Observations from minute books loaned by Esther McDonald compiled by Edna C. Finn 21 Aug. 1987

The Harrietstown Cemetery property was kept in good condition primarily thru the efforts of the Harrietstown Improvement Society. The membership, consisting of ladies, paid 10¢ dues at each meeting and had a Flower Fund as well. The latter was used to send flowers and fruit to a sick or bereaved member. They were further supported by donations from visitors to the meeting, and others.
In 1930 they sought financial support from the Town of Harrietstown Town Board, which support was extended to them.
Many hours of work contributed to the upkeep of the cemetery by the husbands of the ladies, as well as the ladies themselves. Stones were repaired and markers were also purchased by the group for un-marked graves.
Efforts were also made to determine those interred in un-marked graves, and some success was made.
As time went on, and it seemingly became more difficult to keep up the cemetery, the town was asked to take it over. This was agreed upon, and has continued to this writing. At the present time, the cemetery is being enlarged.
The memorial gate at the entrance to the cemetery on the right was erected by Mrs. FitzGerald, as noted in the July 30, 1929 minutes. It was she who had urged that a survey be made of the land in April 1925, and was completed in 1927. It was Mr. James FitzGerald (1854 - 1924) and his wife, Sarah L. Merrill (1863 - 1960) who had given land for the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. John McKillip also gave additional land.
This dedicated group of people deserve a great deal of credit for making the cemetery, as we know it today, the beautiful resting spot that it is today. Many of the area pioneer families are buried there.
It should be noted that Mr. George Carley was the caretaker of this cemetery for many years.

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