /
Charles A. / 1906 - 1984 /
His Wife / Hildred DEVINS / 1914 - 1988 /
George L. / 1911 - 1988 /

MARSHALL   (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #3)
Roy C. / 1918 - 1992 /
Theresa M. / 1918 - 1999 /
Married June 20, 1938 /
Military plaque on the back:
Roy C. MARSHALL / PVT US Army / World War II / Jul 7, 1918 - Jan. 17, 1992 /

MARSHALL  (Section 1, Row 11, #15)
Addie O. MARSHALL / Born June 9, 1897 / Died Nov. 2, 1973 /

MARTIN  (Section 1, Row 1, #16)
Elizabeth MARTIN / 1892 - 1978 /

MARTINEAU   (Section 3, #34)
Charles / 1876 - 1965 /
His Wife / Delina RABIDEAU / 1875 - 1953 /
Their Daughter / Delia / 1899 - 1927 /

MARTINEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #6)
Hector D. / Jan. 21, 1935 /
Roselle M. / Mar. 3, 1941 /

MASTARE   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #20)

MATTILA   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #2)
Harland A. / June 9, 1958 / July 26, 1997 /

McCARTY   (Section 2B, #42)
John McCARTY / 1880 - 19    / 1st Sgt. F. Co. 26 Inf. / Vet. of Spanish Am. War /

McCARTY   (Section 2B, #71)
Frederick McCARTY / 1923 - 1938 /
Cora M. McCARTY / 1893 - 19   /

McCREA   (Section 3, #3)
William J. / 1869 - 1939 /
Margaret McCREA FARRELL / 1874 -     /
Maurice H. / 1898 - 1933 /

McNALLY   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #1)
Robert E. / Dec. 10, 1928 /
Constance J. / Aug. 23, 1931 / June 10, 1995 /

McSWEENEY  (Section 2, #10)
In Loving / Memory / of Dad /
Floyd William / March 13, 1918 - June 11, 1964 /

MERRILL   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #9)

MESICK   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #2)
Velda / 1916 - 1978 /
Alfred / 1912 - 1987 /

MILLER   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #1)

MILLER   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #10)
Laurence E. / Oct. 16, 1919 /
Jeanette / SMITH / Feb. 20, 1920 /
Married Sept. 14, 1945 /

MILLER  (Section 1, Row 4, #5)
Norman J. / 1908 - 2002 /
His Wife / Helen ROCK / 1908 -     /

MILLER  (Section 2B, #26)
Laurence E. / 1919 -     /
His Wife / Jeanette M. SMITH / 1920 -     /

MILO   (Section 3, #6)
1885 Hubert I. 1975 /
His Wife / 1886 Minnie LeCUYER 1970 /
1841 John B. LeCUYER 1919 /
His Wife / 1842 Zoe FISHER 1922 /

MITCHELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #3)
Harold / Jan. 4, 1920 /
Florence / Apr. 19, 1918 / Apr. 20, 2001 /

MONTO  (Section 1, Row 5, #5)
Francis L. / 1906 - 1961 /
His Wife / Mildred McGIVNEY / 1909 - 1980 /
Scott Raymond / 1962 - 1965 /

MOORE  (Section 1, Row 1, #7)
MOORE / Father / Francis F. / 1923 -     /
Mother / Ruth M. GOLDEN / 1925 -     /
Son / Robert F. / 2nd LT. USAF / 1968 - 1991 /

MOORE  (Section 1, Row 1, #8)
MOORE / Father / Gary M. / Oct. 31, 1950 - Jan. 25, 2005 /

MORRISON  (Section 1, Row 10, #3)
Frank J. / 1885 - 1965 /
His Wife / Melvina RABIDEAU / 1886 - 1975 /

MOSHER   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #9)
Craig S. MOSHER / June 19, 1963 / Sept. 27, 1983 / He Loved And Was Loved /

MOSS   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #4)

MOUSSEAU  (Section 1, Row 10, #12)
Raymond E. / 1914 - 1956 /
His Wife / Ruth M. DUQUETTE / 1916 - 2005 /

MURRAY   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #5)
Leonard P. / Lt. Col. USAF / Jan. 29, 1923 /
Jane LUCK / His Wife / June 30, 1922 / May 15, 1992 /

MURRAY   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #5)

MYERS    (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #1)
His Miracle Was Love /
MYERS / Jerry / 1940 - 1983 /
DUCHIN / Joan / 1943 /

MYERS  (Section 1, Row 1, #10)
Rena S. MYERS / May 18, 1918 / Dec. 25, 1996 / Rest in God's Loving Care /

MYERS  (Section 1, Row 3, #3)
John W. Sr. / 1911 - 1990 /
His Wife / Albina M. DUPELL / 1908 - 2003 /

NAPOLITANO   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #22)
July 4, 1939 Aniello "Frank" May 4, 2004 /
Oct. 8, 1940 Nancy L. NERI Apr. 19, 2005 /

NAZAK   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #2)
John M. / July 9, 1908 / Oct. 18, 1996 /
Vivian M. FLORENTINE  / Feb. 26, 1922 /
In Loving Memory /
Military plaque on the back:
John M. NAZAK / S2 US Navy / World War II / Jul 9, 1908 - Oct. 18, 1991 /

NAZAK   (Section 4-Back, Row 18, #4)

NEWELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #10)
Precious Memories /
Donald W. / July 29, 1915 / Nov. 27, 1995 /
Catherine E. / Mar. 23, 1920 /
Robert W. / July 3, 1941 /

NEWELL??    (Section 4-Back, Single lot behind Row 7)
NEWELL / 1965 - 1984 /

NICHOLS   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #7)
Edgar G. / 1923 - 1991 /
Jeannine M. / 1927 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Edgar Guy NICHOLS / US Army / World War II / May 20, 1923 - May 23, 1991 /

NICHOLS   (Section 4-Back, Single lot between Row 11 & 12)
Lawrence G. / NICHOLS / Mar. 21, 1960 / Nov. 13, 1999 / He Lives In Each One / Of His Children /

NICHOLS   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #8)
Evelyn L. NICHOLS / SENATOR / July 23, 1925 / Jan. 1, 1999 /

NICHOLS  (Section 1, Row 8, #3)
Eugene J. / 1894 - 1962 /
His Wife / Therese W. VOSS / 1893 - 1975 /
Grandson / 1947 Daniel J. 1964 /

NISOFF   (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #7)
David Herman / 1923 /
Jacqueline M. / JAMES / 1923 / Born Brisbane Australia /
On the back:
Our Children /
David J. /
Marilyn D. /
Jacqueline M. /
John J. /
Heather /

OHLSEN  (Section 1, Row 9, #10)
1959 John William 1992 /
1918 James Clarence 1995 /
His Wife / 1921 Jane Marie WILSON /
1951 Edward Vincent 1956 /
Mother / 1891 Mary C. CARSON / 1977 /
Shannon Caroline / Nov. 29, 1988 - Aug. 3, 1991 / "I love you much!" / Daughter of / Chris & Deborah / AGNEW OHLSEN /

