ALBERT Section 8 Row 1
Ronald J. 1940 - no date
Kathy MOODY 1949 - no date
Elizabeth M. SHORE 1976 - 1992
BAILEY Section 8 Row 1
Peter L. PVT US Army Vietnam Jan 18, 1946 - Jul 12, 1992
Lionel Joseph PFC US Army World War II Dec 28, 1919 - Feb 16, 1996 Purple Heart
Claire M. Wife Sep. 30, 1915 - June 27, 1999
Married June 12, 1945
BAKER Section 8 Row 2
Robert G. 1933 - 1994
Gail LUDWIG 1935 - no date
Mark A. 1962 - no date
BARRETT Section 8 Row 4
Dennis W. PFC US Army Korea Aug. 4, 1935 - Oct. 9, 1995
BEDORE Section 8 Row 2
Romeo J. "Tom" TEC5 US Army World War II Sep 14, 1914 - Jan 19, 1996
Lucille 1918 - 2003
BENWARE Section 8 Row 4
Richard R. SSGT US Marine Corps Vietnam Nov. 18, 1940 - July 12, 1998
Margaret M. BECKER Mar. 10, 1947 - no date
BROOKS Section 8 Row 4
Charles S. PFC US Army Vietnam Nov.26, 1944 - May 12, 1993
BUJOLD Section 8 Row 6
Ronald E. Sr. Oct. 16, 1943 - Oct. 20, 2001
Cheryl L. Aug. 7, 1948 - no date
Married Feb. 12, 1966
BUTEAU Section 8 Row 3
James J. CPL US Army World War II 1920 - 1996
Emily ROCHELLE 1933 - no date
CARROW Section 8 Row 5
Charles Nelson S1 US Navy World War II Oct, 13, 1925 - July 17, 2000
Eileen LaPLANTE Sept. 27, 1927 - no date
Married Apr. 25, 1949
CASSELL Section 8 Row 3
William D. Jr. 1934 - 1993
Isabelle G. 1937 - no date
Married July 3, 1955
CHAISSON - McLEAR Section 8 Row 6
Norman S. "BABE" CHAISSON US ARMY Dec. 16, 1937 - Feb.14, 2002
CORNEAU Section 8 Row 1
Dana A. SP4 US Army Vietnam Oct. 20, 1949 - Jan. 26, 2003
Michelle 1979 - 1993
Marianne ROOT 1955 - 1993
COTE Section 8 Row 5
Alvin G. Nov. 14, 1930 - no date
Marjorie J. Sept.17, 1936 - Nov. 14, 2000
Married Apr. 4, 1959
CURRIER Section 8 Row 6
Frank "Butch" 1953 - 2003
Keith Arnold CURRY TEC 5 US Army World War II Oct. 16, 1921 - Jan. 18, 2001 Purple Heart
Donna Lee Mother 1951 - no date
Christy Lee Daughter 1975 - no date
Adam John Son US Air Force May 11, 1974 - Dec. 20, 1997
DECHEINE Section 8 Row 3
Steven W. 1933 - no date
Elizabeth M. PAPIN 1934 - 1994
DELAIR Section 8 Row 6
Allen Aug 5, 1936 - no date
Delia Mar. 26, 1936 - Apr. 17, 2002
Married July 27, 1958
DELEHANTY Section 8 Row 5
John E. "Jack" SSGT US Army World War II Oct. 21, 1917 - July 9, 2001
Charlcie A. Mar 11, 1923 - no date
DENIS Section 8 Row 6
Howard J. 1930 - no date
Ann H. RICE 1933 - no date
DUKETT Section 8 Row 3
Earl J. S1 US Navy World War II Oct 29, 1926 - Aug. 20, 1995
Shirley DESMARAIS 1931 - no date