ORMSBY   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #1)
Burt W. / 1921 - 1998 /
Rose E. / 1929 - 1985 /
Military plaque on the back:
Burt W. ORMSBY / US Army / TSGT US Air Force / World War II / Dec. 21, 1921 - Jan. 25, 1998 /

OSHIER  (Section 1, Row 9, #3)
Fred J. / 1904 - 1969 /
His Wife / Beulah M. / 1920 - 1966 /
David T. / 1946 Son
Daniel F. / 1951 Son

OSNELL    (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #2)

PAPINEAU  (Section 2B, #1)
Fred PAPINEAU / 1875 - 1968 /
His Wife / Angeline ST. GERMAIN / 1873 - 1956 /
Warren H. PAPINEAU / 1903 - 1938 /
Viola L. / 1904 - 1984 /
On the back:
Euron F. PAPINEAU / 1914 - 1992 /
His Wife / Joyce TRUDELL / 1922 -     /

PARENT   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #5)
Harold J. Sr. / Jan. 23, 1948 - Sept. 6, 2000 /
Ora M. / Sept. 8, 1948 /
Military plaque on the back:
Harold J. PARENT / SP 5 US Army / Vietnam / Jan. 23, 1948 - Sep. 6, 2000 /

PARENT  (Section 1, Row 10, #2)
Benjamin O. / 1916 - 1978 /
His Wife / Sadie A. MACEY / 1906 - 1965 /
Sara L. GODDEAU / 1966 -     /

PARENT - DUCATTE   (Section 3, #77)
Underneath PARENT:
Erwin / 1929 -     /
Bernadette / 1933 -    /
Underneath DUCATT:
Velma  / 1934 -    /
Cliff / 1933 - 1995 /

PASSINO   (Section 3, #27)
P.F.C. Ralph H. PASSINO / 22 Reg. Inf. Div. / Killed in Action in France / 1917 - 1944 /
Leon PASSINO / 1889 - 1962 /
His Wife / Almedia DASHNAW / 1884 - 1969 /
Military Footstone:
Ralph H. PASSINO / PFC US Army / World War II / June 24, 1917 - Jul 12, 1944 /

PATTEN   (Section 3, #106)
PATTEN / John J. / 1892 - 1935 /
His Wife / Eliza E. BOLIA / 1887 - 1969 /

PAUL   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #6)
William D. / 1957 - 1988 /

PELISH   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #5)
Joan PELISH / Nov. 2, 1959 - Nov. 12, 2004   (NOTE: There is no stone on this lot yet.)

PELKEY   (Section 2B, #65)
Paul PELKEY / 1867 - 1943 /
His Wife / Sophronia M. COON / 1892 - 1955 /
Raymond F. ST. JOHN / 1902 - 1943 /

PELKEY  (Section 1, Row 4, #6)
Joseph B. / 1990 - 1991 /
Mabel M. BREYETTE / His Wife / 1893 - 1963 /
Gary V. HAYES / 1946 - 1973 /

PELLERIN    (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #26)
Edmond R. / Apr. 4, 1946 /
Catherine BLAKE / Aug. 29, 1949 /
Eric H. Beloved Son / Feb. 17, 1979 / June 3, 2005 / Soar Like An Eagle / We Love You and Miss You /

PELLERIN   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #4)
Eugene R. Sr. / Aug. 4, 1930 / Oct. 25, 1992 /
Madeline M. / Dec. 1, 1932 /
Married April 19, 1952 /

PELLERIN  (Section 1, Row 11, #17)
Preston S. PELLERIN (NOTE: This is a plexiglass sign.)

PELLERIN  (Section 1, Row 2, #5)
Raymond E. / 1898 - 1985 /
His Wife / M. Priscilla HEBERT / 1908 - 1978 /
Henry J. / 1907 - 1978 /
His Wife / M. Lea HEBERT / 1906 - 1993 /
In Loving Memory / Mary PELLERIN / WILSON / Sept. 20, 1940 - Nov. 16, 1999

PERNICE   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #7)
Dominick P. / 1921 -     /
Dorothy / GORDON / 1921 - 2000 /

PERRY  (Section 2B, #21)
Leo C. / 1901 - 1980 /
His Wife / Lillian L. CARTER / 1907 - 1992 /

PLUMADORE   (Section 3, #46)
John B. / 1864 - 1957 /
His Wife / Mildred RIVERS / 1884 - 1944 /
Their Son / William C. / 1916 - 1992 /
His Wife / Evelyn E. LAUNDRY / 1919 - 1985 /

POIRIER  (Section 1, Row 10, #10)
Emile J. / 1883 - 1956 /
His Wife / Georgianna PROULX / 1882 - 1961 /

POIRIER    (Section 2, #6)
Albert P. / 1906 - 1960 /
His Wife / Dorothy SMART / 1909 - 1970 /
Robert M.  / 1929 - 1943 /

POWERS   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #1)
Clyde W. / 1940 - 1977 /
Delima LaPORTE / 1917 -    /
Charles J. / 1912 - 2003 /
Jerry A. / 1948 -    /

PRATT   (Section 2B, #31)
Joseph N. PRATT / 1892 - 1953 /

PRATT   (Section 2B, #32)
Emma M. PRATT  / 1894 - 1954 /

PRATT   (Section 2B, #76)
Kenneth PRATT / New York / Cpl Btry A / 16 Coast Arty / May 7, 1917 / October 26, 1938 /

PRATT   (Section 3, #88)
Harold J. PRATT / 1914 - 1958 /

PRENOVEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #6)
Rene F. / Mar. 1, 1920 / Aug. 3, 1992 /
Betty A. / Aug. 7, 1922 / May 22, 1993 /

PROVO - AYOTTE  (Section 1, Row 7, #5)
Charles J. AYOTTE / 1907 - 1982 /
His Wife / Bertha M. TROMBLEY / 1907 - 1984 /
Daughter / Shirley M. HARRIS / 1933 - 1990 /
George N. PROVO / 1896 - 1979 /
His Wife / Hazel L. TROMBLEY / 1905 - 1979 /

PROVOST   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #5)
Harold L. PROVOST / Dec. 2, 1922 /
Military plaque on the back:
Harold L. PROVOST / PVT US Army / World War II / Dec. 2, 1922 - Jan. 18, 2000 / Purple Heart /

PROVOST  (Section 1, Row 8, #16)
Henry J. / 1904 - 1954 /
His Wife / Lela CORRON / 1913 - 2002 /

PROVOST - BELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #6)
Underneath PROVOST:
Husband / Victor J. / March 19, 1921  / July 17, 2000 /
Wife / Gertrude / April 28, 1921 / October 8, 2004 /
Underneath BELL:
Wife / Valida A. / November 4, 1931 /
Husband / Herman A. / September 18, 1926 /
Military plaque on the back:
Victor J. PROVOST / Sgt US Army Air Forces / World War II / Mar. 19, 1921 - Jan. 17, 2000 /

PRUNIER  (Section 2B, #7)
Henry F. / 1907 - 1996 /
His Wife / Valeda HACKETTE / 1911 -     /
Jules V. / 1910 - 2000 /
His Wife / Rose M. DUBINSKAS / 1909 - 1996 /
On the back:
Henry F. PRUNIER / CPL US Army / Oct. 4, 1907 - May 28, 1996 /

RABIDEAU    (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #2)

RABIDEAU   (Section 1, Row 10, #5)
Clyde M. / 1936 -    / Here lies Clyde / He Tried /
Medor J. / 1902 - 1988 /
His Wife / Lillian L. VARIN / 1907 - 2000 /

RABIDEAU   (Section 1, Row 7, #13)
Clifford J. / 1909 - 1954 /
His Wife / Hazel LAMAR / 1912 -     /
Their Son / Arthur C. / 1930 - 2001 /
His Wife / Nicole VALIQUETTE / 1930 -      /

RABIDEAU   (Section 3, #19)
1884 Fred E. 1946 /
His Wife / 1884 Mary E. HINGSTON 1959 /
Son / 1920 Robert W. 2001 /
His Wife / 1921 Catherine J. CONNELL 1985 /
On the back:
Robert W. RABIDEAU / Sgt US Army Air Forces / World War II / Jan. 12, 1920 - Nov. 4, 2001 /

RABIDEAU   (Section 3, #54)
Lawrence H. / 1926 - 1999 /
Theresa M. / 1927 -     /
On the back:
Lawrence H. RABIDEAU / US Navy / World War II / 1926 - 1999 /

RABIDEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #3)
Clifford F. / RABIDEAU / Feb. 16, 1928 - June 16, 1993 /
Military plaque on the back:
Clifford C. RABIDEAU / US Army / Korea / 1928 - 1993 /

RABIDEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 1 #2)
John J. / Feb. 23, 1913 / Jan. 18, 1974 /
Leona DUBRAY / April 2, 1918 /    

RABIDEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #10)
Marion  / 1916 - 1980 /
Charles / 1914 - 1987 /
Married / June 7, 1938 /

RABIDEAU  (Section 1, Row 2, #11)
Victor J. / 1886 - 1968 /
Lena STRACK / 1885 - 1972 /
Their Son / Victor P. / 1911 - 1997 /
His Wife / Dorothy LAPORTE / 1911 -  1985 /

RABIDEAU  (Section 1, Row 2, #6)
Bernard W. / 1915 - 1997 /
His Wife / Mary ANDREWS / 1923 -     /
Their Son / George R. / 1951 - 1969 /
Mary WENDLANDT / 1897 - 1988 /

RABIDEAU  (Section 1, Row 7, #12)
John Sr. / 1886 - 1974 /
His Wife / Emilia BRAUGH / 1885 - 1956 /
Their Daughter / Elsie M. / 1912 - 1996 /

RABIDEAU  (Section 4-Front, Row 2 #7)
Harold J. / 1930 - 2003 /
Lucille H. ROCK / 1932 -     /
Military plaque mounted on back:
Harold J. RABIDEAU / Sgt US Army / Korea / Aprl. 16, 1930 - Sept. 13, 2003 /

RANDALL   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #2)
Forever In Our Hearts /
Burton J. / July 22, 1928 / June 19, 1999 /
Beverly A. / May 11, 1935 /
Married Mar. 18, 1966 /

RANDALL  (Section 1, Row 4, #7)
Bert J. / 1902 - 1964 /
Ethel S. GADWAY / His Wife / 1908 - 1998 /
Clarence H. / 1936 - 1999 /
His Wife / Suzanne R. LAMAR / 1939 -     /

RASCOE  (Section 1, Row 11, #23)
Elizabeth Marie RASCO / October 3, 1985 / Born to Glen and Mary /

RASCOE  (Section 1, Row 4, #10)
Henry C. / 1888 - 1965 /
His Wife / Eva M. NEWTOWN / 1892 - 1969 /
Son / Albert M. / 1915 - 1988 /
His Wife / Dorothy M. LADUE / 1921 - 1965 /

RASCOE  (Section 1, Row 7, #9)
Herman F. / 1930 -    /
His Wife / Joan SCRIBNER / 1934 - 2000 /
Their Son / Bryan D. / 1958 - 1959 /

RATLIFF   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #5)
Charles G. /  1918 - 1977 /
Marion / HOGLE / 1923 - /
Military plaque on the back:
Charles RATLIFF / Tec 5 US Army / World War II / 1918 - 1977 /

REED   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #13)
Beloved Brother /  Leander P. / Feb. 26, 1930 - Mar. 4, 2001 /

REID   (Section 3, #42)
Richard J. / 1894 - 1976 /
His Wife / Evelyna M. BELL / 1895 - 1948 /

REID   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #3)
Orville / 1925 -    /
Golda P. / 1932 -    /
Mark J. / 1962 - 1980 /
Jesus, Forgive Me, I Mark, Your Humble Servant & Child /
Ask Your Mother's Shelter & Eternal Life in Heaven, /
God Bless Us. /

REIL  (Section 1, Row 11, #18)
In God's Care / Jacob Roswell REIL / October 2, 1995 / son of Teresa and Rick /

REIL  (Section 2, #9)
Herman / May 9, 1856 - Nov. 10, 1914 /
His Wife / Mary J. SIDDONS / Nov. 23, 1871 - May 19, 1959 /
Pearley G. / Jan. 1, 1899 - Oct. 16, 1929
1878 Emma BURNELL 1969 /

RENADETTE   (Section 3, #45)
E. RENADETTE / 1875 - 1945 /
Wife / Emma BROWN / 1878 - 1943 /
Sons /
Peter R. / 1906 - 1981 /
1917 Donald N. 2001 /

RENADETTE   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #3)

RENADETTE   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #4)
Leon A. /  3-7-1925 / 2-20-2004 /
Esther A. / 1-18-1929 / 10-25-2001 /
Military plaque on the back:
Leon A. RENADETTE / PFC US Army / World War II / Mar. 7, 1925 - Jul 20, 2004 / Purple Heart / Brave Soldier /

RENADETTE   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #3)
Victor W. / 1930 - 1996 /
Cecilia / 1932 -     /

RENAUDETTE   (Section 3, #41)
Arthur G. / 1904 - 1979 /
His Wife / Julia L. DEFAYETTE / 1905 - 2000 /
Arthur E. / 1928 -     /
Leona F. RIVERS / 1931 -     /

REOME   (Section 2B, #23)
Bernard E. Sr. / 1926 - 2000 /
His Wife / Margaret LaPORTE / 1926 -    /
Military Footstone:
Bernard Edward REOME / PFC US Army / World War II / Jan. 12, 1926 - Nov. 7, 2000 /

REYELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #2)
Donald J. / Feb. 1, 1928 / Feb. 17, 2000 /
Dorothy G. / Aug. 21, 1927 / July 27, 2000 /

REYELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #9)

REYELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #8)
John S. / 1905 - 1988 /
Rose LAUNDRY / 1909 - 2003 /

REYELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #1)
Albert G. / 1931 - 1979 /
Shirley A. / 1935 -     /
Randy A. / 1962 -     /

REYELL  (Section 1, Row 11, #32)
Robert D. / REYELL / Nov. 2, 1966 /

REYELL  (Section 1, Row 3, #2)
Francis NORRIS / 1920 - 1998 /
His Wife / Elizabeth RIVERS / 1921 -     /

REYELL  (Section 2, #5)
Fred REYELL / 1891 - 1973 /
His Wife / Anna GARROW / 1895 - 1943 /
His Wife / 1898 Virginia LaGORY 1989 /

RICKSON  (Section 1, Row 9, #15)
Frank P. / 1890 - 1964 /
His Wife / Maude DUQUETTE / 1894 - 1964 /

RILEY  (Section 1, Row 9, #5)
Robert P. / 1916 - 1968 / W.W. II /
His Wife / Constance POLAND / 1919 - 1997 /

RIVERS    (Section 2B, #52)
Joseph V. RIVERS / 1921 - 1963 /
His Wife / Sylvia M. MANON / 1925 -     /

RIVERS   (Section 3, #59)
Fred RIVERS / 1881 - 1940 /
His Wife / Hattie ST. GERMAINE / 1886 - 1962 /

RIVERS   (Section 4-Front, Row 4, #4)
Howard F. / 1918 - 1981 /
Connie M. /     - 2001 /
Military plaque on the back:
Howard F. RIVERS Sr. / Sgt US Air Force / W W II Korea Vietnam / Feb. 22, 1918 - May 3, 1981 / 

RIVERS  (Section 1, Row 11, #28)
Heather L. RIVERS / Mar. 6, 1978 /

RIVERS  (Section 1, Row 5, #11)
William V. / 1913 - 1994 /
His Wife / Margaret REYELL / 1922 - 2005 /
Their Daughter / 1950 Sue LAMORA     /
Her Husband / 1946 Dave LAMORA     /

RIVERS  (Section 1, Row 5, #12)
Frederick J. / 1904 - 1961 /
His Wife / Mary G. THORNTON / 1903 - 1979 /

RIVERS  (Section 2, #48)
Victor / 1889 - 1978 /
His Wife / Rose CROSS / 1898 - 1929 /
Joseph / 1840 - 1926 /
His Wife / Mary GOLDEN / 1845 - 1929 /

ROCK    (Section 3, #23)
1842 Samuel 1923 /
His Wife / Florence SEYMOUR / 1842 - 1923

ROCK    (Section 3, #24)
1869 Victor 1937 /
His Wife / Emma R. / 1870 - 1925 /
Son / Howard R. / 1900 - 1994 /
His Wife / Alice B. / 1904 - 1998 /
On the back:
Roy / 1906 - 1967 /
Eugene CHAPUT / 1894 - 1949 /
His Wife / Mildred R. / 1903 -     /

ROCK    (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #8)
Carlton W. / 1921 - 1988 /
Rita C. / LUCIA / 1922 - 1979 /
Married Jan. 24, 1942 /

ROCK    (Section 4-Front, Row 1 #3)
Conley N. / Feb. 21, 1911 / Nov. 8, 1991 /
Inez A. / Jan. 20, 1918 / Oct. 10, 2005 /

ROCK   (Section 2, #56)
1837 Gilbert ROCK 1925 /
His Wife / 1840 Adeline ROCK 1924 /
Their Son / 1868 Levi ROCK 1924 /
His Wife / 1878 Lena BROWN 1958 /

ROCK   (Section 3, #13)
1862 Dell 1952 /
His Wife / Mary ST. JOHN / 1862 - 1942 /
Their Son / 1891 Dellas 1936 /
Daughter / 1894 Anna 1939 /

ROCK   (Section 3, #2)
1856 Charles 1930 /
His Wife / Julia RABIDEAU / 1867 - 1960 /
1944 Robert J. RIVERS 1960 /
1953 David J. RIVERS 1982 /

ROCK   (Section 3, #36)
Clarence / 1894 - 1977 /
His Wife / Elizabeth McGEE / 1896 - 1976 /

ROCK   (Section 3, #53)
Hebert J. / 1923 - 1982 /
Florence M. / 1924 -     /

ROCK   (Section 3, #92)
Clifford Leon ROCK / 1910 - 1957 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #1)

ROCK   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #8)
Dean A. / June 9, 1962 /
Cheryl A. (DEES) / Sept. 22, 1956 / Oct. 26, 2000 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #5)
Frank A. / 1913 - 1974 /
Felinda A. STONE / His Wife / 1917 -    /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #9)
Leonard H. / July 19, 1926 /
Leona M.  May 24, 1932 / April 13, 1995 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #1)
Robert D. / Jan. 30, 1929 /
Janice A. / July 11, 1931 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 2, #5)
Bert E. / 1907 - 1978 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #3)
Mother / Mary B. / 1919 - 1993 /

ROCK   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #12)
Kenneth J. / ROCK / April 1, 1922 / February 8, 1998 /
Military plaque on the back:
Kenneth J. ROCK / Pvt US Army / World War II / Apr. 1, 1922 - Feb. 8, 1998 /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 11, #11)
Clayton H. / 1891 - 1981 /
His Wife / Isabelle ROCK / 1896 - 1978 /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 11, #2)
Malcolm C. / 1905 - 1971 /
His Wife / Stella P. GARRAND / 1908 - 1966 /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 2, #7)
George L. Sr. / 1921 - 19   /
His Wife / Elizabeth M. / 1935 -     /
Their Son / George L. Jr. / 1960 - 1969 /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 3, #7)
Fred Jr. / 1893 - 1969 /
His Wife / Florence M. GORDON / 1894 - 1974 /
Son / Maynard G. / 1912 - 1983 /
His Wife / Mary L. SMART / 1910 - 1989 /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 8, #2)
Roger F. / 1920 - 2001 /
Hester E. / 1917 - 1962 /
Pauline J. / 1925 -
Military plaque:
Roger Fredrick ROCK / PFC US Army / World War II / May 1, 1920 - Apr. 2, 2001 / Purple Heart /

ROCK  (Section 1, Row 9, #8)
Lester M. / 1924 - 1969 /

ROCK  (Section 2, #1)
1866 Henry 19   /
His Wife / Josephine RABIDEAU / 1867 - 1930 /

ROCK  (Section 2, #36)
Perley J. / 1906 - 1978 /
His Wife / Grace DARRAH / 1910 - 1969 /
Their Granddaughter's /
Julia Ann GIBBS / 1959 - 1960 /
Pamela Jean GIBBS / 1963 - 1963 /
On the back:
Son / Stanley R. ROCK / 1933 - 2001 /
Marion V. CAZA / 1943 -     /