Married July 10, 1954
DUMOULIN Section 8 Row 6
Lawrence Nelson CPL US Army Korea Sep.18, 1927 - July 4, 1997
DUMOULIN Section 8 Row 5
Joelle 1985 - 2002
DUNHAM Section 8 Row 2
Bernard 1922 - 2003
DUPREE Section 8 Row 5
Edmond J. US Army World War II Nov.l 14, 1920 - Oct. 1, 2001
Pauline Jan., 26, 1926 - no date
DWIGHT Section 8 Row 5
Richard SGT US Army World War II Aug. 20, 1920 - June 8, 2001 Silver Star Purple Heart
Rachael BRUNELL 1927 - no date
FARRELL Section 8 Row 5
Peter G. Jan 11, 1926 - Feb. 28, 2000
Doris J. Oct. 28, 1924 - Sept. 26, 1999
FELIO Section 8 Row 5
Hubert C. Sept. 29, 1936 - Dec. 6, 1998
FOOTE Section 8 Row 3
Roy 1922 - no date
Rena 1924 - no date
FOX Section 8 Row 1
Bernard F. ETM3 US Navy World War II 1919 - 1991
FRECHETTE Section 8 Row 1
Marcel J. PFC US Army World War II July 6, 1923 - Apr. 4, 1996
Eugenie D. 1927 - no date
FULLER Section 8 Row 2
John M. "Jack" Nov. 11, 1932 - no date
Dorothy LaPOINTE Mar, 5, 1932 - no date
Married May 22, 1955
GAGNIER Section 8 Row 3
Eugene No dates
Catherine No dates
GILLIS Section 8 Row 4
Louis 1918 - no date
Ona 1922 - no date
GODIN Section 8 Row 4
Hubert C. PFC US Army World War II Mar. 24, 1924 - Sep 15, 2000 Purple Heart
Marie K. Oct 6, 1923 - no date
Married Nov. 16, 1946
GODIN Section 8 Row 6
Ronald L. PFC US Army Aug. 23, 1942 - Dec. 25, 2000
Shirley A. Aug. 31, 1943 - no date
Married Aug. 27, 1966
GONYEA Section 8 Row 1
Stephen D. PFC US Marine Corps Jul 26, 1953 - Sep. 3, 2002
Louis W. PFC US Army World War II 1920 - 1992
Rita J. 1929 - 1995
GONYEA Section 8 Row 3
Richard S. CPL US Army Vietnam Aug. 24, 1947 - Nov. 22, 1997 Purple Heart
Geraldine BARTON 1933 - no date
Richard A. PVT US Army World War II 1923 - 1990
Jeanne McLEAR 1927 - no date
GRAY Section 8 Row 1
Walter A. 1916 - 1993
Rita DUFFY 1915 - 1996
HALBIG Section 8 Row 3
Herbert F. 1919 - no date
Marie A. 1915 - 2002
HAWKSLEY - GARRETT Section 8 Row 5
Willard HAWKSLEY Sr. 1897 - 1984
Mabel G. HAWKSLEY 1902 - 1995
Edward J. GARRETT 1928 - 2000
Beverly M GARRETT 1931 - 2001
Edward III 1954 - no date
JARVIS Section 8 Row 5
Hon. Marshall Jan 9, 1937 - no date
Betty Jean Wife 1939 - 1999
Married July 16, 1960
JAY Section 8 Row 1
Vincent A. 1930 - no date
Betty J. 1926 - no date
KALLASY Section 8 Row 1
George PFC US Marine Corps World War II Sep 2, 1927 - Mar 11, 2001
Lillian 1928 - no date
Married Apr. 26, 1959
KENTILE Section 8 Row 4
William E. 1956 - no date