ROCK  (Section 2B, #2)
Ernest L. / 1896 - 1938 /
Violet FRENYEA / His Wife / 1900 - 1985 /
Charles GOODMAN / 1909 - 1969 /

ROCK  (Section 2B, #5)
Henry E. / 1869 - 1948 /
Hettie DASHNAW / His Wife / 1870 - 1943 /
Ruth A. / 1892 - 1990 /
Dorothy J. / CONNOLLY / 1907 - 1998 /

ROCK / LAGOY   (Section 3, #33)
Underneath Rock:
Joseph Jr. / 1867 - 1923 /
His Wife / Lucy ST. JOHN / 1865 - 1942 /
Underneath LAGOY:
Xavier F. / 1886 - 1975 /
His Wife / Evelyn ROCK / 1894 - 1956 /

ROCQUE   (Section 4-Front, Row 14, #6)
Jessica / Oct. 30, 1981 / July 6, 2003 /

ROCQUE  (Section 1, Row 2,  #1)
Arthur / 1989 - 1965 /
His Wife / Winifred KELLY / 1898 - 1979 /
Daughter / Betty Ann / 1931 -     /

RODRIGUEZ   (Section 4-Back, Row 6, #2)
Julio RODRIGUEZ / Mar. 15, 1912 / Dec. 2, 1938 /

ROSE  (Section 1, Row 1, #19)
Edward L. Sr. / 1914 - 1973 /
His Wife / Frances R. / 1918 - 1986 /

ROUSHIA   (Section 4-Back, Row 9, #2)
Donald E. / Feb. 2, 1934 /
Alice G. / Aug. 13, 1934 /

ROYAL   (Section 3, #101)
Edward / 1877 - 1958 /
His Wife / Josephine RABIDEAU / 1877 - 1947 /
Edgar / 1913 - 1994 /

RULE    (Section 3, #82)
Arthur N. / 1901 - 1970 /
His Wife / Eugenia A. / 1912 - 1995 /

RULE   (Section 2B, #70)
David RULE / 1858 - 1936 /

RULE   (Section 2B, #75)
Ida RULE / 1875 - 1939 /

RYAN   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #6)
Leo F. / Oct. 22, 1937 / Dec. 12, 1993 /
Gloria GIRARD / May 8, 1841 / June 30, 1996 /

RYAN   (Section 4-Back, Row 5, #4)
James W. / 1945 -     /
Joanne M. BARNARD / 1946 His Wife    /

RYAN   (Section 4-Front, Row 8, #7)
James D. / 1919 - 1984 /
Betsy R . COUTURE / 1924 -     /
Marred Oct. 28, 1944 /

SAMSON   (Section 2B, #46)
Frances M. SAMSON /

SAUCIER   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #3)

SAUCIER   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #3)

SCHUESSLER  (Section 1, Row 11, #14)
1943 Cletus P.    /
His Wife / 1946 Sandra A. BELLOWS     /
Dau. / 1969 / Rebecca 1969 /

SCRIBNER   (Section 1, Row 1, #12)
Durward B. Sr. / 1911 - 1987 /
His Wife / Theresa M. / 1912 - 1972 /

SEARS   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #7)
Charles / 1924 - 2002 /
Theresa / NEWELL / 1926 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
Charles A. SEARS / PVT US Army / World War II / Apr. 18, 1924 - May 14, 2002 /

SEARS   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #4)
Earl "Tom" / 1947 -     /
Mary L. / BARBER / 1948 -    /

SEARS  (Section 1, Row 5, #14)
Henry J. / 1893 - 1954 /
Florence RIVERS / His Wife / 1908 - 1990 /
Frederick L. / 1926 - 1985 /
Helen M. TWA / 1928 -     /

SEARS  (Section 2B, #11)
Fred J. / 1868 - 1944 /
His Wife / Catherine CORRON  / 1868 - 1941 /
Zephyr L. / 1904 - 1929 /
Charles TROMBLEY / 1900 - 1976 /
Alma TROMBLEY / 1907 - 1988 /

SEARS - LAVALLEY  (Section 1, Row 10, #4)
Mose J. SEARS / 1894 - 1975 /
His Wife / Julia M. / 1898 - 1980 /
Thomas J. LAVALLEY / 1890 - 1969 /
His Wife / Anna / 1892 - 1968 /

SENECAL   (Section 3, #35)
Hebert / 1890 - 1955 /
His Wife / Dora JESSEY / 1893 - 1932 /
Kenneth / 1915 - 1943 /
Robert / 1922 - 1939 /

SENECAL   (Section 4-Back, Row 1, #9)
Gary C. / 1946 - 1974 /

SENECAL   (Section 4-Front, Row 7, #4)
Richard S. / SENECAL / May 11, 1949 / Jan. 26, 2001 /
Military plaque on the back:
Richard S. SENECAL / PFC US Marine Corps / Vietnam / May 11, 1949 - Jan. 26, 2001 /
Beloved Father, Son Brother & Husband /
Till We All Meet Again Our Love Travels / With You Never To Be Forgotten /

SENEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #1)
Robert L. / Dec. 12, 1975 / June 20, 2002 /
Married Jan. 29, 2001 /
Jill F. / Jan. 21, 1961 /

SEQUIN   (Section 4-Back, Row 14, #1)

SEYMOUR   (Section 3, #40)
Donald G. / 1920 -     /
His Wife / Theresa LaROCQUE / 1918 -     /

SEYMOUR   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #3)
Robert T. / Oct. 18, 1932 /
Phyllis A. / Feb. 16, 1933 / July 16, 1994 /

SEYMOUR   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #3)

SEYMOUR   (Section 4-Back, Row 7, #7)

SEYMOUR   (Section 4-Back, Single lot between Row 11 & 12)
Rose A. SEYMOUR / Feb. 13, 1893 / Feb. 18, 1990 /

SEYMOUR   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #7)
Leonard L. / Aug. 6, 1928 /
Mary SOREL  / Sept. 30, 1932 /
Married / Dec. 26, 1950 /

SHAPPELL   (Section 3, #26)
Rose MARTIN / 1869 - 1948 /
Frederick A. / Her Son / 1892 - 1954 /
Catherine MITCHELL / His Wife / 1900 - 1985 /

SHERMAN  (Section 1, Row 8, #9)
Francis E. / 1911 - 1993 /
His Wife / Mary E. SEYMOUR / 1914 - 1996 /
Son / R. James / 1941 - 1964 /

SHERMAN  (Section 1, Row 9, #10)
Raymond T. / 1923 - 1969 /
His Wife / Margaret E. LADUE / 1920 - 1991 /

SHIELDS   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #11)
In Loving Memory /
Karen A. / Aug. 19, 1952 - Apr. 11, 2002 /

SIDDONS   (Section 3, #5)
Levi / 1857 - 1927 /
Josephine SEYMOUR / 1860 - 1948 /
Lillian / 1880 - 1974 /

SLADE : HOLLAND  (Section 1, Row 10, #1)
Harold A. / 1911 - 1996 /
His Wife / Dorothy A. SMITH / 1915 - 1986 /
Joseph W. / 1910 - 1965 /
His Wife / Mary E. HOLLAND / 1914 - 2005 /

SMART   (Section 3, #103)
George Leveille Sr. / 1880 - 1954 /
His Wife / Edith ST. GERMAINE / 1886 - 1967 /
Son / George  J. / 1905 - 1982 /
His Wife / Stella C. / 1926 -      /

SMITH   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #1)
Stephen John Jr. / Wed. Jan. 13, 1960 /
Genevieve Emma /

SMITH  (Section 1, Row 9, #14)
Jasper N. / 1904 - 1983 /
His Wife / Marie V. GADWAY / 1902 - 1955 /
Military plaque on the back of the stone:
Jasper N. SMITH / 1st Sgt. US Army / World War II / Feb. 5, 1904 - Sep. 20, 1983 /

SNOW  (Section 2B, #6)
Gary L. / 1941 -     /
His Wife / Mollie A. / 1947 - 1991 /

SORREL  (Section 1, Row 1, #3)
Lloyd J. SORRELL / 1929 -     /
His Wife / Laah SEARS / 1928 -    /

SORRELL   (Section 3, #22)
Hebert F. /
His Wife / Eva TYLER /

SORRELL   (Section 4-Back, Row 10, #6)
Husband / Donald H. Sr. / Feb. 16, 1919 - Apr. 14, 1992 /
Wife / Sarah J. ROUGEAU / Sept. 7, 1922 - Jan. 19, 1993 /

SORRELL   (Section 4-Back, Row 19, #5)
Sterling J. / Feb. 6, 1931 /
C. Louise / Jan. 19, 1937 /
James P. / Nov. 3, 1963 /

SORRELL   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #6)

SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 1, #15)
Amos J. / 1894 - 1972 /
His Wife / Dora M. / 1895 - 1990 /

SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 11, #4)
1899 Ernest G. 1978 /
His Wife / 1907 Annabelle SIDDON 1967 /
Dau. / 1928 Catherine 19  /

SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 3, #5)
Sherman A. / 1942 - 1967 /
His Son / Mark L. / 1964 - 1987 /
Their Son (NOTE: This line is crossed out.)
Leo A. / 1918 -     /
His Wife / Myrtle A. / 1920 -     /

SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 5, #3)
Tyler T. / 1905 - 1961 /
His Wife / Florence E. / 1906 - 1995 /
Son / Herling S. / 1931 -      /

SORRELL  (Section 1, Row 7, #6)
Glenn H. / 1911 - 1960 /
His Wife / Anna Mae LEWIS / 1912 - 1973 /

SORRELL  (Section 2B, #16)
Napoleon / 1872 - 1926 /
His Wife / Lillis A. TROMBLEY / 1879 - 1933 /

ST. CLAIR   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #3)
Howard J. / 1915 - 1998 /
Marion T. / 1916 - 1995 /

ST. DENNIS  (Section 1, Row 9, #1)
James H. Sr. / 1898 - 1970 /
His Wife / Ella M. KING / 1904 - 1970 /

ST. GERMAIN  (Section 2, #31)
Frank L. / 1876 - 1941 /
Mary GEBO / His Wife / 1880 - 1951 /
Homer C. / Son / 1908 - 1931 /
Arthur  C. / Son / 1913 - 2000 /
Frances LAPOINT / Daughter / 1899 - 1969 /
Irene / Wife of Arthur / 1922 -     /
On the back:
Military Footstone:
Arthur C. ST. GERMAINE / S1  US Navy / W W II / Aug. 10, 1913 - Feb. 20, 2000 /

ST. GERMAINE    (Section 3, #99)
George / ST. GERMAINE / July 10, 1901 / April 16, 1961 /

ST. JOHN  (Section 1, Row 7, #14)
Fred W. / 1898 - 1963 /
His Wife / Ruth A. SWEENOR / 1906 - 1991 /
Theodore SWEENOR / 1896 - 1954 /
Daughter / Barbara J. EVERLETH / 1938 - 1977 /

ST. LOUIS   (Section 3, #105)
Edward / 1874 - 1939 /
His Wife / M. Melvina LaBOMBARD / 1891 -     /

STACEY    (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #1)
John I. / 1927 - 1998 /
Valeda L. / 1924 - 1978 /
Military plaque on the back:
John STACEY / SM1 US Navy / World War II / Feb. 12, 1927 - Oct. 15, 1998 /

STACY   (Section 4-Back, Row 12, #6)
Arthur J. / 1917 /
Hazel C. / 1918 - 2000 /

STANTON   (Section 4-Back, Between Row 4 & 5)
Byron R. / 1917 - 1977 / I Am Me I'll Always Be Me /

STANTON  (Section 1, Row 5, #13)
STANTON / Wilbur L. / 1912 -     /
His Wife / Edith RIVERS / 1919 -     /
Vina M. PURZYCKI / 1901 - 1968 /

STEWART   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #4)
Orville S. / 1925 - 1989 /
Mary C. / 1930 - /

STILES   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #3)
J. Edmond / May 9, 1934 / July 13, 2003 /
Dorothy T. / Aug. 4, 1934 / Sept. 4, 1990 /

STONE   (Section 2B, #63)
Nelson A. / 1871 - 1940 /
His Wife / Margaret A. SIDNEY / 1874 - 1962 /
Nelson A. Jr. / 1915 - 1996 /
On the back:
Nelson A. STONE Jr. / PFC US Army / World War II / Jan. 31, 1915 - Apr. 30, 1996 /

SULLIVAN   (Section 1, Row 6, #7)
Edmund J. / 1903 - 1992 /
His Wife / Marie K. KINNEY / 1911 - 1975 /

SULLIVAN   (Section 4-Back, Row 11, #4)
John L./ Apr. 19, 1920 / Apr. 1, 1994 /
Marion S. / June 4, 1926 /
Military plaque on the back:
John Leonard SULLIVAN / MSGT US Air Force / WW II Korea Vietnam / Apr. 20, 1920 - Apr. 1, 1994 /

SWEENOR   (Section 3, #87)
Adolphus SWEENOR / 1904 - 1959 /

SWEENOR   (Section 3, #9)
Joseph / 1865 - 1846
Clara MARTINO / 1873 - 1948 /
Alfred J. / 1915 - 1957 /
Mary FRENYEA / 1917 - 1974 /

SWEENOR   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #1)

TAYLOR   (Section 3, #117)
Rev. Earl L. TAYLOR / 1907 + 1974 / Ordained 1936 / 1961 Pastor of St. Alexander 1972 /