Kelly July 24, 1995 - Feb. 28, 1996
LaBARGE Section 8 Row 2
Francis J. "Papa" 1910 - 2003
Ruth E. "Meme? 1923 - 1993
LaBARGE Section 8 Row 3
Donald P. Mar 10, 1932 - no date
Nancy EVEREST July 16, 1933 - no date
LaDOUCHER Section 8 Row 4
Paul J. no dates
Iolanda URBANI no dates
LaMARE Section 8 Row 3
Lee I. 1934 - no date
Theresa 1935 - no date
LAMELL Section 8 Row 3
Charles Henry PFC US Army Korea Dec. 18, 1928 - Dec. 26, 1995
LaQUAY Section 8 Row 1
Charles Nelson PVT US Army World War II Dec. 21, 1912 - May 20, 2001
Helen E. 1921 - 1993
LaROCQUE Section 8 Row 1
Paul H. 1912 - 2002
Pauline E. 1915 - 1992
LaVALLEY Section 8 Row 5
Donald B. S1 Us Navy World War II May 18, 1928 - Dec. 20, 1998
Lorraine PRAY Apr. 8, 1931 - no date
LaVIGNE Section 8 Row 2
Rene Albert S1 US Navy World War II May 14, 1918 - Dec. 22, 1993
LeBLANC Section 8 Row 2
Edward 1919 - no date
Helen 1924 - no date
LEONARD Section 8 Row 2
Francis J. Nov 30, 1915 - no date
Edith E. Jan 2, 1921 - Apr. 19, 2001
LONERGAN Section 8 Row 4
John F. SGT US Army World War II Aug. 26, 1918 - Oct 22, 1996
Danna JESSIE Wife Feb. 24, 1953 - no date
Stephen J. Sept. 13, 1952 - Aug 6, 1998
William D. May 16, 1954 - no date
MADORE Section 8 Row 3
Donna J. 1948 - 1994
Jeffrey E. no dates
Robert C. no dates
MAGRINO - DALPIAZ Section 8 Row 1
Marco F. DALPIAZ PVT US Air Force World War II 1924 - 1991
Dorothy MAGRINO DALPIAZ Feb. 18, 1926 - Nov. 23, 2000
Nancy L. Brown Apr. 18, 1951 - Oct 5, 2002
MAGRINO Section 8 Row 1
Robert P. PFC US Marine Corps. World War II 1929 - 1991
Pauline GERVAIS Wife 1925 - no date
MAHER Section 8 Row 3
Donald C. PVT US Army Dec 19. 1936 - July 9, 1995
Judith A. Wife 1942 - no date
MAROUN Section 8 Row 5
John A. PFC US Army World War II 1917 - 1985 Son of Amer & Nagebe
Beatrice WOOD Wife June 27, 1919 - Dec. 1, 1997 Dau.of Frank & Ida Wood
Jack MAROUN Son of John & Beatrice 1950 - no date
MARTIN Section 8 Row 3
Robert H. 1950 - no date
Yi Yong Cha 1949 - 1994
MONKS Section 8 Row 1
Mary Madeline S1 US Navy World War II 1924 - 1995
Richard Edward 1919 - no date
Married Nov. 5, 1944
James Patrick 1955 - 1991
NAGY Section 8 Row 5
I. Lucille SCHEIFESSTEIN May 10, 1913 - Aug. 3, 1999
PARKS Section 8 Row 5
Paula J. BAILEY Mar 25, 1954 - no date
Douglas C. Mar. 28, 1950 - no date
Married July 7, 1973
Roy E. PVT US Army World War II Mar 5, 1917 - Feb. 4, 1999
Margaret BUMP Dec. 17, 1927 - no date
Married Aug. 20, 1947
Dennis Allen Son - 1954 ?