TAYLOR   (Section 4-Front, Row 14, #1)
Josephine A. / TAYLOR / Dec. 25, 1914 / Jan. 21, 2003 /

TERRIER   (Section 3, #64)
Nelson / 1877 - 1969 /
Laura / 1876 - 1962 /
Perley G. / 1907 - 1958 /
Delia / 1902 - 1996 /

TERRIER  (Section 1, Row 3, #9)
Leo N. / 1905 - 1987  /
His Wife / Elizabeth RABIDEAU / 1898 - 1971 /

TERRIER - DRAGOON  (Section 1, Row 3, #8)
Albert L. TERRIER / 1894 - 1971 /
His Wife / Cora M. RABIDEAU / 1891 - 1975 /
Chauncey M. DRAGOON / 1924 -     /
His Wife / Hazel M. TERRIER / 1923 -     /

THERRIEN    (Section 3, #25)
1881 Phillip 19    /
His Wife / Julia RABIDOU / 1884 - 1931 /

THEW   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #1)

THORNHILL   (Section 3, #75)
Ivan M. THORNHILL / Aug. 9, 1916 - May 19, 1955 /

THORNTON   (Section 2B, #74)
Betty / daughter of / Earl & Ruth / THORNTON / 1935 - 1939 /

THORNTON  (Section 1, Row 10, #13)
Gladys LAWLISS / 1904 - 1957 /
Wife of / Emmett T. THORNTON / 1901 - 1967 /
Emmett T. THORNTON Jr. / 1937 - 1987 /

THORNTON  (Section 1, Row 10, #6)
Earl P. / 1908 - 1970 /
His Wife / Ruth BORST / 1911 - 1990 /
Their Daughter / Betty Jane / 1935 - 1939 /
Ada BORST TAYLOR / 1893 - 1972 /
Merton / 1910 - 1980 /

THORNTON  (Section 1, Row 2, #9)
James P.  / 1907 - 1997 /
Esther H. PRUNIER / 1912 - 1996 /

TOURANGEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #1)
Robert G. / Jan. 1, 1933 /
Amanda P. / Feb. 11, 1926 / Oct. 19, 2001 /

TREMBLAY   (Section 3, #68)
1864 Edward 1917 /
His Wife / Addie SORRELL / 1869 - 1927 /

TRIM   (Section 4-Front, Row 10, #8)

TRIM  (Section 1, Row 11, #24)
Tara Amber TRIM / July 24, 1984 / born to / Dale & Trudy /

TRIPP    (Section 4-Back, Row 17, #4)
Randy L. / Aug. 16, 1965 /
Millie HENAGHAN / Sept. 16, 1963 /

TRIPP   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #7)
Robert J. / Nov. 21, 1941 /
Linda L. / Mar. 20, 1946 / July 3, 1995 /

TRIPP  (Section 1, Row 9, #7)
Herbert N. / 1930 -    /
His Wife / Irene A. / 1935 - 1995 /
Tina / 1968 - 1968 /
Tami M. / 1963 - 1990 /

TRIPP - QUILLIAM   (Section 1, Row 8, #36)
Clarence E. QUILLIAM / 1919 - 1963 /
His Wife / Marion E. TRIPP / 1927 -     /
John W. TRIPP / 1904 - 1986 /
His Wife / Ethel M. LAROCK / 1906 - 1995 /

TROMBLE   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #8)

TROMBLEY    (Section 3, #83)
Lawrence H. / 1918 - 1970 /
His Wife / Geraldine I. / 1928 -     /

TROMBLEY    (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #18)

TROMBLEY   (Section 1, Row 8, #12)
1897 Raleigh 1955 /  Pvt. Co 64 - 16 BN 153, Dep. Brig. / World War I /
His Wife / 1906 Aurelia MARTIN 1962 /
1920 Marjorie TROMBLEY TELLIER 1957 /

TROMBLEY   (Section 3, #67)
Lawrence H. / 1866 - 1942 /
His Wife / Minerva E. WELLS / 1871 - 1947 /
Francis E. VANCE / 1905 - 1978 /
His Wife / Eleanor A. VANCE / 1906 - 1975 /

TROMBLEY   (Section 3, #7)
1903 Wilfred A. 1998 /
His Wife / 1906 Rhoda ROCK 1941 /
His Wife / 1921 Virgie TOSH    /
Gary R . / 1946 Son 1982 /
On the back:
Gary R. TROMBLEY / SP 4 US Army / Mar. 10, 1946 - Apr. 17, 1982 /

TROMBLEY   (Section 4-Back, Row 2, #1)
Judith S. / 1935 - 1978 /
On the back:
Alfred A. MESICK / Pvt US Army / World War II / Oct. 12, 1912 - Aug. 18, 1887 /

TROMBLEY  (Section 1, Row 3, #12)
William F. / 1910 - 1977 /
His Wife / Olive AYOTTE / 1910 - 2001 /
Kenneth L. / 1939 - 1958 /

TROMBLEY  (Section 1, Row 3, #13)
William Jr. / 1931 - 1992 /
His Wife / Beverly R. / 1929 - 1995 /
Michael / 1956 - 1960 /
Military Footstone:
William J. TROMBLEY / US Navy / Korea / 1931 - 1992 /

TROMBLEY  (Section 1, Row 9, #12)
Dellas J. / 1888 - 1974 /
His Wife / Agnes M. TROMBLEY / 1891 - 1956 /

TROMBLEY  (Section 2B, #17)
1869 Fred 1942 /
Louisa LAVIGNE / 1871 - 1947 /
1901 Lela 1992 /
1894 Loretta M. 1990 /
1880 Charles BRICKEY 1966 /

TROMBLY   (Section 3, #50)
Esmond L. / 1849 - 1953 /
His Wife / Myrtle BOUYEA / 1905 - 1996 /
Daughter / Bernice M. BARCOMB / 1931 -      /
Husband / Homer W. BARCOMB / 1925 - 1992 /

TROMBLY   (Section 3, #60)
William E. / 1871 - 1940 /
His Wife / Della A. SORRELL / 1879 - 1946 /

TRUDEAU   (Section 4-Back, Row 18, #5)
Married Sept. 7, 1990 /
In God's Care /
Rodney J. Sr. / May 8, 1944 / Nov. 11, 2003 /
Bernadette G. / Mar. 27, 1938 /
Military plaque on the back:
Rodney J. TRUDEAU Sr. / SGT US Army / Vietnam / May 8, 1944 - Nov. 11, 2003 /

TRUDEAU   (Section 4-Front, Row 3, #5)
Dewey / 1910 - 1979 /
Viola / 1910 -     /

TURBIDE   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #6)
Doris DASHNAW / 1935 -     /
Raymond / 1935 -     /
Forever in Our Hearts /

TURNER   (Section 2B, #57)
Gary V. / 1950 - 1986 /

TURNER   (Section 2B, #58)
Life is Here / For the Living / And to Laugh / Is the Way To / Have Lived /
American Legion / Baseball /
Alex Dillon TURNER / Sept. 22, 1977 - Nov. 13, 1994 /

TURNER   (Section 3, #100)
Lee H. / 1931 -     /  Son of Charles and Elizabeth / FARRELL TURNER /

TURNER   (Section 3, #108)
1889 Charles A. 1948 /
His Wife / 1904 Elizabeth M. FARRELL 1989 /
Son / 1942 Harold F. 1950 /
Baby / 1958 Debra Lynn 1960 /

TURNER   (Section 3, #110)
1900 Frank L. 1978 /
His Wife / 1905 Mary E. FRENYEA / 1991 /

TURNER  (Section 1, Row 4, #1)
Gregg A. / 1841 - 1961 /
Joseph Paul / 1907 - 1962 /

TURNER  (Section 1, Row 6, #9)
Henry Donald TURNER / 1922 - 2002 /
Agnes Adelyn FOURNIER / 1923 - 1976 /
Bradley Dean / 1974 - 1976 /
Harold L. / 1952 - 1994 /

TURNER  (Section 2, #4)
1878 Joseph P. 1941 /
His Wife / Catherine A. LAWLISS / 1877 - 1965 /
1911 Frank C. 1977 /

UNDERWOOD   (Section 4-Front, Row 1, #4)
Gordon F. / 1915 - 1974 /
Married Jan. 18, 1943 /
Elsie CARTER / 1913 -   /

UTZLER   (Section 4-Front, Row 6, #4)
William Sr. / 1935 - 1988 /
Joyce / 1936 -     /
Military plaque on the back:
William R. UTZLER Sr. / A1C US Air Force / Korea / Feb. 11, 1935 - Nov. 21, 1988 /

VANN   (Section 4-Front, Row 11, #8)
(NOTE: This lot is sold to VANN.)

VANN   (Section 4-Front, Row 12, #7)
Earl C. / Oct. 27, 1916 / June 13, 2002 /
Rita SORRELL / June 24, 1920 /
Military plaque on the back:
Earl C. VANN / CPL US Army / World War II / Oct. 27, 1916 - Jan. 13, 2002 /

VANN   (Section 4-Front, Row 13, #7)

VAUGHAN  (Section 2, #55)
Pvt. Alfred N. Jr. / Co. G. 143 Inf. 36 Div. / Killed in Action in Italy / World War II / Aug. 11, 1924 - June 22, 1944 /
Alfred N. Sr. / 1898 - 1986 /
His Wife / Leona TRUDO / 1900 - 1985 /

VERILLO    (Section 4-Back, Row 4, #7)
Antonio / 1927 - 1980 /
Helena M. / 1936 -    /
Married July 2, 1955 /

WALLETT   (Section 4-Back, Row 13, #3)
Carol A. / Sept. 29, 1946 / Nov. 3, 1995 /

WALTER   (Section 4-Back, Row 3, #9)
Jonathan Eric WALTER / 1965 - 1977 /

WEIR  (Section 1, Row 7, #3)
Fred L. / 1891 - 1970 /
His Wife / Julia M. STRACK / 1890 - 1977 /

WELLS  (Section 1, Row 11, #20)
Kevin Matthew / WELLS / June 17, 1992 /

WELLS  (Section 1, Row 4, #13)
Alfred T. / 1888 - 1972 /
His Wife / Jennie L. PARIS / 1891 - 1978 /
Ancel L. LAVALLEY / 1916 - 1969 /
His Wife / Edna M. WELLS / 1915 -      /

WILLETT   (Section 2B, #34)
Joseph A. WILLETT / 1873 - 1952 /

WILLIAMS   (Section 4-Back, Row 16, #5)
God's Loving Peace /
Richard L. / Feb. 25, 1933 - June 26, 2003 /
Jean A. LaCOMB / Sept. 2, 1938 -     /
Married Oct. 4, 1958 /
Military plaque on the back:
Richard L. WILLIAMS / EN 3 US NAVY / Korea / Feb. 25, 1933 - Jun. 26, 2003 /

WIMMETT  (Section 2B, #29)
Horace L. / 1910 - 1971 /
His Wife / Marjorie F. / 1912 - 2002 /

WINSER /    (Section 4-Back, Between Row 4 & 5)
Joseph Walter / 1965 - 1977 /

WOOD    (Section 3, #44)
Henry / 1872 - 1937 /
His Wife / Anna JOCQUE / 1872 - 1956 /
Alice WILSON / 1904 -     /

WOOD   (Section 1, Row 10, #11)
Walter H. / 1897 - 1956 /
His Wife / Elizabeth M. TURNER / 1899 - 1970 /

WOOD   (Section 2, #25)
Stanley / 1887 - 1951 /
His Wife / Ella BURINGTON / 1890 - 1969 /

WOOD   (Section 3, #43)
1864 Charles 1926 /
His Wife / Delia FISHER / 1869 - 1923 /
1897 Arthur J. 1948 /
His Wife / Elsie HOLMES / 1907 - 1944 /

WOOD   (Section 3, #70)
A. Leander / 1863 - 1929 /
His Wife / Lavina C. GONYEA / 1877 - 1971 /
Claude A. / 1912 - 1985 /
Ruth S. / 1912 - 2000 /

WOOD   (Section 4-Back, Last row in front of cedars, #6)

WOOD   (Section 4-Back, Row 15, #5)
Michael A. / Aug. 23, 1960 / Dec. 7, 1998 /

WOOD   (Section 4-Back, Row 19, #2)
Gailand / April 4, 1949 / October 3, 2004 /
Linda GONYEA / June 15, 1948 /
Military plaque on the back:
GAILAND W. WOOD / LCPL US Marine Corps / Vietnam / Apr. 4, 1949 - Oct. 3, 2004 /

WOOD   (Section 4-Back, Row 19, #4)

WOOD   (Section 4-Front, Row 9, #9)
Kenneth G./ 1934 -     /
Margaret T. / 1935 -     /
Kenneth G. Jr. / 1961 -    /

WOOD  (Section 1, Row 2, #8)
WOOD / Albert A. / 1910 - 1983 /
His Wife / Tessie DUCATTE / 1909 - 1992 /
Their Son / James W. / 1940 - 1972 /

WOOD  (Section 1, Row 4, #4)
Alfred / 1889 - 1962 /
His Wife / Valeda C. SEYMOUR / 1913 -     /

WOOD  (Section 2, #58)
1888 Edward E. 1958 /
His Wife / 1898 Mary Anna DUKETTE 1975 /
Infant / 1930 Garland 1930 /
Father / 1869 Zeb DUKETTE 1951 /
Mother / 1872 Matilda GRATTON 1969 /

WRISLEY    (Section 4-Front, Row 5, #5)
Harold J. / 1938 - 1987 /
Myrna M. / 1938 -     /

WRISLEY  (Section 1, Row 11, #27)
Michael James / WRISLEY / Son of  / Loren and Terry / WRISLEY / January 3, 1980 /

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