Our Children: Scott Douglas - Bridget Nicole
PEETS Section 8 Row 6
Richard A. Apr. 30, 1943 - no date
Carrolle L. Apr. 15, 1946 - no date
Married Sept. 7, 1968
PICKERING Section 8 Row 1
Ross J. 1954 - 1991
Mary W. 1956 - no date
PILON Section 8 Row 2
Theresa Cecile May 30, 1930 - Apr. 5, 1993
POWERS Section 8 Row 2
Donald Joseph MM3 US Navy World War II July 26, 1925 - Jan. 30, 1996
June AMELL Wife 1936 - no date
PROULX Section 8 Row 4
Raymond C. July 14, 1918 - no date
Rosalie D. CHARETTE Apr. 29, 1920 - no date
PROULX Section 8 Row 4
Cordell L. SGT US Air Force Feb 7, 1951 - Jan 9, 1998
QUESNEL Section 8 Row 4
Lawrence J. June 11, 1930 - July 14, 2002
Theresa L. Dec. 13, 1926 - no date
REANDEAU Section 8 Row 3
Howard H. "Wigs" CPL US Army World War II Oct 6, 1924 - Dec. 29, 2001
Augusta A. "Gussie" Sept. 24, 1923 - no date
REANDEAU Section 8 Row 2
Armand H. 1927 - 1993
Helen R. 1930 - no date
REANDEAU Section 8 Row 3
Donald D. S1 Navy World War II Nov. 26, 1928 - Apr., 30, 1995
June CARDINAL Aug. 11, 1931 - no date
REID Section 8 Row 2
Hector C. 1923 - 1993
Queenie M. 1929 - no date
RICHARDSON Section 8 Row 2
Edward Todd PRC US Navy Korea Vietnam Apr.5, 1929 - Oct. 10, 1996
Gladys B. Wife 1932 - no date
Carol A. Daughter 1959 - no date
Also buried in this lot, with no marker: Harley William RICHARDSON 1932 - 1996
RICKAMER Section 8 Row 1
Edward J. 1910 - 1991
Frances E. 1917 - no date
ROBERTS Section 8 Row 5
Ovilla J. 1921 - 2000
Dorothy GALE 1927 - no date
ROOT Section 8 Row 2
Ernest James PFC US Army Korea May 26, 1928 - May 23, 1995
Maureen HULL 1929 - no date
ROOT Section 8 Row 4
William K. CPL US Marine Corp.. Korea Feb. 14, 1934 - July 3, 1997
RUST Section 8 Row 5
Tessa Rae Feb. 26, 1998 - Dec. 8, 2000
SABIN Section 8 Row 1
Theodore P. CPL US Army Korea 1932 - 1993
Caroline A. 1934 - no date
SAKR Section 8 Row 2
Sabat MAROUN Elizabeth 1929 - 1993
SCHULLER Section 8 Row 2
George J. Jr. F2 US Navy World War II Dec 31, 1918 - June 7, 1993
SNYDER Section 8 Row 6
David 1954 - 2003
SOVEY Section 8 Row 6
Norman D. 1935 - no date
Karlene M. 1936 - 2002
STAFFORD Section 8 Row 2
Myrtle May 1923 - 2000
ST. LOUIS Section 8 Row 4
Roger Apr. 26, 1940 - Oct 18, 1999
Barbara Apr. 11, 1945 - no date
SWAYNE Section 8 Row 1
Adele McARTHUR SWAYNE no dates
William H. no dates
TREMBLAY Section 8 Row 2
Leon J. 1914 - 1996
Margaret M. 1910 - 1996
TRUDEAU Section 8 Row 4
Craig D. Feb 29, 1960 - Oct. 26, 2001
Sylvia Mar. 16, 1968 - no date
VAILLANCOURT Section 8 Row 3
Robert L. Aug. 27, 1933 - no date
Suzanne Dec. 13, 1933 - no date
Valerie A. Apr. 4, 1961 - May 25, 1998
VAILLANCOURT Section 8 Row 4
Roland Sept. 6, 1921 - July 5, 1998
Yvonne MORIN
Married 6-22-1946
VARDEN Section 8 Row 3
Clifford J. Feb 5, 1945 - no date
Patricia A. Mar. 17, 1946 - Feb. 7, 2003
VARDEN Section 8 Row 4
Kenneth C. MSGT US Army World War II Jan. 25, 1924 - June 4, 1995
Elizabeth Ann CHURCO Wife Nov 22, 1929 - no date
WILLIAMS Section 8 Row 2
Harry 1916 - 2003
WILSON Section 8 Row 4
Matthew Steven May 21, 1984 - Dec 1, 1997 Son of Steven & Jane Wilson
Steven Denis WILSON no dates
Jane Catherine MAROUN WILSON no dates
YOUNG Section 8 Row 4
Brad E. Oct. 1, 1975 - Sept. 18, 1995
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